Brian Cathcart, centre, and other members of the Hacked Off campaign group give their reaction to the Leveson report. Photograph: Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images
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4 Responses
Regulation, if only to stop the liars, spin doctors and deceivers from fooling the minds of the ignorant. Some day it has to stop and that day is now.
First Minister of North of Ireland says
“Britishness will not be progressed by acts of violence. Anyone engaging in wanton violence or intimidation does not defend our national flag but disgraces it.”
So why is the british government at war with disabled people?
you won’t find this anywhere else
osborne claiming tax payers money for himself whilst disabled people die – what a bastard – but not anywhere in the tory press
shold have a report into the british press me thinks………..
The first minister of Northern Ireland wants too wise up then! Everything has been progressed in NI by violence and intimidation. the British government are using it too good effect themselves on the mainland 73 a week dead at last count!