A challenge to Iain Duncan Smith, the secretary of state for work and pensions, has been launched by 22 claimants. Photograph: Rex Features

A challenge to Iain Duncan Smith, the secretary of state for work and pensions, has been launched by 22 claimants. Photograph: Rex Features

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13 Responses

  1. I hope they win. I have an autistic grandson. He does have his own bedroom, but prefers to sleep in the same bedroom as his brother. Much as he loves his brother, my other grandson does not want to sleep with his autistic brother.

    This is a badly thought out idea, which should never have seen the light of day.

    • I have an answer for you question, get the MPs to pay £1000+ for unused seats during debates in the house of commons. I think this is a fantastic idea, but it can go even further charge MPs £1000 per unused seat duing debates, plus a further £1000 per hour per seat unused, if still unused for two or more days it should go up to £10.000 per hour… see how they like being charged for under useing.. they will soon change their tune…..

  2. Right all those who are worried about this as IDS owns a couple of properties + we look up there addresss and we move in & take over his used rooms? This F**ki*g govt’ment where not legaly elected full stop and with BTC help we will let them know?

  3. As I put up on a previous article:

    Why don’t we fight fire with fire? Let’s support a bedroom tax, BUT it must apply to ALL housing whether social or private, and everyone is allowed TWO supposedly spare bedrooms, but a tax is payable beyond that amount. This would keep the vast majority of social housing occupiers out of the tax bracket, maybe even all of them.

    Given that most MPs have two homes, that means that they each have an entire house of spare bedrooms, and Lord Freud probably has about 17 spare bedrooms in his mansion alone, without any other homes that he has. Let’s face it, that mansion could house at least 5 homeless families, so why should he and his wife have it all to themselves without paying extra tax on it?

    So what rate of tax? I’m thinking that the more spare rooms anyone has beyond the allowance of two, the more they should pay for each additional room, so lets say £10 a week for the first extra beyond the allowance of 2, £20 for the second, £30 for the third, and so on. So Lord Freud would have to pay £1530 a week for the spare rooms in his mansion, and if he has, say, a 4 bed London home the tax on those bedrooms would start at £180 for the first (as the 18th in his total) and work up to £210 for the fourth for another £780, for a total of £2310 per week.

    Let’s see how the posh boys like the idea of a bedroom tax when THEY would be the ones that would have to pay it.

    Since they claim that they are trying to free-up “spare” bedrooms for the homeless, how could they possibly object to trying to free-up their own “spare” bedrooms?

  4. Cameron has just LIED today in PMQs and said disabled children are exempt. Now either he thinks they won’t win the court cases or whether he’s badly briefed I don’t know but when did it become acceptable to pass off a lie like this which the media, in their usual half-assed lazy way have just regurgitated as fact on the world at one? Politicians lie all the time obviously but a straighforward misrepresentation of his own policy is on another level. Surely there are safeguards against a prime minister LYING to the House??

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

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