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The independence referendum campaign gave so many people a glimpse that another Scotland is possible – we must continue to strive for this and not allow disabled Scots to become invisible collateral damage.
In a week where it was announced that thousands of people with degenerative conditions were being classified as ‘fit to work in future’ – despite no possibility of improvement – and in which Lord Freud, a minister in the UK’s Department of Work and Pensions, declared that disabled people are “not worth the full wage” – Jamie Szymkowiak writes on austerity, welfare and disability.My disability is arthrogryposis multiplex congenita – which to you and I means permanent stiffness in the joints. Like every disability, the degree in which it impacts on my life differs from someone who may have the same condition. Spiral staircases, cobbled streets and reaching my own right foot are my everyday nemesis but for other people it may be filling out an application form, preparing their breakfast, going to the bathroom unaided or leaving their own home.During the referendum campaign, people with disabilities became a homogeneous group often spoken about in the quest for social justice yet themselves received little media exposure; an issue that faced the group “Disabled People 4 Yes” – ironically due to the lack of a No equivalent and the BBC’s apparent need for neutrality. It was for this reason, I felt compelled to climb the stairs in the tenements of Craigmillar and pound the crazy paving that line the lawns of Trinity for a Scotland away from Westminster austerity for those who, like my youngest brother who has Downs Syndrome, could not.Alas, the majority of voters opted for the Union thus leaving some of the most vulnerable in our society facing a Government which includes a welfare minister who suggests that workers with disabilities are not worth the minimum wage or an Opposition that fails to offer an alternative vision to Austerity Britain.Over the last few years, people with disabilities have faced the implementation of the Employment Support Allowance (ESA), the replacement of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) by Personal Independence Payment (PIP) as well as housing benefit cuts such as the “bedroom tax.”
The awful impact of the degrading Work Capability Assessments has been well documented but the rumoured replacement of ATOS by American private firm MAXIMUS has heightened concerns even further and led disabled rights activist John McArdle of the Black Triangle Campaign to describe it is “a simple case of out of the frying pan and into the fire.” Whoever the contractor is, you simply cannot get away from the fact that any form of tick-box assessment by non-medical professionals is ludicrous, demeaning and causes more work via numerous appeals that only increases the stress and uncertainty of the person seeking support.
Most people accept that welfare reform is needed but surely this can be achieved in a dignified and uncomplicated manner that creates a benefits system to support those most in need?
On this, Susie Fitton, Senior Policy Adviser for Capability Scotland, says . . .
[…] the storm. The collateral damage inflicted by the bloated elite on the poor people of Scotland will create Scottish independence and rightly so. All the fear mongers from Westminster can repeat are mantras […]
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The News Service that focuses on disability issues such as discrimination, equality, independent living, disability benefits, poverty and human rights.
If you have a story that you think would be of interest to Disability News Service please contact John Pring via
e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People
Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions
Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.
'Down With All That'
In-depth background reading on the shambles of the (rapidly disappearing) welfare state
Aktion T4
The T4 Program was responsible for the murder of over 100,000 German citizens…babies, children, adults, and elderly…who had physical and mental disabilities. Developed in 1938 and carried out at six different sites throughout Germany and Austria, the T4 P
Atos Miracles
Find out where your nearest Atos Miracle Cure Center is on this fantastic web site.
Atos Miracles
A place for the sick and disabled to share stories of how ATOS have cured them. Many sites on this subject have been threatened with legal action by the company and this is a place of satire – which we are hoping is not yet outlawed in the UK.
“Telling it How it IS” – Staunch alllies and fighters against the UK’s genocidal so-called welfare ‘reform’ programme
Boycott Workfare
Workfare – compulsory work for benefits – is being rolled-out across the country. We call on public sector bodies, voluntary organisations and businesses being offered these placements as well as union branches to join others in signing a pledge to boycot
Crippen Cartoons
The website of David Luton-Crippen, renown disabled cartoonist and a member of The Black Triangle
Diary of a Benefits Scrounger
Sue Marshes excellent blog that shares information on Welfare cuts, illness, disability and general, current, political thought.
Disabled People Against Cuts
DPAC is about disabled people and their allies. DPAC is UK based but we know that disabled people in other countries are suffering from austerity cuts and a lack of fundamental rights. We welcome all to join us in fighting for justice and human rights for
Double Karma
Ania Waterman’s blog on everything to do with disabled people’s activism
Down With All That
Bigleyma’s excellent blog that chronicles the farce that the WCA assessments are and the major players involved in it’s execution.
DWP Examinations Forum
A friendly online community for those undergoing an Atos Medical Assessment or appeal full of loads of information and valuable advice.
Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty
Practical advice and solidarity for all those facing benefit difficulties and hardship. Excellent campaigning organisation
Good Advice Matters
Guides that haven been produced in an effort to simplify the various processes involved when trying to claim benefits.
Inspired By Atos Origin
A Facebook Group for people to post their artwork that is inspired by Atos Origin.
Ouch Too
A disability support forum founded from the ashes of the BBC’s Ouch Board after they closed it.
Paralympics 2012 Boycott Website
Dedicated to exposing AtoS’s hypocrisy as disability deniers and sponsors of the Paralympic Games! Paralympians: SPEAK OUT AND PROTEST!!!
Rolling with the Punches Blog
“33 year old with lupus since 17 and a variety of other weird awkward symptoms!” Campaigner who co-authored the Spartacus Report
Solidarity Federation
Advice on what to do if you ‘fail’ your DWP/ATOS Work Capability Assessment
The Broken of Britain
Non-partisan UK-based Disability campaign. Advocacy for people with invisible illness and/or physical & mental health conditions. Also Carers, their Families and Friends. Our individual voices are too quiet to be heard, but collectively we can shout
The Dawn Willis Blog
Dawn Willis sharing the news & views of the “Mentally Wealthy”
One response
[…] the storm. The collateral damage inflicted by the bloated elite on the poor people of Scotland will create Scottish independence and rightly so. All the fear mongers from Westminster can repeat are mantras […]