Following in the footsteps of Andy Coulson? Why not? Now that that pesky Rebecca Brooks is out of the way? M’yah?

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Former IDS Special Media Adviser and Taxpayer's Alliance spokesman Susie Squire

Senior Conservative sources are confirming that, as Guido Fawkes reported this morning, Susie Squire will take over from Henry Macrory as the party’s head of press. Squire, who is currently Iain Duncan Smith’s media special adviser, is highly-thought of in Number 10 where she is credited with ramming home the party’s advantage over Labour on welfare.

The decision to move someone from such an important department to CCHQ shows that Number 10 has recognised that coalition requires the party to have a more distinctive presence. What also makes the appointment noteworthy is that in her current brief Squire has not been afraid to mix it with the other parties. In the next few weeks, it’ll be intriguing to see if Sayeeda Warsi gets her way, and is allowed to attack the Lib Dems more forcefully.

Having previously worked at the Taxpayers’ Alliance, Squire is experienced in campaigning. However, I understand that she’ll not be taking on a role as a public spokeswoman for the party. Instead, she’ll be briefing the lobby and working on various social media pushes designed to help the party reach young and ethnic minority voters. 

The Spectator


4 Responses

  1. and a nother one on the up for helping ids think of ways to get rid of us the social scroungers the sick and the disabled god help us with this lot

  2. I will face her across a table, the same as i would IDS, just give me the opportunity and i will show you just how cretinous these people actually are.

  3. i punch her in the mouth the same as i punched a tory wanker who knocked on my door.Told the police it was sefl defence as they woudnt leave my doorstep and i felt threatned by there presense,got let off…

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