ATOS have been at the centre of protests over their work capability assessments, which campaigners claim are “damaging and distressing”.
ALEX SALMOND has been slammed for wanting to give £3million of taxpayers’ money to the controversial firm behind “fit for work” tests on the disabled.
French firm Atos’ offices in Moray are on a list of “shovel ready projects” he wants handed public cash.
Atos have been at the centre of protests over their work capability assessments, which campaigners claim are “damaging and distressing”.
More than 20 SNP MSPs have signed a Holyrood motion expressing concern about the firm.
But the Atos offices in Forres – where they develop and test IT – are still on the SNP Government’s list of construction projects they want public investment for to boost the economy.
Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie yesterday challenged the First Minister to “clear up” the SNP’s position on Atos.
He said: “The SNP have dug themselves into a hole with their hypocritical position.
“The Government, with one face, condemn the company for their record on welfare reform but, with the other face, are more than happy to pay £3million towards the new Atos building in Forres.”
Rutherglen and Hamilton West Labour MP Tom Greatrex said the move was a “slap in the face” to disabled people who had suffered because of Atos assessments.
A spokeswoman for Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pointed out that the Atos project in Moray was designed to retrain staff following the closure of RAF Kinloss.
She said: “This attack is backfiring badly on Willie Rennie. It is his party’s coalition with the Tories that is behind the work capability assessment and the closure of RAF Kinloss.”
4 Responses
How can foriegn companies comming here, make £m’s take it OUT the country be good for the economy? ( not to mention the tax brakes) Whats earned here and spent here and kept here is the real Economy Not whats sifted out
Atos got the contract for the NHS IT systems as well in Scotland £400 million.
ah in scotland they where on about atos kills but he doesnt seem to listen mr fishface salmon jeff3
So you don’t want jobs in Scotland? Good socialist principles!