Cameron limits MoD medical assessments, ensuring soldiers absolved from second test under new welfare scheme PIP

Big companies use small charities to win prime contracts from Duncan Smith's programme. But where's the proof it works?
Tariq Ali on the rise of the ‘extreme centre’ in Europe – and the socialist alternative Since the early 90s, and […]
  18 July, 2012 – 16:34 — George Edwards Earlier this week the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) released […]

Care packages that allow disabled people to maintain their independence and live at home are under threat as a council moves to cap the cost of caring
By Sharon Brennan  Tuesday, 17 July 2012  Worcestershire county council has just announced its proposal to shut away disabled people in care homes […]
The American news website Huffington Post recently published an article headlined, ‘Austerity in the United Kingdom Leaves Disabled in Fear for […]
A SEVERELY disabled Scot has “written his own death certificate” after stopping his medication in a protest against government red […]
The Head of a voluntary association who was a key member of the Future NHS Forum during the government’s ‘pause’, […]
      Louise Reed writes with some backround on free-marketeer and neoliberal ideologue Stephen Bubb:   ‘With friends like these..’ […]
1.55PM 19 July 2012 The BMA was an organisation that used to strike fear into the hearts of governments. So […]
Further to the vote at the BMA’s Annual Representative Meeting making it official BMA policy to ‘demand’ an end to […]
  We are drowning in a sea of official government propaganda and our ‘free press’ is too lazy or complicit […]

Food banks are springing up across Britain to help struggling families. But is charity really the answer for people being let down by the state?

All the common sense in Louise Casey's grasp won't change the fact that this troubled policy is divisive and dishonest

The company and the government want to close Remploy on the cheap and in the process have treated workers with contempt
  Absolutely revolting: REBEL NOW! Published on Friday 29 June 2012 12:05 PLANS to tax social housing tenants for ‘underoccupied’ bedrooms could […]
14 July 2012 Zoom in to this image and read text description Why is it that the companies that Cameron […]
The Guardian, Letters, 10th July 2012 Advisers at the Aldershot Citizens Advice Bureau are increasingly concerned about the impact of […]
WEDNESDAY, 12th July 2012, Madrid  The Miners’ rally began at the Plaza de Colon, Madrid. Miners from Asturias, Leon and […]
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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

Called in for an ESA by Atos? You are not alone, join DWPExaminations Forum

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