The Wrong Kind of Wind Up for an AtoS Lanyard


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Powered by article titled “British Paralympic team deny ‘anti-Atos protest'” was written by Owen Gibson, for The Guardian on Thursday 30th August 2012 22.23 Europe/London

ParalympicsGB officials have denied suggestions that the team staged a deliberate protest against the controversial London 2012 sponsor Atos at Wednesday night’s opening ceremony.

As the team marched around the track to a tumultous reception, several Twitter users noted that none had their lanyards visible.

The straps of the accreditation badges worn by all athletes, officials and the media bear the name of Atos, which also has its branding on billboards in the venues.

Whereas other teams had theirs on show, the entire Paralympics–GB contingent seemed to have theirs tucked inside their jackets so the Atos branding could not be seen.

But officials said that the lanyards had simply been tucked inside the distinctive Next-designed outfits because it had been noted that they were flapping around in the wind before the athletes entered the stadium.

The IT giant has been heavily criticised by campaigners for its part in carrying out “fitness to work” tests on disability benefit claimants.

On Friday, UK Uncut activists are planning to target the company’s central London offices, and the London organising committee was on Thursday again forced to defend the involvement of Atos.

“They are one of our sponsors. We do support our sponsors. Without them, we don’t have a Games,” said a Locog spokeswoman. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010

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6 Responses

  1. So not only are ATOS against us (disabled people) but the nature controlled wind suddenly took umbrage with us and ONLY affected Team GB badges…with its fury..Gawd what pathetic morons ATOS r…mind yu..the fact they came up with such a feeble excuse..tells me they are getting..RATTLED..and deservedly so..incompetent bunch of tw*ts. We will have our day soon..and hopefully in a Law Court!!

  2. this excuse just about confirms the attitude of teamGB towards the rest of the disabled community in britain

    maybe we should pull out our interest / support in this shower of shits

  3. Money talks… Paralympic GB officials and LOCOG deny the athletes hid their Atos-branded lanyards. Sadly, even the (crip) artistic director of the opening ceremony sidestepped a wonderful opportunity and direct question at the press conference about the Atos ‘controversy’. But I KNOW WHAT I SAW at the opening ceremony and I honour the athletes for their solidarity and hope that more of them will also find more direct ways of voicing their solidarity as the Games continue…

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