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- DWP wants to reform benefits to cut costs, not help disabled people into work, court hears December 26, 2024
- Deaths, lies and cover-ups: the case for a public inquiry into the ‘unthinkable cost’ of DWP’s systemic violence December 26, 2024
- New research exposes ‘shocking and eye-opening’ levels of bullying of universal credit claimants December 26, 2024
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- MarkCarlisle on Fit For Work – Three Part Series on BBC Radio 4 by Jolyon Jenkins
- on Watchdog receives hundreds of complaints over Telegraph’s ‘toxic’ benefits article
- on DWP criticised in parliament for ‘hiding’ information on starvation death
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- DWP wants to reform benefits to cut costs, not help disabled people into work, court hears
- Deaths, lies and cover-ups: the case for a public inquiry into the ‘unthinkable cost’ of DWP’s systemic violence
- New research exposes ‘shocking and eye-opening’ levels of bullying of universal credit claimants
- New government figures show key policy at heart of disability employment strategy ‘will not work’
- Disabled people’s organisations tell government: Big disability charities are ‘actively harmful’ to our movement
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- MarkCarlisle on Fit For Work – Three Part Series on BBC Radio 4 by Jolyon Jenkins
- on Watchdog receives hundreds of complaints over Telegraph’s ‘toxic’ benefits article
- on DWP criticised in parliament for ‘hiding’ information on starvation death
- on Coffey’s DWP watered down key parts of plan to prevent suicides
- MarkCarlisle on YOU can prevent the DWP interfering in the patient/doctor’s relationship
- MarkCarlisle on YOU can prevent the DWP interfering in the patient/doctor’s relationship
- MarkCarlisle on Scrapped! Ministers ‘secretly ditch government’s disability strategy’
- MarkCarlisle on YOU can prevent the DWP interfering in the patient/doctor’s relationship
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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People
Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions
Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.
Click HERE to Sign
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- 'Down With All That' In-depth background reading on the shambles of the (rapidly disappearing) welfare state
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- AtoS Healthcare User Group (Closed Group – Request to Join) “How do you feel about the Government’s move in scrapping Income Support and Disability Living Allowance and the organisation calling itself AtoS ‘HEALTHCARE’ ?”
- Atos Miracles Find out where your nearest Atos Miracle Cure Center is on this fantastic web site.
- Atos Miracles A place for the sick and disabled to share stories of how ATOS have cured them. Many sites on this subject have been threatened with legal action by the company and this is a place of satire – which we are hoping is not yet outlawed in the UK.
- ATOS VICTIMS GROUP “Telling it How it IS” – Staunch alllies and fighters against the UK’s genocidal so-called welfare ‘reform’ programme
- Benefits Claimants Fight Back
- Boycott Workfare Workfare – compulsory work for benefits – is being rolled-out across the country. We call on public sector bodies, voluntary organisations and businesses being offered these placements as well as union branches to join others in signing a pledge to boycot
- Crippen Cartoons The website of David Luton-Crippen, renown disabled cartoonist and a member of The Black Triangle
- Crippen Cartoons Blog David Luton-Crippen’s blog
- Diary of a Benefits Scrounger Sue Marshes excellent blog that shares information on Welfare cuts, illness, disability and general, current, political thought.
- Disability Arts Online A ‘must read’! Not to be missed.
- Disability History Month Scotland The official website of Disability History Month Scotland – 22nd November to 22nd December 2011
- Disability History Month Scotland Held annually in the Autumn to celebrate our history of struggle and to build for a better future
- Disabled People Against Cuts DPAC is about disabled people and their allies. DPAC is UK based but we know that disabled people in other countries are suffering from austerity cuts and a lack of fundamental rights. We welcome all to join us in fighting for justice and human rights for
- Double Karma Ania Waterman’s blog on everything to do with disabled people’s activism
- Down With All That Bigleyma’s excellent blog that chronicles the farce that the WCA assessments are and the major players involved in it’s execution.
- DWP Examinations Forum A friendly online community for those undergoing an Atos Medical Assessment or appeal full of loads of information and valuable advice.
- Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty Practical advice and solidarity for all those facing benefit difficulties and hardship. Excellent campaigning organisation
- Good Advice Matters Guides that haven been produced in an effort to simplify the various processes involved when trying to claim benefits.
- Inspired By Atos Origin A Facebook Group for people to post their artwork that is inspired by Atos Origin.
- Ouch Too A disability support forum founded from the ashes of the BBC’s Ouch Board after they closed it.
- Paralympics 2012 Boycott Website Dedicated to exposing AtoS’s hypocrisy as disability deniers and sponsors of the Paralympic Games! Paralympians: SPEAK OUT AND PROTEST!!!
- Rolling with the Punches Blog “33 year old with lupus since 17 and a variety of other weird awkward symptoms!” Campaigner who co-authored the Spartacus Report
- soiniciulacht – 'Taking the fight to this Morally Disabled Government' Cuts right to the heart of all that’s wrong with the neoliberal tyranny we endure today …
- Solidarity Federation Advice on what to do if you ‘fail’ your DWP/ATOS Work Capability Assessment
- The Broken of Britain Non-partisan UK-based Disability campaign. Advocacy for people with invisible illness and/or physical & mental health conditions. Also Carers, their Families and Friends. Our individual voices are too quiet to be heard, but collectively we can shout
- The Dawn Willis Blog Dawn Willis sharing the news & views of the “Mentally Wealthy”
- The New Republic The daily tabloid of the “Age of Austerity”
- The Void Narking off the state since 2005
- Unum Insurance Blog An excellent website that exposes advisor to the UK Government on welfare reform, Unum, for what they are.
- Using the Law to Fight Cuts to Disabled People’s Services A practical guide for campaigners – disabled people and their families; carers and local groups (Updated July 2012)
- Victims of Atos Corrupton They tried to silence Atos Register of Shame and it back as Victims of Atos Corruption.
- Where's the Benefit A blog on all things that affect sick and/or disabled people under the ConDem jackboot
- Why Wait Forever – DWP ATOS Veterans An amazing website containing interesting detailed research carried out by Mo Stewart into Atos & Unum Insurance
- YOUR CALL – National Freephone Telephone Counselling Service for Disabled People in Scotland This is the first service of its kind in the UK. The service takes calls to its appointment line from 11am until 3 pm Mondays to Thursdays. Calls are free from a home telephone, and from most mobile networks(including T-Mobile, Vodaphone, O2, 3, Orange a
Called in for an ESA by Atos? You are not alone, join DWPExaminations Forum
Recent Posts
- DWP wants to reform benefits to cut costs, not help disabled people into work, court hears
- Deaths, lies and cover-ups: the case for a public inquiry into the ‘unthinkable cost’ of DWP’s systemic violence
- New research exposes ‘shocking and eye-opening’ levels of bullying of universal credit claimants
- New government figures show key policy at heart of disability employment strategy ‘will not work’
- Disabled people’s organisations tell government: Big disability charities are ‘actively harmful’ to our movement
Recent Comments
- MarkCarlisle on Fit For Work – Three Part Series on BBC Radio 4 by Jolyon Jenkins
- on Watchdog receives hundreds of complaints over Telegraph’s ‘toxic’ benefits article
- on DWP criticised in parliament for ‘hiding’ information on starvation death
- on Coffey’s DWP watered down key parts of plan to prevent suicides
- MarkCarlisle on YOU can prevent the DWP interfering in the patient/doctor’s relationship
11 Responses
RupertBH 27 January 2013
Great cartoon about terrible law.
Forcing vulnerable people (including those with severe mental illnesses who might have suffered abuse) to share with strangers will make life hell for tens of thousands. Again the Tory-libdem Party are tettering on the edge of genuine evil.
Starrface 28 January 2013 in reply to RupertBH: ‘They went well over the edge a long time ago.’
lightacandle 28 January 2013 12:09am
Oh thank-you for this cartoon, cartoonist – just spent a day reading articles and tweets detailing just how awful this is going to be – from an MP in a surgery having to deal with someone who will lose their home and has nowhere to go, to another person telling of how their disabled mother is crying because she won’t be able to pay it and many others too.
But the consensus seems to be that this is the one that will break the camel’s back and like the poll tax people will have no choice but to come out on the streets. And I do hope so – at last.
Btw – liking the towels and towel folder – hopefully they are what he’s come to the room to pick up and will take them, and himself, back off to Selfridges from where he never should have left.
Please lock him in there in the next cartoon, and then we might just all be safe….
mschin1 28 January 2013 12:52am
From Shelter:
Under the new housing benefit rules, the size of the home you can rent without being affected by this cut will be:
1 bedroom for a couple
1 bedroom for a person aged 16 or over
1 bedroom for 2 children aged under 16 of the same sex
1 bedroom for 2 children ahged under 10 – boys and girls are expected to share a room)
1 extra bedroom if you or your partner needs an overnight carer to stay.
A severely disabled child who needs a room of their own may not be required to share a room. You should get advice from a welfare benefit adviser if your benefit is cut.
You won’t be allowed to claim housing benefit for rooms above this limit that are used for:
foster children
couples who use separate bedrooms because of illness
children visiting a divorced or separated parent
disabled adults.
FFS, other than pensioners, who are mercifully protected (but for how long?), this odious policy is going to drive many over the cliff.
And aside from the humanity of this plan, just where the hell do these buffons in government think all this one-bedroom social housing is to be found in rural areas, never mind the cities?
Why the hell are we uprooting disabled people who have adapted properties to smaller ones which will have to be fitted with the aids & facilities they need, and for which we the taxpayers, will pay again? What is the bloody point of making people’s lives a misery … oh,
I forgot, it’s the Tories and their coalition sidekicks (or should that be bedposts).
Lower than vermin.
HOUSING & BEDROOM TAX RESISTANCE: Community Organising and Solidarity Networks
13 February at 19:00
Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (ACE), 17 West Montgomery Place, EH7 5HA¬if_t=plan_user_invited
28 January 2013 1:56amLink to this comment
Im going to have what is for me an early nigh. Thought Id dump some apt links I had collated (fearful Ill be taxed whilst sleeping for spare capacity):
This initiative sounds like a lot of red tape. Pretty petty and vindictive, this is not how to motivate people out of what in many situations are already uncomfortable situations.
Loving the cartoon, so much to discuss…the next morning
So will 40 room mansions be subject to the same rules when bo more than 1-6 people live in the?
The tenants of social housing & in receipt of Housing Benefit (which goes to landlord) are already struggling to keep their heads above water, this policy will cost them money they don’t have as they will have to buy carpets & curtains. It will also impact the environment as thousands of tons of perfectly good stuff gets thrown away, it will cost some councils more because smaller properties often cost more than larger ones.
If the gov were purely interested in cutting the housing benefit bill they would put more effort into stopping private landlords charge astronomical rents. But as many MPS rent theirown properties out and charge what they like, including allowing other MPs to rent it at tax payers expense, they would not do this. As usual this is another example of how to exploit the vulnerable whilst protecting the already wealthy…In the words of George Harrison (Beware of Darkness)..”beware of greedy leaders, they take you where you should not go …..”
It’s disgraceful that the mainstream media and MPs are only just waking up to this policy which has been on the cards since last year. Many tenants are still waiting to be told about it. Local authorities are in utter disarray and don’t seem sure about exactly who discretionary housing payments are meant to be for. Not surprising as central government have failed to clarify eligibility in the most recent guidance for decision makers. Doesn’t matter anyway as DHPs will only help 35,000 households out of an estimated 660,000 affected. The policy will not save money either; like most of the ‘back of the fag packet’ Tory notions it could easily end up costing more. The equality impact assessment clearly showed that this will disproportionately affect chronically sick and disabled tenants yet there is no mitigation, justification or elimination of this indirect discrimination. This is contray to several Articles of the ECHR and the UNCRPD as well as the Equality Act. You’re right; this will be the final straw, there has never been a benefits policy like it. There is no transitional protection, no right of appeal, no exemptions other than those needing constant overnight care. People can economise (just) with buying less food or not having the heating on; you cannot economise with the rent, it has to be paid. This is set to cause hardship, arrears and homelessness from April 1st. I hope it will be this government’s undoing.
Spare a thought for the government, think how hard it was for IDS & his Tory cohorts to draw up these proposals while they were splitting their sides laughing at the thought of all the heartache, misery & despair their welfare reforms would inflict on people.
If everyone whos says they, “can’t be bothered to vote because it makes no difference”, would just get off their arse and do it then we can get rid of this filthy elite at the next election & the Lib Dems will be confined to the political wasteland where they belong, a well deserved reward for the spineless liars that they are!