“The firm provides work placements to 100 people with mental health conditions at its five businesses, including the Parkview Laundry in Craigmillar where Mr Duncan Smith met staff.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Those on placements receive state benefits and spend an average of two years working for the company before moving on to paid employment elsewhere.”
So, that’s 100 people with mental health conditions forced into what can only be described as slavery for an average of 2 years, that’s 100 paid jobs gone out of the jobs market for an average of 2 years, that’s the profits earned from the work of 100 people with mental health conditions gifted to what is essentially a private company – What do the unions have to say about this? Where are they? Why aren’t they mounting a legal Challenge? Isn’t slavery illegal?

Iain Duncan Smith has said that he will insist social enterprise firms are used to provide help for unemployed people
Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has said he will insist social enterprise firms are used to provide a stepping stone back to work for unemployed people.
Mr Duncan Smith held up Forth Sector as an example during a visit to Edinburgh, saying its work was “critical” in helping people back into employment.
The firm provides work placements to 100 people with mental health conditions at its five businesses, including the Parkview Laundry in Craigmillar where Mr Duncan Smith met staff.
Those on placements receive state benefits and spend an average of two years working for the company before moving on to paid employment elsewhere.
Mr Duncan Smith said: “It’s absolutely fantastic what’s going on here today, it’s exactly what’s required, helping people with difficulties get back into employment.”
He said that the Westminster coalition Government’s new Work Programme will use organisations like Forth Sector to provide tailored support to the unemployed.
Mr Duncan Smith said: “Stepping stones through organisations like this, I think, will be absolutely critical and I’ll be insisting on it, that organisations like this are involved in the contracts and packages.
“The whole thing is a really good lesson to us as we move through the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) – moving people from incapacity benefit to work-related programmes.
“It’s very important for us to tie in to organisations like this so you can get that personalised focused support which is necessary for people who have had difficulties in their lives and find it difficult to get back into work.”
The coalition Government’s proposed simplification of the benefits system will be tested in Aberdeen and Burnley.
5 Responses
So why have the union not done anything?? May be their is nothing it if for the unions, Sad to say how much do the big wigs in the unions get and perks.
Unions need to do something about this because instead of buisnesses having to create real permanent jobs, and pay a proper wage, and ensure adequate health, safety and working conditions, they are exploiting helpless vunerable people who suffering from mental health problems, are unaware they’re getting taken advantage of, unaware of their human rights, and are also subject to cruelty and abuse by buisness employers who have no clue or professional qualifications or experience managing or dealing with those with mental illness or disabilities.
Laundry work is hot, gruelling and exhausting I did this job as a temporary contract through the summer one year and it was unbelievable. The constant heat of the rolling irons and the tumble dryers makes you sweat buckets. I lost a stone that summer.. These poor people being taken advantage of by the government and don’t get paid a fair wage. Who are the union reps for this industry?
All part of the plan by UNUM to make people scared about becoming sick/ disabled; and scared of losing their jobs to unpaid disabled workers; so they will buy insurance.
It’s good that people with MH issues get back into work… ONLY if they WANT to AND are paid a FULL WAGE!!! this is slavery!