RT report showing DPAC/Black Triangle Marchers with banner in London on Saturday 20th October ……

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And two hours of running corporate tax-avoidance protests ….. 

Published on Oct 20, 2012 by RussiaToday

Hundreds of protesters broke away from a huge anti-austerity demonstration in London on Saturday, and attempted to storm various multi-national companies on Oxford Street, in the West End central shopping district.

The breakaway protest finished at Trafalgar Square around 1600GMT, after two hours of running skirmishes with the police.

Saturday’s march was against the latest austerity cuts proposed by the UK government.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Central London in support of the protest, organised by the TUC (Trades Union Congress)

FULL REPORT (with photo coverage of DPAC/Black Triangle traffic blockade of Marble Arch & Park Lane): http://rt.com/news/austerity-cuts-protests-march-869/


7 Responses

  1. Peaceful Protests Need to Increase Politicians are Arrogant and Out of Touch

    Complacency is the Problem Not the Solution

    With the Forthcoming Halloween and Christmas Circuses People Need to Focus
    More upon Social Justice and Help For the Poor and Vulnerable Not be
    Mesmerized by these Circuses without Bread

    UK People are too Complacent and Laid Back

  2. Saw this reply from the labour party when they were asked about the number of disabled people dying:

    Good morning

    Thank you for your email regarding reform of Disability Living Allowance; I apologise for the delay in coming back to you. The Labour Party cannot take specific action on a case by case basis and if you require help or advice about your current situation I recommend you contact your MP. Whichever Party they represent, they also represent their constituents, no matter your affiliation.

    It may still be useful for the Labour Party’s position to be outlined. The Government is reforming Disability Living Allowance to create a new Personal Independence Payment. This is an idea we support in principle and we have said we will work with the Government on this reform to ensure it is done properly, in a fair and equitable way. But reform cannot simply be a top-down cut-driven exercise that risks denying support for those in search of a more independent life. We have to make sure that reform doesn’t make a bad situation worse.

    Many people receiving DLA use the money to fund the mobility – and care – they need to stay in work. If this vital support is knocked away, then many disabled people may simply be forced to quit work and that would be unfair.

    Labour has worked hard to try to improve the current plans. Following intense lobbying, including from Labour, the Government has reversed their completely unfair decision to remove mobility component of DLA from care home residents; a move that would have led to some disabled people becoming prisoners in their own home. The Government had also intended to change the waiting time before someone can apply for DLA from 3 to 6 months. We argued that this change would hit hardest those with sudden onset conditions that are most likely to need extra financial support sooner rather than later to help meet the extra costs associated with their disability. The Government has now reversed its position on this.

    We have also argued that the Government should not remove the automatic entitlement to the higher rate of DLA that people with severe disabilities receive. The Government wants to make every working-age recipient of DLA undergo a new assessment to assess their eligibility for the new Personal Independence Payment, regardless of the severity of their condition. We have argued for the Government to retain automatic entitlement for people who have severe impairments, including the severely mentally impaired, double amputees and people who are deaf and blind.

    I hope that this makes our position clear.

    Kind Regards

    Frontbench Communications Team
    On behalf of the Labour Party
    1 Brewer’s Green | London | SW1H 0RG

    I don’t think they give a toss about disabled people – were not asked about DLA but were asked about disabled people dying – funny that.

    • jed goodright
      Saw this reply from the labour party when they were asked about the number of disabled people dying:
      Good morning
      Thank you for your email regarding reform of Disability Living Allowance; I apologise for the delay in coming back to you. The Labour Party cannot take specific action on a case by case basis and if you require help or advice about your current situation I recommend you contact your MP. Whichever Party they represent, they also represent their constituents, no matter your affiliation.
      It may still be useful for the Labour Party’s position to be outlined. The Government is reforming Disability Living Allowance to create a new Personal Independence Payment. This is an idea we support in principle and we have said we will work with the Government on this reform to ensure it is done properly, in a fair and equitable way. But reform cannot simply be a top-down cut-driven exercise that risks denying support for those in search of a more independent life. We have to make sure that reform doesn’t make a bad situation worse.
      Many people receiving DLA use the money to fund the mobility – and care – they need to stay in work. If this vital support is knocked away, then many disabled people may simply be forced to quit work and that would be unfair.
      Labour has worked hard to try to improve the current plans. Following intense lobbying, including from Labour, the Government has reversed their completely unfair decision to remove mobility component of DLA from care home residents; a move that would have led to some disabled people becoming prisoners in their own home. The Government had also intended to change the waiting time before someone can apply for DLA from 3 to 6 months. We argued that this change would hit hardest those with sudden onset conditions that are most likely to need extra financial support sooner rather than later to help meet the extra costs associated with their disability. The Government has now reversed its position on this.
      We have also argued that the Government should not remove the automatic entitlement to the higher rate of DLA that people with severe disabilities receive. The Government wants to make every working-age recipient of DLA undergo a new assessment to assess their eligibility for the new Personal Independence Payment, regardless of the severity of their condition. We have argued for the Government to retain automatic entitlement for people who have severe impairments, including the severely mentally impaired, double amputees and people who are deaf and blind.
      I hope that this makes our position clear.
      Kind Regards
      Frontbench Communications Team
      On behalf of the Labour Party
      1 Brewer’s Green | London | SW1H 0RG
      I don’t think they give a toss about disabled people – were not asked about DLA but were asked about disabled people dying – funny that.

      Ive been turned down for the 2nd time for getting DLA , ive been getting it for 2 years since i became paralised from a rare spinal cord injury called Transverse mylitas , i am lucky that i am able to walk again and be mobile , but this is variable and some days im unable to walk at all due to chronic pain and other symptoms that co inside , im dehabilitated daily and cant walk far due to the pain it causes to walk , its any thing i do to try and live some normality , im mostly isolated as i have no money to afford a car , so spend most days cooped inside , as i hurt to much to put my body through walking or standing at bus stops , there are no benches ! i cant do this , i cant do shopping on foot , how am i sopposed to carry it home ? . whilst i was recieving DLA i could mannage these things as i had a car ! what life am i left with now ? none its so hard to live like this , my freedom has gone , just having a car aloud me to visit friends do daily tasks , i cant do these now ! . and i cant go to my mp hes my Dr aswell and when questioned by DLA he didnt help me he must of said im ok and not entitled , The thing is he is my dr dosent get how my codition affects me as i dont see him as often as id like as hes an mp aswell so is only in surgery one day a week and hes always fully booked so i have to see who ever is available , so none really no as my condition is rare they have probably never had anyone with my condition before and they probably never will. I need help , ive got a spinal cord injury its not a condition that gets better its the same as when i recieved DLA before so why can i not get it now ? nothings changed , only the government has changed and when we lost to conservatives we lost our right to have a life .

  3. I see both the Telegraph (front page headline) and the Mail have dug out the old news that Duncan Smith is clamping down on welfare again. What exactly is their point here? The news about housing benefit changes was announced weeks ago. Does IDS fear he is being ignored by the Jimmy Savile effect? he really is a scurilous bastard.

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