June 19th – DPAC – RIGHT TO RIDE
National Day of Action around lack of Accessible Transport
In London DPAC and Transport for All will be holding a day of action around transport on 19thJune.
We hope others will organise similar protests that day wherever they live as we’d like to highlight the problems nationally.
We will be trying to highlight the failings of the transport system as is and saying it wont be fit for purpose in the future when hundreds of thousands more people lose their benefits, and maybe also their right to passported services like motability cars, taxicards, blue badges etc and therefore are forced to use public transport.
Iain Duncan Smith is stripping people of their essential benefits and at the same time saying we should work. We want to highlight how difficult it is for disabled people to get to work using public transport. We want to show why DLA is still essential to disabled people.
We will be asking activists to attend a lobby at the House of Commons in the afternoon (time tbc), and then travel by bus to the Confederation of Passenger Transport, the umbrella body for all European bus companies in Covent Garden area.
To cause maximum but legal chaos we need as many wheelchair users, visually impaired, deaf and other disabled people to all need to use the same buses at the same time. We welcome support from non-disabled people for this as well. We will be starting to travel from a bus stop where we know bus ramps will not go down to let wheelchair users onto the buses.
We would like you to invite your MPs to the lobby and ask them to travel with us on the short ride to experience first hand the issues facing disabled passengers every day. The press will also be invited to attend with us.
However we also know many of you will not want to lobby your MP or go to House of Commons so if you prefer just to help us bring one of London’s bus routes to a grinding halt simply by getting on and off the buses along a specific route then please met us at 4pm either outside House of Parliament visitor entrance or at Abingdon Street bus stop, next to Victoria Tower and more or less opposite College Green.
2 Responses
Good luck-I used to be a Londoner so fully understand the problems. I will be with you in spirit.
do you honestly think they care most mps do not give one thought to us and only want us out of site no benefits and stop pestiering them as soon as it over they crawl back out of the woodwork smile for the cameras and say they doing all they can against this goverment and thats as far it will go once over thats it with our great politicians back to putting thier hands back once more into the till and that is it get rid of all of them as they dont care jeff3