‘Disabled people are ‘collateral damage’ in government’s austerity war’ new report reveals

Disabled people are losing four times as much of their income as the richest 20% of households.


The poorest 20% of the 2.7 million households receiving disability benefits will lose 16% of their cash income plus benefits-in-kind, four times as much as the richest 20% of households, according to a report published by the Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People.

The report researched by Chris Edwards, a Research Associate at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, analyses the impact of the cuts and changes to benefits and services on disabled people and their families. The findings indicate that disabled people are being unfairly targeted.

The government has refused to do a cumulative impact assessment, claiming that it is too complex to do. The report, suggests the real reason is that disabled people are being ‘unfairly targeted in what amounts to collective punishment – prohibited under 1949 Geneva Conventions’.

The report highlights that disabled people are being cast as welfare scroungers in the government’s austerity war. A war which will increase disabled people’s poverty and undermine the ability of disabled people, ‘to live independent, dignified lives and roll back the advances in human rights won by disabled people over the last decades’.

More information is available at: www.documents.ncodp.org.uk/news


Inclusion London



3 Responses

  1. So when and how can we do something about it? or has anybody already done something? this cannot be allowed to continue this government should feel deeply ashamed of themselves but they dont because they HAVENT GOT A CLUE ABOUT REAL LIFE!

  2. If I were a lawyer I would bring a ase aganst the british government in the court of human rights, but that could take years and the people suffering need more immediate help. However, it should be done and countries whose citizens have suffered due to these cuts and who have been unfairly refused benefits like Dutch national Peter Duut (RIP), should join in!

  3. its eassier to do us stop our benefits we only scroungers who daily take good food away fro them in power how christian of them to starve us whilst they cover the losses of the banks with our money so the man in the big houses can still have money ,how lovely they take ours away for them to give to their mates who still draw wages after awarding herself 8.6mill how nice bloody wake mps theres still some of us looking to you for help are you christians who stand up for us or those who dip daily into the great house trough jeff3

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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