‘As yet, many still don’t realise how far this coterie in power is ideologically bent on dismantling the public realm. As yet, enough voters still believe the coalition mantra that the need to cut the deficit justifies almost any savagery.’
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Graph showing how within 5 years U.K. public spending will be less as a percentage of GDP than the USA. On this trajectory, the British state is in China Syndrome meltdown
See also: The graph that shows how far David Cameron wants to shrink the state Posted on October 17, 2012
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11 Responses
nobody will do anything. We all could if we made enough noise, however, the government has asked doctors to put the population on antidepressants so that they are just mellow all the time and don’t get riled up. Think about it. Who knows someone on them? ALL of my friends and acquaintances are on them and every time I go to the doc, he tries to get me on them even if I go for pain issues on my lung problems. It’s a government plan to medicate the masses into being docile!
when I wrote to my MP about WCA I finished the letter by saying don’t trot out the mantra that “we are all in it together” I’m in it up to my neck it’s brown and doesn’t smell nice.
Scrap the Work Capability Assessment Bring Politicians to Account
Increase Welfare Benefits Cut Bureaucracy and Waiting Times Now Not Never
Polly Toynbee plees for Labour to show a way out. The truth is that Labour has no way out! In fact it was New Labour, under Blair and Brown who signposted the Tory way in. They saddled hospitals with massive PFI debts, squandered money on needless war in Iraq and refused to build houses. They failed to reverse Thatcher’s counter-reforms and now admit that they will not reverse the ConDem policies either. Giving Labour another try will have the same results. We need a new party to represent the Labour Movement. The 1945 Labour Government built the welfare state when British capitalism was bankrupted by a world war, proving that there is an alternative which Labour simply does not have the courage to take on board
I agree a new party is needed. Do you know about the Left Unity initiative to discuss setting up just such a party? They have a website ans Facebook page.
Btw, on shrinking the state, I don’t quite agree with the article, yes they are shrinking money for useful social services such as education, social security and social housing, privatising the NHS; but the coercive power of the state, to keep us all in check – legal powers, surveillance, brainwashing through the media, use of unaccountable private firms with big state contracts, like Atos or G4S, is continually increasing.
The decline in living standards in the uk, the introduction to poverty and the statistics to more than prove, suicide rates are spiralling, are the brainchild of one twisted individual, BILL GUNNYEON.
GUNNYEON is the faceless one who hides behind his position of Chief Medical Officer of the DWP.
Bolstered by donations from the Insurance Industry, (of which Gunnyeon and his chums are honoured speakers), our government have set out on a path of Welfare Reforms that deny the very poorest in society, especially the disabled.
Each piece of legislation bears the hallmarks of this modern day “Angel of Death”.
Every item of denial of benefit carries his endorsement. To him you are just superfluous to a life in this day and age, hence the corrupted, twisted policies that he underwrites……
History has told us that behind every fanatical leader, there is always a minion lapping at their heels to gain some kind of recognition. They are usually hated by most because they recognise the level of toadying as dangerous.
Obviously, the aforementioned is more than dangerous. His elevation to the dizzy heights of his title has underpinned his craving to take away life…..
His dark thoughts from childhood now manifest themselves in legislation, in effect removal by statute.
What i cannot understand is why he pursued his career on the grounds of helping disabled, yet abuses his position by demonising them…………..
Maybe he has a psychological problem that has not been detected. I wonder if ATOS software that he helped to build, could identify his problem? I seriously doubt it because its not fit for purpose!
One things for certain, whatever cuts to whatever benefit, he is the key…….
There is planned for ‘Saturday the 22nd JUNE 2013’ A MARCH FROM ‘JARROW’ TO ‘LONDON’ (originally done in 1936 by 200 jobless men from the town of Jarrow near newcastle) it is being done to show that we the people are sick to the back teeth of this government and their Austerity policys and against the DWP/ATOS and bankers that are Destroying this country. you can look it up on facebook. A disabled woman Angela Walker has volunteered to be pushed in her wheel chair all the way to London (she suffers from Arthritis and Fibromyalgia) the marchers hope to be in Westminster on the 10th July. please look it up show your support by going on this march or joining in as and where you can. write to your MPs and newspapers about this don’t let this march go un-noticed by the news or public give your support ‘NOW’ any way you can…..
People can go on placard-waving demonstrations, and take short strike action, but in the long run, the only thing that this government will take notice of, is a lengthy general strike.
Agree. Solidarity, Mike!
“Even Thatcher wouldn’t have gone this far”
Yes she would have, at that time she couldn’t have got away with it. As for “Polly Toynbee”, just another staunch New Labour supporter, along with the Guardian newspaper!.