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‘Blanks’? Try artificial insemination! 

See also:

Labour plans to give local councils a say in welfare spending: ‘Radical’ scheme will look at giving regional bodies a say how billions of pounds are spent to try to cut benefits bill

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9 Responses

  1. I’d trust those too the same as my puppy in a room alone not to eat the sausage on the coffee table!

    It’s time for a truthful people’s party consisting of those that really want change for the better of *all,* – and not commerce and lining their own bank accounts or those that control their puppet strings!

    Balance is what the country is dying for!

  2. Cruddas – thinker – oxymoron

    if a right-wing labour party is being promoted as the answer – what is the question again …. ?????

  3. Why don’t the con-dems, labour and UKIP unite as one party and call themselves the national socialist workers party and be done with it!

  4. theres isn’t a labour party at the moment has blairites still there and having milionaires running us yep how did it go if you had a mill you got around 44thou extra yep they didn’t squeal much about this one me.s thinks jeff3

  5. Any political organisation can call themselves any bullshit name, implying all sorts, and closeting the opposite. But when they can change the laws and blatantly ignore the very ones they make, – then it is a dictatorship, unless they are forced to answer for those crimes.

    Hypocrisy seems to be the new fashion, ie = New Labour/New Not so Nasty Tory Party, <(insert incredulous laugh) UKIP/BNP, We'll say anything and betray anyone for a piece of the pie, Lib Dems, the Greens until they see your greens, etc., and it goes on. ………………

    So, party names mean nothing, and actions count! Maybe it is human nature that needs to be on trial?

    • The country needs to be re-nationalized,get rid of all quangos,and tear up all PFI contracts,then there may be enough money in the pot,for the society we could be.

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