Balls at the Labour party conference in Manchester. Photograph: Ray Tang/Rex Features
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The ‘scrounger’ myth: Labour can’t help itself indulging the base prejudices and outright falsehoods of the right-wing tabloid media. Why don’t they denounce lies with facts? We’ve done all the research ~ all they have to do is tell the story!
That is obviously TOO MUCH TO ASK and/or WELL BEYOND THEIR KEN!
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4 Responses
My Take http://jaynelinney.wordpress.com/2013/01/04/dear-ed-balls-workfare-doesnt-work/
yet more evidence that the labour party is finished as the party of the poor, unemployed, disabled and homeless. Balls and Byrne famous for there right-wing crapspeak.
Funny that today the guardian ran this story under Balls’ name. Now they’re running it again under Byrne’s name – not in the least convincing other than the guardian being totally supportive of this idea. It seems for labour as well as everbody else, scrougers will always be with us. Rather than fight for the truth and the people labour choses to fight for itself.
A brilliant new development for the wonderful young disabled people of the UK. Encourage any young disabled person you know to join Jack in standing up to the bullies.
“My name is Jack and I am 8.
I am starting a Young Disabled People Against Cuts Group, so children can protest together with the help of our guardians.
We need as many young people as we can get to join in with YDPAC. ( Young Disabled People Against Cuts)
I wish the Government was not making the cuts. If it was up to me, I would ban them from making cuts!
Young people are affected by the cuts faced by our guardians. If my mum doesn’t get her car before 2 years is up we won’t get a car because of the cuts. When we’re 16 we may lose our DLA, and other benefits and help we rely on now.
If you want to get involved with YDPAC let me know via mail@dpac.uk.net”
You might conclude it’s appropriate to ask Cameron and Osborne to step down so we can get back on track:
And while the country is coming to it’s senses and before they are kicked out, demand that they do something with their time and call for a Cumulative Impact Assessment of Welfare Reform, and a New Deal for sick & disabled people based on their needs, abilities and ambitions
its lik ive said ed doesnt want to listen to us still the little torys incharge of them no labour left ,but wonder who get our votes now is it ukip still out on these but there again labour not it either so who as kicking we all going to get off them and by april may when this lots new taxes come out there be country left jeff3