Sir Merrick Cockell, chairman of the Local Government Association, said local authorities will have lost a third of their budget by 2015. Photograph: Sean Smith for the Guardian

Sir Merrick Cockell, chairman of the Local Government Association, said local authorities will have lost a third of their budget by 2015. Photograph: Sean Smith for the Guardian

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3 Responses

  1. Councils should consider that their existence may in effect be limited in time . Local Authorities could end up privatised as it seems government are starting to force legislation against independent freedom starting with those who are sick ,disabled or unemployed .Slashing local budgets will see much control return to central Government if councils will not comply or simply cannot cut any more .There it will be far easier to privatise health ,services, utilities and eventually all education . We are witnessing a takeover by a centralised power hell bent on placing all under corporate control ,& that will mean us the people too,via the puppets put foreword for election. At present landlords are subject to the will of the banks because of the buy to rent mortgages that hold their investment capital .It would only take a further bank bust for that possibility to arrive which would make the banks own most of the property. The People of this country are being raped piece by piece of their hard earned assets .As bills roll through Parliament and Lords virtually unopposed it is time for the voters to get on their MP`s case before all is lost as it becomes obvious due to the lack of resistance that an agenda is being worked to achieve a Minority Aim. Voters of all parties must realise our rites and freedom are quietly being whittled away . The Deficit is a complete con as it has been created propping up the Banks by the last Government and this Government. I dread to think what the future holds for everyone if this continues.

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