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Paul Reekie, poet, author, iconoclast, Leither. Paul took his own life following an Atos/DWP Work Capability Assessment. Our Black Triangle Campaign was founded in his memory




All Social Welfare Union

All Atos Miracles …..

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty

Sue Jones, campaigner, writer and activist. Suffers from Lupus and recently diagnosed MS, declared ‘fit-for-work’ by DWP-AtoS after almost dying last year. Runs and Co-runs support groups to help others. Describes the “Reforms” as “eugenics by stealth”.

And…. So many … Just so many comrades more

1.Anne Selby, Military Gulf War Veteran, now suffering from acute myeloid leukaemia
2. Colin-Roy Hunter, ex-teacher, multi-morbidities – WoWPetition
3. Eilidh Sloan – former taxpayer for 29 years  former Secretary – now disabled cervical myelopathy/severe nerve damage/SLE Lupus/arthritis osteoporosis
4. Tim Webb carer
5. Roger O’Donnell – Concerned citizen.
6. Christine McCabe – Occasional volunteer with Care Network, inter alia, with severe arthritis preventing paid work, X-rays to prove condition, found ‘fit for work’ by Atos
7. Alec Middleton – Concerned citizen.
8. Rev. Paul Farnhill – Founder of the Cannabis Assembly, Human Rights campaigner.
9. Simon Roberts
10. James Kelso, Disabled and very concerned, worked and paid taxes for 30 years, never thought I would be classed as scrounger.
11. Jak Leith, Carer
12. Anja Blahova – Disabled and disgusted and definitely not a scrounger after working 20 yrs for 80+ hrs a week before M.E. and joint paralysis took over.
13. Kerry Thomas, Tydfil Autism Support Group
14. Ruth McMillan Disabled – worked 21 years
15. Jamie Stanley: ZM Music
16. Jill Westendorp, Disabled for 12 + years, former Local Government Officer, disgusted by the way we are being treated & made to feel insecure by the ATOS interviews/government policies.
17. Keith Gordon Cooper, Disabled, Ex-College Tutor.
18. Barbara Hulme – A concerned citizen with disabilities
19. Lou Simmons – Disabled and disgusted with the way DWP & Atos treat us
20 Patricia Plunkett – Disgusted
gloria nelson-disabled very scared person.
21 Rory Heap – Disabled person, disgusted at the way the poor sick and needy are being treated under this coalition.
22 Jenna Ford Knubley, parent of child with disabilities
23 Chrissi Clifton, Sister of lady with disabilities.
24 Elizabeth Worsley, parent to disabled children
25. MJ Carruthers Concerned Voter Wo
26. K. Burns, disabled, recently unemployed
27. David Chowcat: Brighton Disabled People Against Cuts
28. John Mortimer, sick and sick of the media propaganda
29 James Reeves Pulmonary lung disease, heart trouble, stroke, diabetes, emphysema
30. Nicola Jones, severe neurological condition, worked until forced to quit
31. Jane Burkinshaw Diane Jaques – severe Fibromyalgia and  – Multiple health issues from Lyme’s Disease
32. other health issues. Worked for 30yrs and paid taxes an NI, not a scrounger!
33. Jacqueline Sueiro- very concerned voter
34. Adrian Ministrator, disabled person, doesn’t like liars
35. Stephen Jaques, carer of Diane Jaques above. Worked for 43 yrs.

36. Ellen Clifford, Bromley and Croydon Disabled People Against Cuts
37. Stephen Jewell

38. Kaliya Franklin, Disability Rights Campaigner
39. Andrew Phipps, Taxpayer

39. Simon  Staskiewicz
40. John R. Bennett Can you not see where this is leading? Arbeit Macht Frei
41. Jonathan Marsh p
42. Nancy Farrell, IOW Disabled People Against Cuts
43. Patricia Ratheram.
44 Joseph Ratheram.
45. Jessica Ratheram.
46. Liam Sean McKnight
47. Lea Sapsford, disabled person with SLE (Lupus) and other multiple problems.  Definitely not a scrounger!
48. Matthew J Smith, blogger –
49.Damian Baughan, concerned citizen and diagnosed mentalist.
50 Alan Fergus, democrat and concerned citizen
51 Diana Harrison
52 Laurel Duut, widow of Peter Duut, beloved Grandad and stepfather, found fit for work when he died in October 2011 from pneumonia and pancreatic cancer.
53 Cllr Peter Lockhart, Wheelchair using Labour Councillor for Cowdenbeath Ward
54 Graham Askew against demonisation of innocent people
55 Keith Knights, disabled due to arthritis and mental health issues.
56 Jeffrey Yashruti, disabled due to mental health issues.
57 John Sweeney Ucatt
58 Raymond Shemilt, Disabled due to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Anxiety, Depression.
59. Donnacha DeLong NUJ NEC Member
60. Jean Milne 24/7 carer
61 Pearl Pelfrey, a believer in the Welfare state and the fully public NHS
62. Steven Preece, Editor, Welfare News Service
63 Susan Wilkinson disabled due to rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, Anxiety Depression IBS Thyroid probs and any virus going round!
64. Dr. Susan I. Pashkoff
65. Mr M. Wilson, ex Royal Navy, Falklands “conflict” veteran, war pensioner.
66. Dawn Willis, Mental Health Campaigner.
67. John McGovern Disability Advocate and DPAC member
68. Lee Myers.
69. Rory Beaton, Disability Rep, St Andrews UCU

70. David Bradley : Carer
71. Tim Batchelor :IBesaUnite
72. Gail Ward disability campaigner
73   Ed McArthur
74. Steve Farrant, Trustee’s Chair, Core Arts.
75. John T. Horsfall, Very concerned, 59 y/o disabled citizen, awaiting ATOS result, do not want to join the other 73 “disappearing” people each week, but may have no option with ageism, disability-ism & many other things.
76. Joanne Baskett – Multiple Disabilities always worked upto 2010 when progressive disease stopped me been fighting the diseases for last 20, 10 & 5 yrs
77. Tina Duke , carer
78. Chris Andrews, carer
79. Angela Kennedy, Carer, social sciences lecturer and researcher, author of the book “Authors of our own Misfortune? The Problems with Psychogenic Explanations for Physical Illnesses”.
80. Stevie Kennedy, disabled person.
81. Sean Kennedy, carer,
82. Deborah Smith
83. Sam Barnett-Cormack, independent disabled activist
84. Ian Davies, chronically sick Inventor
85.Karen Jorgensen . Retired Teacher
86 Janet Hughes suffers from multiple health problems
87.Helen Humphries Chronic health problems
88. Zena Williams suffers from Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
89.Martin Rowson
90. Tim Mantripp
91. Carol Murphy – Carer for my husband
92. Pat Onions – Pat’s Petition 62,225 signatures ‘Stop and review the cuts to benefits and services which are falling disproportionately on disabled people, their carers and families’
93. Dean Wales
94. John McDonnell MP
95. Jayne Linney Leicester
96  PJ Davis    Cerebral palsy
97. Jade Walker Hull Women’s Centre
98.David Shaw

99. Joanna Terry.
100. Antimo Tranter PTSD
101 Angela Bennett care
102 Mick Thornhill
103 Saffron Gardenchild,  Manchester
104  John Bowen, Wales ehlor danos syndrome. multiple dislocations and mental health issues
105 Helen Sims  Bristol  Has Cerebral Palsy and other conditions (Disability Rights Campaigner)
106 Susan Buss. Chronic fatigue, ulcers ( from long term medication) fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease.
107 Diane Bore. Fibromyalgia, Osteo Arthritis, Spondylosis, CF and under investigation for Heart failure.
108 Peter Locke, Edinburgh
109 Anthony Broxson Wigan
110 Lynne Ackers, Southport, heart and lung disorders, fibromyalgia, also a carer of my autistic son.
111. Lynn Evans.fibromyalgia, osteoarthrititis, spondylosis, depression, anxiety, osteoporosis
112. Rosena McKeown, Polio Survivor now suffering Post Polio Syndrome.
113. Paul Rutland Chair RMT TfL No.1 Branch
114 Matthew Pountney. Autism, depression and anxiety. Disabled rights campaigner.
115. Lynn Gallagher fibromyalgia, anxiety,depression, arthritis osteoporosis
116. Dr Stephen Lathwell BSc(Hons) MSc(Optoelectronics) PhD, carer for Claire Rich; Degenerative Discs (Lower Back);
117. Claire Louise Rich BA(Hons), Manic-Depression; Pituitary Adenoma, High Blood Pressure; Panic Attacks;  
118. Lisa Egan: Where’s the Benefit?
119. Nim McCoan-Thornhill Disabled by M.E., FM, Hypermobility. Unable to claim, unable to work, scared for the future, sick of discriminatory comments from uneducated idiots.
120. Sian Healey disabled by Full Life-long Fibromyalgia
121. Ian Philo carer for Sian Healey
122. Bridget Robb, Acting Chief Executive, British Association of Social Workers
123. Leon Carter SAH Stroke Survivor, Carer for Mother and Disability Campaigner
124. Les Chalk, COPD sufferer,stroke survivor, Depressed person.
125 Stephen Gerard Scullion, Felling, Gateshead PTSD and Depressive
126 ‘Atos Miracles’ – facebook self-help page supporting those suicidal, about to lose their homes, incurably sick people being left with no money at all, those too sick to leave their homes so having their money sanctioned as unable to attend interviews, etc and all terrified for the future. Heartbreaking stories. Last week’s reach was 171,186 and 9,896 were talking about the page. That shows you the level of need.
127. David Johnson – 22 year veteran of CFS/ME
128. Lesley Brownlie carer to my disabled
129. Tony Dean, I have been fighting for groups to be able to complain the PCC for decades due to the 20 year long disability hate campaign by some of the press.

130 Morag Fraser Just another nobody that atos deemed fit to work, so by the press standard, I must be a scrounger.
131 Inez de Miranda. I am worried about the level of hate-speak in the current media.
132  Lyn Phillips disabled with MS. Fed up with reading in the press about benefits scroungers.
133 Anthony Boardman I’m sick of a Right wing biased press, backing a rich elite agenda.
134 Paul Sheppard 15 years of M.E.  Made even more sick and tired of being called a “shirker”
and worse in the press in the last 2 years. The press is taking part in a hate campaign. Politicians and press are culpable for the physical and verbal violence against innocents. The demonisation of sick and disabled people legitimised by senior politicians via the press has to stop.
135 Ian Warner- Directing Editor of Kittiwake Classics: I have ASD and several mental health issues and this hate speech has resulted in state sanctioned Genocide:  
136 Trev Fairminer LE12 9LW
137 Mike Llywelyn Cox – NSUN/NCODP – Service User, Norfolk.
138. Linda Mccafferty, Glasgow Scotland .
139. C Richardson, Cumbria
140. Keith Lindsay-Cameron. Bath, UK. BA2 8EF.
141. Christine George
142. Leigh Arthur, Middlesbrough
143. Rob Marsh, Penarth.
144 Paul Grace Swansea
145. Lynn Evans fibromyalgia sufferer, osteoarthritis and severe depression.
146 Russell Williams
147 David Haymes, ME/CFS sufferer
148 Stuart Smith Swansea manic depression, amputee
149 Robert Herring, tax payer for 24 years straight, former engineer, now with M.E./CFS and depression. 2 years sick time was waiting for an Expert Patients Programme to learn how to cope!
150. Lesley Rose Wigram, long-term disabled suspected Asperger’s Syndrome and PTSD the latter caused by abuse from parents.
151. Jenni Frost, business owner and tax advisor. Suffers depression and was out of work for 2 years with a nervous breakdown in my early 20’s
152.  Nicola Parker, Mitochondrial Myopathy sufferer, works full-time.
153. Helen North. Progressive physical illness.  Made to feel like a criminal, having worked for 30 years.Tribunal finally awarded me ESA Support group status. So many ill & disabled people are being placed incorrectly into the ESA Wrag group – even those with long term progressive chronic illness’s – WHY? They are not going to get better, unless there are major medical breakthroughs – but still hounded & criminalised by the DWP & press.Wrong, wrong, wrong !
154. Debra Halliday
155. Mr. Andrew Healey  Multi level spinal degeneration arthritis in spine Emphysema arthritis through whole of  body dodgy heart problems worked over 30 years + 60 hour weeks work for self 90 hour week
156. John Hargrave  Chair – Leicester Disabled People’s Access Group.
157 Hazel Quinn, ME/fibro approx 50 years, PTSD from being beaten as a child when paralysed, more PTSD from abuse by carers, medical profession. 21 years of appeals, tribunals. Last year victim of hate crime attack very much fuelled by press reports. 18 months later still in pain everyday from that assault.
158 Kenneth John Boyd; full time carer and very concerned citizen.
159 Samantha Bentley 49 Wilsons Disease and chronic joint pain sufferer and victim of DWP Atos and WCA
160 Sandy Hay, Lupus, fibromyalgia, ME and prolapsed disc in spine sufferer.
161 Emma Schumann, Chronic pain and multiple health problem, Diabetes, Thyroid, Heart, and Depression, anxiety attacks
162 Christine George.
163 Lawrence Roper
164.Dave Pelbrough, Ex-Serviceman, Spinal injuries in lower back & neck. Cambridgeshire.
165. Seth Woolf, London
166. Angelica Falterfoot
167. Colin Whyte disgusted way DWP ATOS AND CORRUPT GOVERNMENT have treated its ill and sick they can’t defend themselves.
168. Gareth Morgan Leeds
170. D. Page HIV/AIDS long term, depression,anxiety, chronic hepatitis B infection & porphyria. Also diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder.
171. Marie-Francoise O’donoghue  ME for 11 years, not a scrounger, has been working all my life prior to ME
172. Ronnie Gordon. Scotland..
Spinal injury due to an industrial accident after working 30+ years. I despise being made to feel like a scrounger after paying national insurance for so many years, specially when I see this so called government squandering so much  on themselves
173. Rosanne Goodwins
174 T Jackson Ra Fibromyalgia and Depression
175 Andy Murtha Bipolar and Fibromyalgia now unable to work after 36 years working 6 days a week. I do voluntary work when health allows.
176. Ross Allan, Schizo Affective Disorder, diabetes, high blood pressure, joint problems
177. David Jones. Concerned Voter, South Wales
178. Antonia Shepherd
179. Lorna Gray, worried sick, ill and disabled widow and who has ill and disabled family
180. Dee Barry, Warwickshire
181. Tom Busby, Bedfordshire
182.Derek Turpin osteoarthritis, 5x TIAs osteoporosis ankylosing spondylosis , at my wits end!
183. Jonathan Eyre – those with the condition of M.E are regularly described as malingerers and scroungers in the tabloid press, from Leeds, West Yorkshire.
184.  M Stanley, mental health issues.  Made to feel like a malingerer.  Disgusted with false propaganda in national newspapers and BBC bias.
185. GeNN
186. Maria Nelson, tendonitis back problems, asthma, anger management, due to previous bullying and family issues. Anxiety and feel like I don’t fit in this greedy selfish society and yes I have worked, in the past heavy work for poor pay. And I feel the benefits system does currently cause more stress as we are treated very badly. Almost wound up by inept call centre staff who say one thing and do another. I support poor paid workers and do not support free labour workfare for the rich companies.
187. Dianne Jones, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, COPD,  Psoriasis and Stress+Anxiety caused by DWP, ATOS and stigma of being branded a scrounger, liar and malingerer by the Media propaganda vented by BBC, The Sun etc……
188. Sarah Wiles, Peterborough – Suffering Depression and anxiety
189. Julie Frid.
191. Sue Wilkinson  rheumatoid osteo arthritis IBS Thyroid probs  anxiety depression  FEAR
192. Selina Postgate, autistic rights advocate, diabetic, arthritic, depressive, parent
193. Kate Patten, Bristol
194. Jayne Coombes. Invisible illness sufferer, feeling so much extra stress from the DWP, and Atos. Seriously thinking I would be better off leaving the earth as I am seeing the deaths and suffering of the poor, sick and disabled.  But hanging on in there, people before profit.
195. Colin Wilson L35 5HJ – Asperger’s Syndrome, Chronic Pain Syndrome, severe anxiety / depression.
196 Helen Woodhouse

197 Paul Woodhouse
198 Richard Southwell
199 Penny Ledger Co-Chair Disability Network Hounslow
200. Terence Crago, Full-time Carer of severely disabled partner
201. Sally Wallis rare bone disease and other health problems. This government is trying to suppress free speech under the aegis of privacy concerns. The law is already in place to deal with the sort of criminal behaviour such as phone tapping but it is not being implemented.  Disabled and sick people are being demonised by this government at every level. The press are complicit if they push ahead with this.
202. Sarah Lawry
203, Samuel Jones, Social phobia, agoraphobia.
204. William Greiner MS
205 Lorraine Butter, carer
206. Elaine Stammers ME/CFS
207. Katharine Peake, disabled in recovery without a recovery college in the borough, terrorised into isolation and made suicidal by tyrannical, lawless press and complicit, lawless parliament, another one bites the dust
208 Jayni Anderton. Arthritic for 30 yrs.  Highly qualified, disabled & unable to work.
209 Leon Edwards Concerned human being cured arthritis with MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)
210 Linda Hill Polio suffer from age of 2 sick and tired of being stressed out and punished for something I had no control over it is not my fault I’m disabled.
211 Yasmin Raphael Long term ME then developed MS entirely due to an 11 year wait for a medical diagnosis (‘delay’ caused by uninformed opinions of GPs and media, and punishment for daring to look healthy). My health is now dependent on government funded care and weekly alternative treatments which I will not be able to afford if I am labelled ‘fit to work’. Fearing for the deterioration of my health as well as losing my home (and my sanity!).
212. Antony Fern
213. Mr FH Bent
214. Bryn Kinnaird
215. Chris Fairlam
216 Penelope Twining deeply concerned human being
217 Miss Nicole Giddings Long term CFS. I am also worried about the deterioration to my health. The government’s actions are so short sighted by forcing disabled people to undertake actions they are not fit to do and punishing them when they are unable to do them, they will only cause an increased level of sickness for a longer period of time, costing the taxpayer even larger amounts. How does this make sense?
218 Andrew Phipps
219. Lesley Rose Wigram Long-term disabled, suspected Asperger’s syndrome and PTSD from abuse by parents for having the condition.
220. Alexandra Singer. Author of Tea at the Grand Tazi. Longlisted for Dylan Thomas Prize. Former Lawyer. Wheelchair User. Survivor. Disgusted at the government.
221. Susi Neale
222. Mrs Anna Smith, Carer.  
223. Janetta McGuigan.
224. Paul Watton. – Ashover, Nr. Chesterfield, Derbyshire. ME/cfs sufferer for over 10 years.
225. David J Smith – Counsellor and Support Worker
226. Ann Whitehurst born disabled
227. Liane Gomersall
228 Paul Barnard there is NO support only workfare. I  lost £70 per week (chronic disc damage and now recurring depression)
229. Ron Graves, 4, Hobhouse Court, Grange Road West, Birkenhead – lifelong disabled, wheelie, ME for 27 years, COPD, heart failure, aortic valve calcification. Terminal.
230. Danielle Heybroek, Crohn’s Disease
231. Cristiano Di Carlo, Disabled ex forces. chronic heart disease, PTSD, Late onset autism, peripheral arterial disease. Nottingham.
232. Linda Hodson, Bury, Cambs, disabled for last 15 yrs and will gradually get worse. on fb
233. Jane Osmond, Women’s Views on News
234. Joanne Yelland, Green Party Durham Candidate, Epileptic, will never give up until equal outcomes are available for all of Baumans repressed in society., available on Facebook and on email.
235. Vicky Horvat
236. Imogen Forster, imogen@
237. Beverley Rawsthorn, Merseyside, Disabled and a Carer. Fibromyalgia, Osteo-A
238. Zekiye Driver
239. Halil Driver
240.Derek Strain
241. Paige Rawsthorn, Merseyside, Autism, ADHD, SLD
242. Anne Toms Glasgow -Worked for 40 years paying tax and National Insurance.Treated like shit by ATOS when I broke my leg in three places and ended up with a metal rod from knee to ankle. Was asked what books did I read and had I ever been in trouble with the police. Now realise my tax and insurance were going towards duck houses and expenses for fat cat MPs.
243 Angela Cox carer
244. Katie Goddard suffers from severe fibromyalgia, heart problems and borderline personality disorder.
It’s a national disgrace the purge on poor which were caused by the incompetence of MPs and Bankers where is media on 1000s committing suicide while millionaires tell people on 11 pound a day how to live. It’s sick I hope there is a Revolution. No social housing, no future, no jobs other than min wage slavery who could blame the youth.
245. Marcia Hibberd, wife and cousin of disabled men, horrified at what’s going on.
246. Mike Cookson-Taylor
247. Jennifer Turrall, Kent, (32) Disabled with multiple health conditions including, Large brain aneurysm which cannot be clipped or coiled, an orange-sized chest cyst, fibromyalgia, severe migraines, reversed c spine, gallstones which they won’t operate due to other health problems,
and ms type symptoms, depression and anxiety made worse by atos/dwp  still undergoing investigations some still not known yet..fed up of battling not only my own body but Doctors, atos/dwp and the government for it’s hate campaign on the sick and disabled. Also the now prejudice against us by media and now everyday people. Enough is enough. We are not scroungers, we are trying to cope and live lots of complex things.. Leave us alone.
248. Margaret Keavey I worked all of my life and have been fortunate enough to never have to claim and I am retired now, however I was and am more than happy to pay into the system to to help to care for the sick and disabled our most vulnerable in society. I have seen the changes the government have made in assessing the sick and disabled and I find it appalling, you’d never know we lived in the 21st century. Changes needed to happen, but not what you have done you basically sent them to slaughter with you narrowing of descriptors and Atos just approving most everyone for work when it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know they are not fit for work. Utterly disgraceful.
249. Eddie Keavey
250 Carole McCulloch
251 Donna Wilson, we should all be concerned about what this government is doing to this country, we should all speak now while we still can!
252 Yvette Broadhurst. Disabled, Bedridden, chronic pain conditions FMS/CFS
had 17 operations inc spine, bladder, bowel and feet. Severe anxiety and Depression made worse by the stress and worry of what this government/Dwp/Atos are doing to the sick and disabled of this country, it is an absolute disgrace !!!
253 Michelle Maher
254 Caroline Lord
255 Christina Allen
256 Colin White
257 Fallyn Spinks. The current Govt should be prosecuted for mass murder. It is nothing more than a form of Nazi eugenics.
258. Thomas Ratcliffe, had to stop work after suffering heart attack, osteoarthritis, hiatus hernia, Barretts oesophagus, worn vertebrae in neck and unusual curvature of the spine, asthma, anxiety attacks and asked why do you suffer from depression, get rid of this incompetent government.
259. Peter Wright A Concerned Disabled Human being that’s suffering at the hands of our current Government through its inhuman attack on disabled people. These include abuse, neglect, injustice and diminishing Rights to a Quality of life that I’m entitled to under The Human Rights Act.
260. Wanda Lozinska, ME Sufferer battling with the DWP
261. Brit Hannar, ME Sufferer also battling with impact of media heightened negative social views of sick/disabled people as well as DWP.  Ex-Senior Occupational Therapist.
262. Jeremy L. Castle BSc. R.N. Dip.H.E. Clinical Nurse Specialist & Disabled person.  
263. Adrianne  Sebastian-Scott I have MS and arthritis. The false information in the press makes me afraid to to outside on a ‘good’ day in case people think I’m faking my disability.
264. Roger Stoker, disabled.
265. Derek Beveridge, Cluster Headaches
266.George Tal, health,diabetes issues.
267. Gary Scott. Herefordshire One of the lazy, moral-less, scroungers that sufferers with mental health problems. No one stopped Hitler, but Cameron is going down
268. Bruce Bingham, Manchester
269. Martin. ATOS. TOTAL Humiliation & Degradation during  assessment  & REFUSED to accept written evidence from a Doctor & Consultant. Hang your heads in shame Cameron & Co.
270. Max Wootton, Leeds
271. Stephen Reilly, Kent, Very ill both physically and mentally constant hospital appointments and procedures and psychiatric meetings, appealing both ESA and DLA decisions, ESA for 10 months and denied DLA because of ATOS medical……. disgusted!
Mark Aldiss, Harlech. projectbrainsaver
272. Lynn Bleasdale. Essex.  Numerous health problems including CFS
273. Deborah Taylor sufferer of CFS, Fibromyalgia denied DLA because of Atos medical
274. Marcus de Mowbray, Able-bodied, but disgusted at Government’s criminal treatment of disabled people, and thus inspiring hatred in the press.
275. Adrianne Sebastian-Scott Multiple sclerosis, arthritis. We’re made to feel guilty about being disabled. We’re afraid to go outside on ‘good days’ because people will think we’ve been faking our disabilities.
276. Giselle Winston. Horrified by the way certain newspapers are skewing their reporting of disability issues to promote their political viewpoint, indifferent to the increase in hate against the disabled that they are promoting. Third party complaints by and on behalf of the disabled must be allowed.
277. Calvin Smith, Swansea .
278. Steve Donnison, Director, Benefits and Work Publishing Ltd
279. Mike Caics, Carlisle. Concerned about the way Politicians use the Press to target minorities or enemies of the incumbent Government, initiate, focus and inflate campaigns which have hatred at their roots. There is NO place for this behaviour in civilized society, and there is certainly no longer any place where only the rich can afford to protect their good names and reputations.
280. Lesley Innes – M.E. sufferer diagnosed 2010 (ill for many years undiagnosed) and STILL not believed by DWP despite Disability confirmed in ATOS medical, Consultants & GP’s Letters – all I can say is Thank Goodness for Journalists like Sonia Poulton who ARE in our corner!!
281. Steve Hawkins – ME sufferer since 1984 – still treated like an outcast by NHS.
282. Karen Scott – M.E. sufferer since 1990. Works 3 days a week as finance director and rests on the other 4 days in order to do so. Never claimed benefits. We deserve some respect and recognition, let alone a cure!
283. Anne Gill – ME sufferer since 1993. More or less housebound since 1995. Have essentially been abandoned by the NHS for all of that time as there are no appropriate treatments for ME.
284. B A C Hansen, one more voice.  
285. S Kirk , severe Fibromyalgia and other illnesses , terrified to have any resemblance of a life on my few good days ,left to rot without benefit  not just for myself but with 3 kids ..made to feel more and more worthless by the stories in the press .
286. HNPP, severe arthritis, depression.
287. Joshua Christian, severely p*****d off at “I don’t give ATOS” about people like myself who was humiliated in front of my fiancée at one of their “assessments” for want of a better word – “B******t” – and physically hurt by one of their “assessors”.
288.Cornwall carer, affected harmfully and slandered by last 2 governments for spending my life caring for two family members as I watch them suffer from the libel, indignity of ATOS/DWP and the pain inflicted on them by the hopeless ESA form, it is a failure unless a government is trying to dismantle the UK welfare state?
289. Elizabeth Feeney, ex-health carer with severe spinal and cervical condition which has become a disability. I am severely p****d off at “I don’t give ATOS” ab
out people like myself. Having to sit at a so-called ATOS assessment to watch my fiancée be totally humiliated to the indecent, inhumane, indignity of the way he was treated by a so-called
290. Rick Burgess
291. Robina Haddow ill health retired staff nurse assaulted by a patient
292. Denise Bellamy  Wales.
293. Ilona Parker ex government worker, dismissed through ill health due to spinal problems
294. Daniella T’arna – Ex Mental Health Staff and service user.
295. Natalie Walsh – EDS hypermobility and carer for partner with mental health problems. Sick of people calling me a scrounger because they can’t see my health problems.
296. Sam Shipstone – Citizens Advice Bureau
297 Christina Sosseh – Chairman, Milton Keynes against the cuts
298 Christine Stewart – severe depression, anxiety, deaf
299condition. The Government should be ashamed of themselves for demonising the sick and disabled.
300. Robert Watson – Depression and anxiety. Disgusted by false misleading and false information at Atos Assessment.
301. Jennifer Harrod – Multiple Sclerosis and back injury during the course of my work as a District Nurse.
301. Judith Figuiere.  
302. M H T Cairns. Over 20 years Depression, anxiety and intermittent social phobic.
303. Linda Marshall. Disability campaigner, disgusted at how the press have been allowed to demonise the sick and disabled so far.
304. K Manners. Very concerned citizen.
305 . K. Lomax. Severe mental health with depression, agoraphobia, anxiety, paranoia, personality disorder, also in chronic pain with Fibromyalgia and being tested for blackouts by a neuro specialist. Also look after Autistic child.
306 Dawn Willson  carer for disabled husband
307. Steven Oliver, Asperger’s Syndrome sufferer
308 Gill Lee (particularly concern
310 Suzannah Hall rheumatoid arthritis , disgusted to be called a scrounger after having paid my taxes for 25 years, shouldnt have to fight to be treated with respect and dignity
311 Kathy Hunt – degenerative spinal disease, spinal arthritis, degenerative neurological disease. Failed spinal surgery causing extreme discomfort.
315 Francine Loze, London.
316 Julia Smith  Former teacher, (no history of scrounging !) Now Atos victim….Confined to wheelchair, Congenital spinal lesion, degenerative spinal disease, severe Osteo Arthritis, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Severe Asthma and respiratory distress, vertigo and losses of consciousness, immunocompromised; Twice scored zero points via Atos, had benefit taken away for 8 months….I was very nearly an addition to the suicide statistics…
317 paul galloway: water mains and service fitter.(worked all my life until now)12 prolapsed discs, discectomy, degenerative spine disease, chronic pain, can not walk for long periods due to pain. suffer depression as a result, hepatitis c ( HCV ) / chronic liver disease, Dyslexia , Medical professionals and consultants have stated “ this man will never work again”, yet passed fit for work by ATOS. have been without my incap benefit for 14 months.
318 Adam Costello, Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis sufferer and father to Autistic Son.  (Worked until 2009, until my MS forced me to give up)
319 Ruth Christy, P.T.S.D, anxiety, depression, social phobia, major panic attacks.
320 Jan Dodds, giving support to mother, mother in law and daughter. This ‘government’ might have abrogated their responsibilities but I will not.
321 Helen H Green
322 Stephen Rice, carer.
323 Hayley Martin.
324 Monica Brennan
325 Jenny Martin. Interested party.
326 Lucy Clapham multiple mental disabilities
327 Karyn Irwin. Bedford
328 Jude E Olds
329 Tom Webster able bodied but angered by the prejudicial treatment
330 Rebecca Boot – a thoroughly broken body.
331Danny Mahon. You can’t force people to get well!!
332 Alison Chesterton chronic back pain due to accident at work feel aggrieved that my benefit has been cut when I was injured through no fault of my own!
333 Chris Manning
334 Cathy Alesbrook – disabled but still working. Just.
335 Sue Rogers – concerned about how benefit claimants are being demonised by the press and the disinformation on ME
336 Andrew Banks – I think the fact there has been no recompense or penalty for what is basically lying about asylum seekers, disability claimants and other minorities is the ugliest end of the press, personally.
337 Ian White.
338 Sonya Harris – the immense power of this deliberate negative reporting to sell “scandalous sensationalism” is causing a false beliefs about sick and disabled people to become prevalent.  This abuse of vulnerable people is dangerous for us all as a society.  NO good can come of it.  
People have the right to be heard, after all this is supposed to be a free country..
339 Annie Howard, a concerned citizen
341 Alan Anderson, this needs to stop, people are dying because of these fools
342 Bridget Price
343 J. Ellis, Single father, cancer sufferer, heart disease, depression & anxiety (worsened by my treatment by DWP & ATOS) … the killing has to stop! … The UK is a welfare state, by consent of the people! those who don’t like that fact need to pack up and leave!
344 Victor Deak, Advanced Degenerative Osteo Arthritis and E.H.D also crushed discs in my spine and i have undergone direct spinal injections which have not worked and the spinal surgeon has told me that my condition is beyond treatment, i have had over twelve operations which include bone grafts plates and screws to my right wrist to try to save the use in my right hand and wrist and ive just undergone a complete wrist joint replacement (DRUJ ) I now have virtually no feeling in my fingers and 7 pounds of grip in my right hand and between early 1980s and now i have had over 16 reconstructive operations to save my left knee and in 2009 i had a TKR (total knee replacement) at the ripe old age of 49 im now 51 and the TKR in the words of the surgeons has been less than successful but according to atos and the dwp im fit for work even though the surgeons have told me i am in no physical shape to work!!, and i need to take morphine and heart meds every day four times a day just to be able to function all be it very slowly and in great pain.
The atos healthcare professional has deliberatly distorted my answers and  edited my answers to his questions to make them fit the so called tick box questionare and criteria so that i scored no points when according to my surgeons i should have scored a minimum of 54 points but due to his corrupt reporting of my health i now  have to go through the appeals process.
this government have mercilessly victimised the sick and disabled at the expense of their human rites our beloved prime minister was quite happy to take all the disability benefits he was entitled to when his son was alive but sadly his son died and since then he and his rich posh boys in government have viciously attacked the disabled and tagged us a scroungers what a bunch of hypocrites, these savage attacks on those who are unable to protect themselves must stop and they must stop NOW!!.
i wonder how much longer these morally bankrupt and corrupt politicians will be able to keep lying to Mr and Mrs average ?!.  
345 S. Taylor – this has to stop
346 rosalyn adams cfs/me, we didn’t choose to be disabled and or ill. stop the press demonizing the most vulnerable section of society
347 Tom Webster Able bodied but angered at the prejudicial treatment given by ATOS and in general by the attack on the welfare state
348 Veritee Reed Hall.
I was disabled by a severe horse riding accident in 2003 at 50 years old. This led to 3 years of much pain and  in a wheelchair. I can walk now due to having my leg reconstructed by the use of a fixator screws inserted and an ankle fusion, but only with walking aids, some days are worse than others. I can’t drive a manual and unadapted car and rely on my DLA to run this car.

But my ankle fusion is breaking down and I am on the waiting list for further surgery on it in the new year. I have also developed Plantar Fasciitis in the affected foot, which is incurable and very painful making walking even more difficult.I have had operations on both knees and I am too scared to go back as I fear a knee replacement, as I have too many other operations to face.

I then found I had HIV at 55, I am now 59. I have probably had HIV since 2002. My husband, a merchant seaman got it while working away in Brazil, as he was unfaithful I have never have been. We have been together since 1984. Its been a terrible shock, I am still in shock and suffer severe anxiety. I suffered phobic anxiety before I found I had HIV all my life since abused as a child, but could manage my life with strategies. However knowing I am HIV+ has made my anxiety so much worse and now I can’t manage now to lead a productive life with it and the other conditions.

I also have side effects from the HIV meds each and every day, and officially had AIDs when diagnosed as did my husband. But due to the HIV meds that ‘control’ the condition, HIV alone does not qualify for ESA, PIP or whatever any more, it used to qualify you for some DLA and Incapacity Benefit depending on how it affected you.
Since finding I Have HIV I have developed Kienbocks, a form of incurable  avascular necrosis in the wrist for which there are ‘salvage’ operations to help with the pain but no cure.I have had one salvage operation and will have to have others.  It is very painful and I can not use the affected hand without much pain. AV can be caused by advanced HIV infection that was untreated for some years, Also have cubital and carpal tunnel, hence why typing is laboured and I make many typos as I can’t hit the right keys and it hurts to type this.

I was diagnosed via bone scan with severe osteoporosis of the spine – lumbar – a couple of weeks ago. My bones there and in my hips are so fragile I could get breaks just leading my normal life especially in my spine. Which also was a shock as lived a very active life until my accident at 50. However I am on a HIV drug called Tenofovir which is known to cause severe osteoporosis in postmenopausal women who are on it. But the drug controls my HIV well and I don’t want to die of AIDs so I take it. I also have high cholesterol and high blood pressure due to the HIV drugs.

I have described my conditions in such detail as the point I want to make is not one of them on their own qualify now for either PIP or an ESA support group. Yet I have been on both DLA and Incapacity benefit for some years and only for two of the above conditions and was told I would NEVER be reassessed. But they are now reassessing me. And I have been thrown into acute panic and anxiety. As without these benefits I would have to leave my home of over 25 years and no way could I work.
But none of my conditions apparently qualify from what I have read and from my reading they do not take into account the combined effect of so many on a persons ability to function and work.

I will be 60 in a month, I was going to try to survive only on my state  pension when I got it as I hate being on this benefit system that I find degrading, even though I have paid into it since I was 15. But they moved this goal post too so I now won’t get my state pension until I am 62 and 10 months.
If I go into a work group I will get some money for a year, but I know I can’t work, so what then? I will have a gap of nearly two years with no money of my own, my husbands money alone will not keep us in this house that has been my home for so long and will have to rely on my husbands small works pension, and ask my husband , the man who is now my carer and the person who infected me with HIV, for every single penny. I have hardly any self respect left. If I lose my benefits before I can pick up my state pension in another 3 years at nearly 63, this will finish me off. I feel for others, as I can see others here are even worse off than me.
348 TE. I was 322 before being deleted. How dare they delete my name from a document I signed?!  My health is my affair but I am so angry at the attack on the welfare state and the disabled in partidular. Who would have ever thought we would have ‘disability hate crime’? Not only do we not care for the most vulnerable in our society but make them even more vulnerable. It saddens and disgusts me. Then to try to silence these voices demonstrates further the contempt they have for human beings.
349 Joanne Shaw…. bog standard mis-understood depression .
350 Dean Rossington
351 Peter Hall, my wife has chronic Arthritis
352 Robert Livingstone
353 Helen Belcher, Trans Media Watch – I gave evidence to the Leveson Inquiry on 8 February about the same issues as they affect trans people.  In my second submission I made the point that any vulnerable and marginalised group could be subject to the same poor treatment at the hands of the press unless the Editors Code was changed to allow complaints from groups – especially as many articles now don’t name individuals, making it impossible to complain.
354 Glenn Mrosek – Disabled Veteran. Father of two spec needs children
355 Mal Sainsbury – my DeafBlind student has severe mobility difficulties and was found ‘fit for work’ with her Incapacity Benefit immediately withdrawn! She was accompanied to her ATOS Work Capability Assessment by a support worker who interpreted for her.  Called in for the mandatory WCA (as are all sick and disabled people under the new Welfare Reform Act), this student thought she was having a medical and help from a specialist employment officer who would help her find work. She is now (like thousands of others) going through the long-winded (and very costly to tax-payers) appeal procedure with assistance from her support workers.
356 Justine Fernandes –
357 Virgilio de nobrega freitas- family member who is disabled
358 Kim Horsfield Arthritus,sufferer
359 John Rooney, Severe mental health problems
360 Lynne Linaker carer for my son but I also have my own health problems.
361 Geoff Halliday
362 Joan Twelves                                                                                                                                363 David Somers
364Dennis Boe, Disabled with chronic simple worn out/damaged back pain, due to falls at work, which causes  nerves being trapped in left leg, at least get some relief from morphine.
365 Caron Harrison, Disabled with inflammatory arthritis and Fibromyalgia, sick of having to prove to ‘doubting Thomas’s’ that I am ill. Also have 15 year old autistic son who’s DLA application was declined on my evidence then awarded on intervention of his ‘outreach’ teacher.
366. John T. Horsfall, 59 y/o type 1 diabetic with below knee amputation to left leg multiple issues to the lwr. right one, can only walk with crutch & have to wear massively reinforced shoe c/w leg iron (weighs 4 1/2lbs) & numerous other diabetes related issues, including 4,500 + laser shots to each eye, t.i.a’s hypertension etc etc. 5 x injections a day + handfuls of tablets.
367.Jan Hamilton, Grantham,  thyroid eye disease, arthritis and fibromyalgia. another victim of the DWP/Atos shambolic cruel “system”. Fill in the forms, assessment, nil points awarded, appeal, win, another form to fill in,  another assessment, get put into the support group, 19 weeks later another form to fill in!!!!
This is just another gov’t ploy to shut people up, they cannot bear criticism or the truth and will use any means possible to keep us quiet.
368.  E B Caldow. FMS/CFS/neuropathy/RSI and carpal tunnel, arthritis and back problems.
369. Marion Fallon, age 51, Norwich. Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Scoliosis, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, Underactive Thyroid Condition. 1 hip replaced, the other one in bad shape, arthritis spread to many other parts of body, in more or less constant pain. On Jobseekers Allowance and a privatised work programme, frightened of how I can hold down  a job, but no-one interested in employing me anyway. Worried about what will happen if I continue to be able to work or find work, Housing Benefit and much else. Constant worry and stress aggravating my conditions.
370. George Berger, PhD. Researcher Philosophy Institute, Uppsala University, Sweden.
371. Peter Wild, Leigh, Lancashire, UK
372. Judith Wren London N7 Islington Local Involvement Network
373 Trish Wilkinson Social Care Support Worker and partner of a double amputee, facing a bleak future on low pay and reduced benefits!!!!
374 .Mark Smith age 58 iin constant pain and terrible mental health issues face even more problems in future because of this disgusting system being imposed on the sick and disabled !
375. David Steele. An injury to one is an injury to al
376 Melanie Lloyd.  Swansea Life destroyed by fibromyalgia. carer for son crippled by M.E
377 Alex Lloyd . M.E
388 Fred Vintner, 27 years with ME and no support from the government, NHS just contempt from the press
379 Dave Arnold
380 Alison Fraser disabled
381 Christine Hubbard working mother & carer to daughter with disabilities that make her life hell most of time.
382: Dee Terry SP3 4TE – I am disabled with joint hypermobility syndrome, osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia. I was sacked from my job in July by the charity I was working for. They refused to recognise my disability and refused to acknowledge responsibility for making “adjustments”. I had a breakdown through the stress this caused. Now I am working part-time Self Employed. My condition makes it hard to maintain a schedule. I am terrified of what the future holds as my condition is progressive.

383. Terence Crago, full-time carer for severely disabled partner.
384. Charlene Flewers – Social Services. Worked for Local Government and was dismissed under Occupational Health due to my severe Crohn’s Disease. They said that an employer such as the council needed reliability and good attendance. That it was difficult but I should accept the hand that life had dealt me, now however ATOS (the company that work for the Government that signed me off sick) are saying that I am fit for work. I will sue them and want all this brought to light. They are corrupt and immoral. They will be discovered in the end! Get legal representation if you can, take them to the court for an infringement of your human rights and discrimination.
385. Jane Winter, ME for the past 9 years, before that always worked. Surely it is obvious that in a decent society those too ill to seek redress and balance should be able to have organisations do it on their behalf? Preventing this is essentially gagging the sick and disabled. I claim no benefits at all, by the way.
386. Kirsty Dunlop, Epilepsy, Hypermobility Syndrome, and Borderline Personality Disorder Sufferer. Too ill to work with 4-5 seizures daily, yet ATOS think that I am fit for working, ok so if thats the cse what exactly can i do that isn’t interfered with by multiple seizures and being asleep to get over them most of the day?
387. Alexandra Burnell – ME/CFS and carer to my partner who has Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Tourettes/ADHD.
388. Lee Marshall – NUS – Preston.  
389. Andrew Bunting.    
390 Sally Burton
391 Mark Giblin, Industrial Injury to spine to the T4 & T5 vertebrae causing a plethora of other conditions including sciatica and pain while walking. Dislocation of shoulder because of nerve damage. Persistent headaches from head and neck trauma. Suffer from bouts of chronic insomnia and a sleep disorder similar to non-24 circadian sleep rhythm disorder. Suffer from bouts of chronic depression and have also early onset of arthritis. Also carer to my son who is severely visually impaired and has bilateral amblyopia, has to wear aphakic glasses that gives him around 6/12 vision but has less than 10 inches of vision without them. Condition is congenital.

392 June Heaney,mother, my son has spina bifida and hydrocephalus with severe learning difficulties.He has an L4 lesion and is a wheelchair user. Earlier this year he was in hospital with a life threatening infection in his shunt. On average he has had one major surgery every year of his life he is 22.  After 25 years working as a nurse i had to give up my work due to my own ill health and have fibromyalgia and injuries to my back and neck. I suffer from severe depression and have to deal on a daily basis with suicidal thoughts which have become worse since having to listen to lies through the television and newspapers about the liars and cheats who steal benefits they are not entitled to. Now as well as having to deal with i and my sons health issues i feel abused just because we are sick.  

393. Eco Treedweller, committee member for DPAC Norfolk.
394 J Manning disabled due to spinal cord injury, wheelchair user, hughes syndrome, type 2 diabetes (caused by long term steroid use) osteoporosis. I also have a daughter who has had ME for 10 years, she is still fighting to get treatment under the NHS and her condition has worsened because ATOS make her feel like a liar and a scrounger
395. Kessa Treedweller, Chair of DPAC Norfolk.
396. Fran Lewis-Morgan. Concerned citizen with fibromyalgia. My condition has improved sufficiently that I am currently off DLA, but always hanging over me that it could worsen again.
397. David Harbud.  Concerned citizen.
398 S J Davis Concerned citizen
399. Lee Noon… Complete T4 Paraplegic from spinal cord injury, worked all my life before injury, also suffer chronic pain and spasms, Arthritis and Depression, its a joke we all have to put up with this bullying from the government when being disabled is hard enough as it is, its like having a job i hate but i’m stuck with it 365 days a year till the day i die and no way out of it, just want to be left alone.
400. Dick Clark husband and full-time carer of person with multiple mental and physical problems including PTSD and Huntingdon’s.
401. Liz Maisonpierre – sufferer from OCD and depression  made worse by press hounding of us as Benefit Scroungers and society responding with punitive measures.
402. Anna Chapman- suffer with M.E and unable to work for 4 years. Atos is an embarassment to the country, a failing system not only designed to exploit vulnerable people too ill to protest, but the ‘findings’ of Atos are inaccurate as it seems too often are the press’.
403. Marian Walker. Haven’t got the energy to write about all my physical and mental problems!
404. Diane Hughes: Manic Depression: Spondylosis, suffer panic attacks, IBS and chronic pain in left arm from nerve damage, arthritic knees.
405.  Terree Selby.  12 different conditions some severe and some moderate.  Good solid work record.  In WRAG group but feel I belong in Support.  Don’t have the strength to appeal.  Due to the stress of getting my assessment to ATOS in time (My 4 weeks included Christmas and New Year.) I burst a blood vessel in my bowel.  This could easily happen again according to my Colo-Rectal surgeon.
406 Gill Hawkes. London… had my DLA stopped in September 2011, am still fighting to get it back, have had life threatening vascular problems, no feeling in right hand due to nerve damage in arm, feet permanently numb due to nerve damage from Peripheral Vascular Disease, Scoliosis of the spine, and degenerative discs in spine, and sciatica, cannot stand long enough to cook a meal, and can’t chop veggies to prepare one, and despite letters from my GP have been refused renewal of claim, have an ATOS medical assessment on Monday 17/12/12
407. Denise Prideaux, Caerphilly. I am profoundly concerned about the effect that the government’s new rules regarding sickness and disability benefits are having on the nation’s most vulnerable and deserving people. There is no doubt that benefits are being improperly denied to people who are genuinely sick or disabled and perfectly entitled to payments, because of an assessment process which is so seriously flawed as to make it unfit for purpose. The net effect is to throw claimants into destitution and destroy independent lives. In some cases the final days of the dying have been made distressingly more miserable, in others those denied the means to live have been driven to suicide. We should not stand by and allow this to happen, and we should not allow government to abdicate responsibility for this to third party assessors, either. Shameful.

408 Elizabeth Johnston, Northern Ireland.
409. Kim Johnston, Northern Ireland.
410. Henry Johnston, Northern Ireland.
411 Susan Smith Osteoarthritis Ankylosing Spondylitis,Atos,Dwp Government, media casualty.
412 Clarice Ramsay Had a fall two and half years ago which has left with me nerve damage in considerable pain and suffering with depression endless medication  and horrendous side effects from said medication. Worked from the age of 16 and l am now 53 and cant work anymore most of the time l have to lie down due to pain and side effects from medication its disgusting what is happening to this once Great country and its disabled people, the government should be ashamed f itself.
413 Bob Drury, Osteoarthritis,  osteopenia, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Reynaulds disease (white finger) and l am 63 years old.
414 Jessica Easterly Friel
415 Helen M Brown: Human Being.
416. Isobel Bennett (trying again as last one got lost). Lost my teaching career and much more as a result of ME/Fibromyalgia 19 years ago.  When i was first ill I felt fortunate to be living in a civilised, developed country which support its vulnerable members.  I cannot say the same now and have to be careful and very selective about who I tell I receive sickness and disability benefits.  I resent being tarred as a scrounger or sciver as there is nothing I would love more than to be able to work again and participate more fully in society.
417. Jamaal Hattan – I Work for a Mental Health Charity and newly diagnosed with a Personality Disorder.
418. Bob Williams-Findlay, former Chair of the British Council of Disabled People, researcher into portrayal of disabled people in newsprint.
419. Alice Crabtree, disabled pensioner with a daughter, who is fighting ATOS.
420. Catherine Mosey, Tourette’s syndrome and bi-polar disorder
421  Janice Bainbridge, mother and grandmother of disabled children who is fearful of their future.
422`Raymond Tough, COPD, Diabetes, coronary heart disease.
423 George Linton single parent of four last Atos assessment split my family up & n
424 David Barrett presently fighting Atos
425 Robert Johnstone – concerned citizen
426 Katie Goddard severe fibromyalgia, heart disease, borderline personality disorder. Mother of adult with hydrocephalus, and severe learning disability.
427 Colin Smith Leeds
428 Harry Wallington – Lifetime of CFS/ME/Depression – but still trying to make an informal contribution.
429. Patrick Mansfield, London
430 Bellatrixa Booty – Worked for 10 years from the age of 14, despite increasing problems with scoliosis, major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder. Have been unfit physically and mentally to work for the past 2 years. Am sick of “back problems” and “depression” being trivialised by the media when I’m in agony for hours every day, sometimes am unable to move at all due to the pain in my back and have attempted suicide over 20 times in my 27 years of being alive.
431 Alison Campbell, London: The way that this EVIL government, and media are targeting, and discriminating against disabled people, and the most vulnerable people in society makes me hang my head in shame, because I’m ashamed to be British, or even associated with this once Great Britain.
432 John Cavendish
433 Jenni Jones Bipolar, CFS, Hypo Thyroid, Fibromyalgia
434 Lynda Phillips, ex journalist, multiple brain injuries, epileptic, multiple physical disabilities, multiple psychological illnesses.
435 Paula Peters
436 Wayne S Crofts, Suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome
437 Una Doyle – Bipolar and physical disability. Sick of being treated like a 2nd class citizen, we deserve the same rights as everyone else!
438 Wendy Lee Crohn’s Disease sufferer, with an ileostomy.
439 Sue Campen. Stop slandering myself and other disabled people in the media just so you can get away with treating us worse than criminals.
440. Hannah Freeman, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME
441 Chris Veale
441 Barry Hall. Carer to my wife Veritee Reed Hall above. Because she has multiple conditions and HIV. I also have HIV, sadly I got it and gave it to her. I had AIDS when diagnosed  and was hospitalised for weeks and on oxygen for 6 months at home and she cared for me throughout this despite her own difficulties. I have also just had treatment for prostate cancer. I had Bracyotherapy. I think it worked but it has left me partially with urine incontinence and have impotence. But apart from that I am fit enough now with HIV medication to care for my wife. Which is all I want to do now. So for me this is not at all about me. I do not myself have or apply for any benefits whatsoever!! As I am one of the lucky ones. In that I worked from 15 years old and 33 years for my last firm, but lost my job at 56 because I failed their medical when I became ill due to HIV. But I am very lucky as through my job I have a small works pension and while my health is not great at all and I am on medication for the rest of my life I have  no mental health or mobility problems so I am able to care for my wife and have a very basic income with no benefits. And I do care for her, I love her, always have and made a very stupid mistake while working away for many months.But she does have mobility and other problems and HIV and the medications have affected her very badly. I may not deserve any benefits and I don’t claim them and never will. But she does  and no way could she EVER work again. In fact if she could she would really love to as it would give her her self respect back. She is a qualified teacher and youth worker and worked as this for over 28 years and before in other jobs. But the benefits that she also paid into for the eventuality of if and when she may be unable to work gave her a bit of
independence, self worth and pay for the adaptations on her car and for her to get out and about a little and have a quality of life. As my pension will not cover this. They are going to take this away from her. Whatever I did she does not deserve this. She paid into the system for longer than many ever have or ever will.

442. Ciara Doyle. DPAC. UCU.
443. Mark Rockell
444 Tony Gurney Crohn’s, Fibromyalgia and Sjogren’s
445 Lisa Tong Failed by ATOS and DWP Living with PTSD and Depression … i am ill not a scrounger… but then the government failed to support me and made me homeless…. So how am i a scrounger? Think before you slander me and like minded people who are trying to survive…
446 Miriam Moreno Perez -Fibromyalgia (Due to a car accident that was not my fault). Teacher & interpreter. I’m having to appeal for DLA. My life has drastically changed and the media + government make me feel than being useless as I am now was my choice. Despicable!
447 Susan Cook, Complex regional pain syndrome due to military service and being ignored by doctors in the NHS. Claim only DLA and use a blue badge but still get labelled a scrounger by the press/media standards. Also a care leaver, lesbian, student and female. Everything the current government seems dead set against penalising in some way.
448. Nigel Winborne
End-stage renal failure, initially caused by being given the wrong medication by pharmacy! – No compensation! Suffered 20+ years of ill health since, renal problems, cancer from drugs, Hep C caught from renal transplant (now failing again). Issues with depression, walking, arthritis, nerve damage – the list goes on and on. Now considered a  ‘complicated case’ by medical specialists.. Sick of seeing disabled and ILL people being treated with contempt!
449.  S. Davis, Concerned Citizen.
450. Mike Orme, Personal Assistant
451. Liam Mercer, London.
452. Mr B Sampson, Carer
453. Simon Roberts
454.Sheena Harrison.

454. Deborah Harvey, personal assistant to son with autism, and single parent of a daughter with Asperger’s Syndrome.
455. Jayni Anderton – Disabled by Highway Authorities & a driver
456. Damian Baughan, just about have my benefits stopped. Suffer from Depression. Just got worse
457. Philip Todd MIMI., granted ESA indefinitely then they change the law to 12 months.
458  Sue Campen, disabled through no fault of my own and , not really wanting to live anymore, it would be kinder of you to just have be put down like the useless animal you seem to think I am
459. Claire Wells. I am not disabled but have mental health issues. I want to show my support and obtain justice for people who genuinely need the help they deserve.
460 Julia King Disabled and fed up of reading lies
461. Thomas Bleasdale – misdiagnosed and mistreated for 2 years, left permanently ill and is deteriorating as a result of the constant bullying and harassment
462. Bill Nicholson retired, supporting the poor, unemployed, disabled, pensioners. Where’s the ‘fair’ left in government?
463 Anthony Newbolt Bi Lateral amputee in constant pain this government will probably be the death of me.
464 Hilary McDermott Hidradenitis Suppurativa Stage 3, spinal stenosis, depression – fed up with ‘quick fix’ Government that hasn’t a clue of reality.
465 Susan Taylor  Carer.
466 Peter Hunter.  Human.
467 David Picknell. Disabled due to work injuries. Depressed and distgusted, sickened and enraged by this barbaric government. As if the constant pain isn’t enough to deal with.
468 Stephen Haselden Human
469: Colin O’Connor: Blind & epileptic.  Face abuse everyday from strangers & neighbours alike thanks to the governments current policies & the right wing bias of the press.
470. Laura Walker Carer & parent of a disabled child.
471  Jacqui Cavalier. Psoriatic (osteo) arthritis, asthma/copd, depression/anxiety. Worked 35 years. NI fully paid. All chronic conditions. 4th Atos medical 1 week ago. 3 x support group after appeals. re-assessed to death.
472 – Fallyn Spinks – Facing suicide or starving to death on the street soon thanks to these lies and propaganda which allow the policies which are in effect eugenics against the disabled to continue in the UK, and even worse, garner public approval for such policies. I have worked all my life, never having any support from anyone but myself, as well as getting a degree and working on a 2nd, all while struggling with a chronic non cureable illness which has gotten progressively worse. Now that I can no longer work in a ‘normal’ 9 to 5 job outside the home and am forced to rely on benefits I find that instead of support I am condemned both publicly and officially, a large part of which is down to the media. I can’t even imagine what people with much more serious conditions such as terminal cancer are going through at the moment.

473 Dave Murphy –
474 Nick White. I am 63 yrs old with Parkinson’s Disease, Osteo Arthritis, and various other ailments including recurring bouts of (suicidal) depression – currently being ‘Assessed’ by DWP/ATOS. To be constantly put down by ill-informed Government ministers and papers like the Mail stirring up hatred for the disabled only makes life intolerable – I just hope I can survive the next 18 months till I’m 65 and hopefully the ‘pressure’ will lessen.
475 Laraine Frederick
476 neil wickson, ex RAF supplier sick of being harassed about council rent and council tax when i only earn minimum wage with two kids when me alcoholic brother gets more than me from DWP and ex burgulars who live in my my street get treated beter by authority’s than geniune hard w
477 King Farian
478 Elizabeth Douglas Disabled EX Income Support Officer, sack by DWP for becoming even more disabled after being employed as a disabled person.
479 Rebecca Lock mother of a disabled child who has been refused D.L.A !! i am also a mother of 5 !
480 Peter Rogers – Recovering from persental Health
481 Elizabeth Hockey – Profoundly Deaf (although cope too well to have anything other than lower rate care – DWP’s words),  Depression and possibly other underlying mental health conditions as well as possible heart condtion
482 Danny Mahon. Very concerned about the disdainful culture developing towards ill and impoverished people.
483 steve hackford. sick of the hate,being generated by disingenuous misinformation.

484. Bill Hunter. Ex-serviceman. Tax payer for 41 years and scared of the future.

485. Philip Howard. Disabled person .
486. Maryanne Wilkinson It is time to stop the prejudicial language towards the sick and disabled in the press.
487. Les Spalding
489. Mark Luscombe. Human. Sickened by eugenicist policies lionised by lobbying firms in the media.
490 Peter Bisson. Socialist
491 Julia Bridle Disabled ,osteoarthritis, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, atrial fibrilaltion, diabetes (due to prolonged steroid use) No use of right shoulder ,hand ,arm due to nerve damage. Clinical Depression. When are these journalists going to research their work properly and get things right ? They just constantly lie . I worked and paid my dues for 45yrs .

492. Charlotte Hall – Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3 sufferer, along with Chronic reactive Depression, Social Anxiety, Agoraphobia – my sister’s been assaulted because she doesn’t LOOK sick, when she’s in a wheelchair; the rubbish in the press is making all those with invisible illnesses (AND visible ones) terrified to try and function in society thanks to the ridiculous rubbish written in the newspapers. I want to be able to live~, and not be afraid to go outside. But the fact that anyone who sees me with a cane looks at me like I’m a liar makes me despair.
493. Paul Smyth. Degenerative spinal disease, stress related illness, diabetes and pain killer addiction.
494. Christopher Hoggins, chronic depression and
495. Sarah Stezaker, Disabled with M.E for 13 years, housebound and had to give up full time care of my son. I would love to take care of him and have a job. I used to work two jobs before I became ill. It’s enough to cope with without the biased reporting in the press that amounts to discrimination of the disabled.  
496 Ross Campbell. Disabled and disgusted with the press and MPs in this country.
487 Allan R Williamson – I have severe Fibromyalgia and also Anxiety and Depression. Is sick to death with the media portraying sick/disabled people as ‘scroungers’, with certain papers even going so far as to mount campaigns which has resulted in increased hate crime against vulnerable people. I didn’t ask to be disabled, and neither did anybody else – but the way the news portrays us is as though we’re hiding behind our various illnesses/injuries purely to avoid work and live a ‘luxury’ lifestyle at taxpayer expense. The reality is that sick/disabled people are bearing the brunt of largely ideological cuts, causing increased hardship and suffering. My greatest criticism are the Sun, The Daily Mail and especially The Express, as they can’t even get basic facts right, and seem to delight in spreading as much misinformation and bile as possible.
488 Joanne Yelland – Fibromyalgia and severe uncontrolled epilepsy.  Despite trying 8 types of medication I have never had control of my condition, I’m not even a candidate for brain cautarisation which I requested as I WANT to work.  I was forced out of my IT job due to fear from a director at work, which media outlets exacerbate by painting us as enemies and ‘shirkers’.  Maybe you should remember that ‘there but for the grace of God, go I’.
Ian Craig
489 Helen Shipley – 25 years of M.E. and collecting other stuff, now they think I should be working – I wish I could, I’m 60 and depressed at thought of not being able to work again
before I reach retirement age
490 Mark Harper – Human
491. Tom Webster fortunate enough to be able and employed but disgusted at the attitude of the government and its heartless policies as implemented by ATOS.
492.rosalyn adams cfs/me
493. Andrew Bacon, BSc. (Hons.) – former sufferer of deep depression. Shouldn’t let editors with their scant grasp of this massive problem, comfortable salaries, and willingness to let people suffer to make their ‘job’ a bit easier, get away with having an influence in th
494. Adam Paton father of Jennifer Paton (autistic child aged 12)
495 Bryan Hulley disgusted at the way the press make scapegoats of unfortunate people.
496. Matthew Caddis  Asperger’s sufferer Depressed and furious at the Tory government for the mess that is the Universal Jobmatch, feels sorry for those with families who could suffer because of the burden of the new Universal Credit and disgusted at tabloid newspapers like the Sun, Daily Mail and Daily Express who have no idea how we suffer
497.Geoff Reynolds, awarded disability for life after an accident at work.Awarded industrial accident benefit.Scored zero after attending (ATOS COMEDY INSPECTION).Had £87.50 taken from my DLA each week.Threatening to take other £71 unless i get a gp sick note.ESTHER MCVEY is the face of a sickening trend that persecutes the least abled in society while trying to escalate herself up the ladder of Camerons hand picked nazi generals. I WOULD IMPLORE EVERYONE WHO HAS HAD TO UNDERGO AN ATOS MEDICAL TO ASK FOR THE FACE TO FACE ASSESSMENT. ITS YOUR RIGHT TO GET IT AND YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE AMOUNT OF MISTAKES  THE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL CLAPTRAP CONTAINS.
498. Cindy Sanders -Edinburgh
499. Sharon Hingley – Ex HR Director who paid 40% tax for 20yrs+ now totally housebound with severe pain/mobility problems following spinal surgery. In addition now severe mental health problems caused by having to claim benefits for first time in life ( because husband left -did not want a disabled wife either) , worrying about 14 year old coping as carer ,being demonised by this unelected, abhorrent Government and terrified of brown envelopes. Mr Cameron/IDS/Freud, please come and visit me , I dare you to speak your lies to my face.
500. Phyllis Mason – Fibromayalgia, Reflex Symphathetic Dystophy, Sciatitica, Lower and Cervical Spondolyis, Carpal Tunnel, But according to ATOS medical I’m fine!!!!!! Not only that but just to make life more awkward, I’ve to try and deal with this over Christmas as my last payment of incapacity goes in my bank Christmas Day! How many days will everything be shut down while staff at job centres enjoy their holiday??! In the four weeks you have to appeal, I’ve got to try and get a Dr’s appointment and forms to fill in and returned while all are on breaks.
501. David Shaw
502. Lynn Bleasdale ME/CFS, Sciatica, Severe Depression, Heart Problems and numerous other health problems.
503. Stuart Cox ESA/DLA Claimant for Personality Disorder and worried about the future.
504. Andrew Fyall – I have Spinal damage, extreme pain 24/7: the painkillers for which has led to opiate dependence, two hearing aids, bowel & bladder paralysis, bowel & bladder catheter user, bilateral carpal tunnel, cognitive damage, almost dead pituitary gland, testosterone replacement therapy for life, low adrenaline & cortisol, depression, damaged ankles, wheelchair user. Seriously worried about ATOS, PIP, and what Ian Duncan-Smith is doing to disabled people.
505.  Jim Ross, 5 stents in the heart, 1 leaking heart valve, Peripheral Vascular Disease in both legs.  Awaiting dreaded ATOS date for assessment – Racial Cleansing must be stopped – the Tories must be booted out now!
506. Jennifer Wallace-Zotou, on behalf of myself, and my daughter, Leila EK Zotou, who is unable to do so, due to her condition, but has been affected by policy. I am her repressentative
507. Irene Still.  Have worked all my adult life from the age of 15. Have suffered with Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Social Phobia for over 40gie that they need more information from me, (which I sent back immediately) seems my Mental Health Therapist, Three Doctor,s and letters from many Mental Health Depts over the years words are not enough for ATOS,Government. The lady who interviewed me was only a nurse with NO Mental Health Qualifications. Absolutely disgusted with this government, and fearing the worse.
508. Phil Heslop Stranraer Feeling completely dehumanised
509 Sara B, Rhondda Cynon Taf. Disabled due to secondary progressive Multiple Sclerosis, depression, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome type 3 and multiple other illnesses. Worked  in the NHS and in Adult Education for years, wish I could work now but my health prevents me. I am not a scrounger or a skiver, just a victim of ill fortune – something which could happen to ANYONE at ANY TIME!

Robert Craig,denied industrial injuries disablement benefit because i went back to work to soon

510. Sian Roberts (Carer to my mum since age 16/18) I am petrified too and am becoming very depressed, have social phobia, anxiety and panic attacks, on medication, seeing a Mental Health Team all due to stress of this Government. I also have my own health conditions and struggling to care for my mum. I have a bulging disc in my back, sciatica, low b12, low iron and PCOS + the above. I am told I can not be ill and care (but unpaid carers do not get a wage) for my mum so I will have to choose, take a drop in money which will throw me into debt. I have never been in debt for and I will be unable to pay my half of the bills due to £21 drop in money weekly. I am at my wits end and face being unable to make the choice of loosing £21 and fighting with ATOS yet again which makes my Mental Health so much worse and each time need more medication and the feelings of not wanting to live become greater for me as they will find me fit for work and appeal which is horrid for me as I am fed up of telling them how I am affected, or go through the horrid assessment to be put in the WRAG for 6 months if that. I am not a scrounger, I am caring for my mum which I thought was the right thing to do. I have no help from anyone and the government is making it so hard I could be forced to stop caring for my mum.  I feel I will have  a break down sometime soon as I can not cope with this anymore. I even have the feelings of not wanting to live anymore.This  Government needs to go. I have been through an ATOS assessment and its hell. I cant think of a word to describe it. I have to fight every 6 months and I have been found fit to work because I am caring for my mum. My mum has different health needs to me. Mums is physical and my are Mental so I was found to have limited capability for work but only for 6 months, put in the WRAG and I had to fight again. I will say I have had no help from the WRAG and yes I do want to work as a carer to other people but I get no help. Being told your a scrounger because I care for my mum is wrong!
511.Sandra Roberts. I have many health issues Hypothyroidism , Diabetic Type 2, Hypertension/Resistant Blood Pressure, Atrial Fibrillation, Angina,High Cholesterol, Osteo Arthritis in both hips, Compression of the spine in L4/L5(Spinal Stenosis), Diastolic Heart Failure, Lymphoedema, Incontinence Issues. I am dependent on my wheelchair after a very short distance, I am in pain 24/7 due to compression of my spine in L4/L5 and I also have Diastolic Heart Failure. I am petrified of what will happen to me and my daughter, my carer who I rely on for most things every day with the changes coming through. I need personal care and everyday care and a rely  on my car. If that is taken away I am housebound. My daughter would not be able to push me here there and every where. I have already been admitted to hospital for high blood pressure (which makes my Diastolic Heart Failure worse) due to worry and stress of the current Government, In Duncan Smith and the rest of them which has put me at significant risk of heart attack and or stroke or even worse death. My Cardiologist is now wanting to do an ablation on my kidneys to reduce my blood pressure. I am at my highest dose medication wise for blood pressure. I am not a scrounger nor work shy. This Government do not care if people die. This should not be happening to vulnerable people.
512 Philip Young, worked 12hr shifts for most of 30yr working life in the oil & gas industry with same company. Diagnosed with MS on day of transfer to another company – after being off sick with back injury and 1st two MS attacks. Paid high rate tax for most of working life. Pensioned off due to ill health with 3 doctors saying I would not be able to work again. Divorce and associated depression have left me living back in a council house whilst ex got 275k house, 16k cash, car and everything else +half my pension. Currently struggling to care for my partner who suffers from cluster headaches and fibromyalgia, even though she is my carer we look after each other and are barely able to go outside. I now have diabetes and because of uncontrolled blood sugars my eyesight has deteriorated rapidly, but on the good side I’ve lost over 2 stone in the past 2 months. Memory is shot, legs and arms are shot, incontinence getting closer every day, especially when I put my hands in hot water, not much restful sleep as I wake every 2 to 3 hrs to go to the loo, I’m selling my guitars and mountain bike cause I can’t use them anymore. I’m not a shirker or a scrounger either, I’m not on benefits other than DLA Hi mobility, Med  care, but I can’t bloody afford to go abroad, smoke, drink and have all my furniture supplied by social.
513 Caroline Wells – am deaf, have degenerative lower spine disc, EB SIMPLEX, Depressive Illness , Social phobia,  Hypoparathyroidism, being tested for pancreatic cancer, fibromyalgia and many other conditions, Was very fit and healthy up till 6 years ago when ironically stress caused by working at DWP caused severe breakdown. Atos found me unfit for all work and at different grades even with all reasonable adjustments in place. Was medically retired and within 6 weeks   on ESA – ATOS said I was fit for work!! Have won 3 appeals to keep ESA cont’s based. I want David Cameron and the whole of the Conservative and Labour Party sacked and UKIP put in for just 3 years! Sick and tired of being openingly discriminated against on disabilty grounds yet can’t do anything about it!!! All MP should serve one year with all emergency services and forces ( abroad ) and a year living in the normal world on low income wages and on benefits before they even stand as a representative!! Get the rich out – and make it easier for the less priveledged to live a quite life at a reasonable standard. GET CAMERON OUT!!!!
514 karen fish ….this has gone too far
515 Rebecca French. I have severe and diblitating M.E/CFIDS and am unable to complain when idiots like Rod Liddle can post articles such as  I should be able to seek redress as    e                dia portrayal of my illness impacts directly on my life and the treatment of myllness.
516 Maureen gardner disabled due to rheumatoid arthritis because I worked and recive a
pension of around £3,400 pa come march I wont recive any ESA thanks to means testing .This 517 carer for to my disabled wife . waiting to hear about my wifes ESA  but ready for the fight with  ATOS.  we all need to stand together now to stop this goverment.  518  kathie bennett  i am worried sick, for thje awful impact, clearly placed upon the most vulnerable in our society, including suicide.
519 Kim Bennett, barbaric, totally sickening attack on the very people who need our help.                                                                                                                                                                        
520 patricia kelly  Disabled person. worried about ESA and DLA. but will fight not only for myself but for everyone. unemployed,sick,children, that this GOVERMENT are attacking. they are know better than what Nazis Germany did to the sick,unemployed  in word war two.
David Anderson
521 Allan Parker
522 Dave Pelbrough. Ex-services, (Army). Spinal injuries to neck and lumbar regions. Both injuries are degenerative haven’t worked for 6 years. I started my working life on a farm at the a      age of 13 and apart from a few brief spells worked every day of my life…..Now feeling abandoned                 by my country…..Layna Bannon…ashamed to be British.
Tom Mitchell….Low life scum
Sean Bannon….The quicker we all join force the better
523 James Burke concerned  citizen.I’m not disabled and do work but cannot stand by and will not stand by  while this Goverment persisit  in attacking the most Vulnerable in our society.

524 Mary Pelfrey. I support the wonderful Welfare state and the NHS, signs of light and  civilisation in a nasty and dark world. A nation is judged by the way it treats its weakest.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  525 Kathleen Hunter my late husband worked all his life.and I was a stay at home mother and wife.I am very concerned by the attack on the Vulnerable. and I am very proud of our Welfare state and the NHS. we should all fight to keep them.    
526 Louise Ellis. Carer.
527Karen Ewards  disabled person                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .528 Alie Ewwards carer
529 Ernie Ross Black Triangle
530 Michelle Brown chronic anxiety chronic depression now suicidal due to campaign against sick and disabled everywhere you look it’s the burden mentality atos press and government smears have made my mental health so much worse we’re not far off the nazis sending the disabled into the gas chambers first     
531  Tania Howell major stroke 7 years ago returned to work for social services  got bullied  out by  high up health unprofessionals and social services stood by and let them  now  at home most of the time and social services still mistreat me SOME DUTY OF CARE!
532. CHRIS FELLOWS to upset to discuss disabilities at the moment, they are physical and I’m very upset at the moment
533 Ed McArthur
534 Jenny Abbott         
535 Anthony Douglas Milton Keynes  Spinal muscular atrophy sufferer (with all its complications) I have worked for 30 years, Paying into the corrupt society. People can become disabled/ill at any point in their life,if this was a member of your family would you kick them out onto the street and starve them to death.
Despicable government behaviour, If the disabled were a race what the government are doing would be classed as GENOCIDE.
536. Derek Hathaway  Disgraceful  the way my friend has been treat -she is on the verge of committing suicide
537. Stacey Gough. I’m a ‘fully abled body’ person that recognises the human rights and dignities of others.        
538. Rebekah Strachan. I suffer from anxiety and depression, agoraphobia and social-phobia. My atos report was fabricated as a result i have been living off of £35 a week for 27 weeks, i have tried to take my life twice in this time due to the adverse effects of atos, my condition has worsened to such a degree i have now had to claim for dla. I believe the human rights of thousands have been breached and mass genocide is being committed.              
539 Stephen Rice. I am not sick or disabled but totally disagree with this coalitions treatment of vulnerable people, it is shameful.

540 Barbara Bates, I am disgusted at the way vulnerable people are being treated    
541 Tony Thrower, Depression, cirrhosis, alcoholis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      542. John T. Horsfall, 1 of less than 1,000 type1 diabetics who’ve been so for 50+ years, below knee amp, tia’s, 4.500+ laser shots to each eye, hypertensive, etc etc etc.
543. Keith Gordon Cooper. Disabled. Ex-College Lecturer.
544. Karen Stewart. Bipolar living one day at a time.
545 Anita Vallance anyone can need support not punishing for being sick and ill, a country is judged how we treat the poor this government are a huge FAIL
546 Alastair Kemp, Voice hearer, psychosis sufferer, daughter with Crouzon’s Syndrome, small press publisher and PhD candidate. I’m no malingerer but as I still need the support of benefits I feel under attack from the government hate fuelled propaganda being used to divide the working class in order to lower the 80%s living wage.
547 Linda Ashford, Parkinsons and Pernicious Anaemia. Fundamentally opposed to the biopsychosocial model of disability which is being used to discredit the very real disabling conditions and illnesses of thousands of people, and the way that disabled people are being portrayed in the press.
548 A.Matthews, bipolar, psychosis, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Dissociative Identity disorder. Demonisation by politicians of all hues is wrong on so many level, the sick and disabled need a fair system of evaluation; fair for all not just the neo-liberalist denyers. Disability is just that it is not a life
549 Jacqueline Rundle, disabled from birth and a christian – despairing of the way disabled people are being treated, opinions ignored, maligned, it has got to stop, stop telling disabled people they are being over emotional and scare-mongering, they know what they are going through, not anyone else!
550 Lindsay Rodgers, Former Health and safety officer Lost right eye well working in 1995 Govt took most of my settlement out of the 95K award I had to fight 6 years to get and I saw just 9k the rest was taken by no win no fee and the then DHSS to offset the cost of treating me and against a future where I could no longer work, it took me 5 more years to that point. I payed into the system! The anxiety chronic depression that came with the head inj and the spine damage are as nothing to the feelings of utter despair when I hear the way the condem propaganda, is regarded as fact by sheepoeple if I leave my house. Now a prisoner in my own home. Committing suicide seems about the only way I can make it all stop.
551 Kirsty Rankin, ME sufferer.
552 Isobel Millard,  Llandrindod Wells, Wales.  retired, able bodied but sickened & appalled at all this-the present government are so right wing..just like the Nazis..& practicing Eugenics seems to come naturally to them-they need to be driven out of office. A civilized society is measured by the way it treats its disabled & vulnerable..the Government & media are NOT civilized.I feel so  concerned for everyone in this dreadful situation . The lies & corruption  by ATOS,the media, the DWP & Cameron & his cronies beggars belief.
553. Alan Reading. I suffer from osteoarthritis of the joints of my hips, knees, lower back, shoulders, and left wrist. I have Fibromyalgia, IBS and am a recovering Cancer patient. I  suffered nerve damage after my cancer operations which causes numbness in my hands, my left arm and in the left side of my face. I also have various mental difficulties such as OCD, PTSD and generalized anxiety and depression. I would like to say that I have never feared for my future more than I do so right now. It would seem that this government has resurrected the ‘Nazi Aktion T4 program’, under the guise of ‘Welfare reform’, and it HAS to go. There is no other way forwards…
554. Doreen Ross. elderly at 70 years old. disabled with 26 different conditions from minor to major including ASTHMA, COPD, SPINAL SPONDYLOSIS TOP TO BOTTOM OF MY SPINE. TYPE 2 DIABETIC.UNDERACTIVE THYROID.ACID REFLUX. have continual back pain. some days worse than others. need someone with me to go anywhere that isnt A to B. still have to use taxis.breathless as soon as i try doing anything for more than a few minutes .have to rest frequently. get dizzy attacks from neck spondylosis.dont think anyone who is going to receive this will be interested in our medical conditions though. i doubt they will be bothered to read it all.
555. Jay Evans.    About to have a below the knee amputation and suffering with various disabilities.  I am a person first and foremost, just because I am disabled makes me no less a person than anyone else!  You are committing  genocide in a way as you see the people with a disability as the lowest of the low.  We pay our taxes just like everyone else, this is with everything we buy and every bill we pay – they all have V.A.T. on them.  So stop treating us as scum and telling everyone that we are scrounger – we are NOT – we are just human beings who have more feelings and more sympathy with others of the “working and middle class” – you are the ones who gain from the benefits in this country – without our taxes you would have so much
556. Pete Lumb East Yorks an “Atos Miracle”
557. Lynda Wilson – Carer
558. John White. ATOS appellant – suffered heart-attack after ATOS declared fit for some work.
559. John Evans – Chronic Pain syndrome, suffers with memory and is easily confused.  Had been working as an Able Seaman with the Merchant Navy when just after getting home one day I suffered a brain hemorrhage.  This was 20 years ago and it ruined my life as well as the lives of my family.  I just want to be left alone.  Just keep the benefits as they are – we already struggle – remember, once you have lost everything then you have nothing left to lose – that is when people will become their most dangerous!  Just let us live our lives, just leave me alone!  I don’t want to wake each day in fear of what they are going to do to me and my family, and indeed those who are disabled and are unemployed and poor!
560. Carol Marquis – Carer for a disabled lady (Mum).
561. Peter Marquis – Helper for a disabled lady (Mum in Law)
562. Chris Marquis – Helper for a disabled Grandma.
563. Jean Wheeler – carer for an elderly and disabled Mum.
564. Patricia Stoneham – Arthritis sufferer.
565. Alexsia Henderson – Suffers with Scoliosis, Osteoarthritis.
566. Beverley Smith – I have had a physical disability since birth (polio) I have worked for 25 years but due to secondary problems had to leave a job I loved. After numerous operations my 567condition has worsened.
567.J Slack
568. Keith McManus Community Champion working with disabled and mental health issues with the disabled.
570 Lauretta Pearson.  I suffer with Ebstein’s anomaly (from birth), I have developed HOCM, left ventricular.  I have had the heart cut away, a hole patched but they left my Ebstein’s alone as it lowered my survival rate to 5%.  I now suffer from terrible dizzy spells, which they think may be vertigo, a side effect of the by-pass machine.  I also suffer from regular AF attacks.  The HOCM is growing back. I too worked for 25 years.
571 Stephen Paul Twomey – Osteoarthritis and broken back
572 Dennis Willgress – Terrible how this government is dealing with the sick and disabled many that I know have already had their benefits stopped.
573John Skarp. Rheumatoid Arthritis, possible Aspergers, depression.
574 Graeme Slater:  Suffer from stenosis of the spine had to stop working and start claiming ESA had to go through ATOS embarrassment and still end up with zero points had to appeal and i am still waiting for my Tribunal hearing,
575 Trev Fairminer – Leave the disabled sick and vulnerable alone, life is hard enough.
576 Karen Gentleman. Not disabled, but standing up for those who are.
577 Anthony Adshead Carer, Anxiety & Depression
578 Kerry Thomas Tydfil Autism Support Group, Carer to two Autistic children, sufferer of multiple sclerosis.
579 Mark Jones – Rheumatoid Arthritis, Severe Fibromyalgia, Acute Tendonitis in both shoulders and depression. In constant severe pain and stress. Sick of being demonised and branded a scrounger by Cameron, Ian Duncan Smith, George Osborn and newspapers like the Daily Mail, the Telegraph, the Express and the Sun who are inciting hatred of the disabled. I too worked before my condition developed as a civil servant. Waiting for Atos appointment so they can cull me. Suicide is looking like a good, painless option and will remove me from being a burden on society.  
580 Carol Jones, bipolar disorder had appeal turned down and now have zero income
581 Joanna Terry, living in dread and fear for what is being done, and absolutely in despair as the intention to halve my income will leave me unable to have a decent minimal life, which will leave me trapped in my home, cold and hungry.
582 Tim Gatty,chronic mental illness, anxiety  and paranoia significantly increased because of
government’s oppressive policies.
583Derek Turpinsick and tired of media and government lies
584 Martin Butler taxpayer and breadwinner for 30 years, now a feckless disabled scrounger and Black Triangle supporter
585 Boadacia Iceni: Destroyer of fascist policies!
586 Rachael Kirby – Full time carer for husband for the past 15 years. Terrified for the future with these unfair cuts. What little life we have now will be lost
587 Paula Woolley. Sick of seeing disabled family members and friends being labeled as scroungers and made to feel useless. Their disabilities are hard enough to deal with without being victimised by this government!
588 Nigel Wootton incapacitated from work. Fighter against the Coalition crusade against the sick, unemployed & disabled.
589 Bruce Johnson, chronic heart disease.
590 Ginny Johnson, COPD Emphysema.
591 Terry Bishop part time carer
592 John McGeown. Tradesman in heavy industry for 30 years. Also university graduate 10 years ago.  Just been declared fit for work today by ATOS. Suffering from COPD, high blood pressure and cholesterol, industrial deafness, survived being hit twice by motor cars leaving leg, back and hip damage.  Almost lost two legs 4 years ago through an RTA  and severe cellulitis both of which have caused muscle and ligament damage.  
593 Rebecca Lock parent of disabled child who is having to move with 5 children because of the benefit cap next year!!!
594 Mary Stuart, Youthworker, campaigner
595 Lyn Clarke, Living with Chronic Pain, Diabetes and its vile neuropathies; Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Asthma erm … other than this I am fine!!
596 Alison Batts. Fibromyalgia and other related problems.
597 Lucy Allen, Sheffield. Single mother to a child on the Autistic Spectrum & sufferer of Fibromyalgia, M.E. & depression. Worked since I was 16, definitely not a scrounger!!
598 carol rintoul fibromyalgia depression spondalitus plus arthritus so low at moment not looking forward at all
599 Maxine Cunliffe Blackpool, not a scrounger just very sick.
600 kate thomson derbyshire, fybro/me arthritus, iam not a scrounger, i have worked 3 jobs in the past,,,,stop the discrimination,,,
601 Rachel Cooper: Carer for disabled husband for over ten years, also have children with hereditary disabilities.  Now suffering from physical and mental issues created/exacerbated by those years.  Was told, by a JSA advisor when he was kicked off of IB/denied ESA, to apply for ESA in my own right to ensure an income for the family, so now dealing with the whole ESA/DLA/ATOS thing not only for my husband, but also for myself.
602 Claire Heard Have suffered depression and anxiety for almost 7 years, have been on incapacity benefit and now ESA, forms are deliberately hard, criteria is being changed to try and prevent people who are ill qualifying, back to work help is useless. NHS waiting list was 2 years for any help, if I’d received treatment sooner I might not have got so ill that I needed to claim benefits for years. Appalled the press get away with printing lies and defamatory statements about ill or disabled people.

603 ronald dickinson   i suffer severe mental illness and haemophillias, life is hard enougth, i would not be able to cope, suicide will be my only option left
604patricia neighbour   i suffer bi-polar and severe phycosis, i am unable to use my hands, as they are severly bent and twisted with arthritus, i have i.b.s, despite a letter from my phychitrist, that iv already attempted suicide, and have been commited under the mental health  i have lost my d/l/a   605  thomasd dickinson i am a full time carer to my disabled grandmother, my caring goes on, but both me nd my grandmother have lost vital benefits  how much more suffering has the vulnerable to take    606 hayley rodriques  i am a carer, horrified the person i care for as lost d/l/a, despite severe illness, what next



17 Responses

  1. “UK government Cabinet papers from 1982, now released under the 30-year disclosure rule, confirm that the dismantling of the welfare state, the privatisation of the NHS and the savage cutting of public services has been a long-held ambition of the Conservative party.” Read the rest of this article:

    Sign a petition for the voluntary resignation of these pieces of s***:

  2. 604. Sue Jones – disability campaigner and activist, writer, and she runs support groups for people who are ill, supports those going through ESA assessments. She suffers from lupus, bleeding disorder and almost died this year. Recently diagnosed with MS as well. She was passed as fit for work after she hemorraged and almost died.

  3. My New Year’s resolution will be not to be so pathetically grateful whenever anyone still speaks to me or wants to spend time with me once they know I have rapid cycling bipolar. Or when I have a public outburst and am mortified and in pieces. Or whenever anyone treats me like a full human being. Or when I can’t be with people and my husband understands and explains to people who call, without apologising for the way I am. Or when the arthritis and bipolar are making each other worse and I manage to cope and still something useful with my day. I am proud to be who I am and proud to be in this company – it’s a good motivator on days when all I seem to do is come up against the cost of this disability.

  4. One can only be humbled by such a list of “true heroes “. My wife and I are among the countless others who carry on regardless and try to get on with life as best we can. I firmly believe that nothing will happen regarding welfare and benefit cuts until we either carry on the work that Guy Fawkes intended to do OR we use the law. How can the existing laws in the UK be used to our benefit and in which way ? . Also we are part of European Community…what laws and rules exist here to challenge any or all cuts. Have a Happy New Year and lets pray we can oppose the ConDems at every opportunity.

  5. I have no personal feelings about Professor Simon Wessely’s character whatsoever. I must also say he is not the only person whose actions I and many others have good reason to critique. Nevertheless, the man has been dogmatically and aggressively promoting fallacious pet theories, informed by prejudicial beliefs about patients, for many years. This has led to institutionalised abuse, in various ways, of patients, and has caused huge levels of catastrophic harm to many people. In recent years he and his supporters have engaged in nothing short of a smear campaign, using his privileged access to the press, against those who make reasonable objections to his actions. To see him awarded a knighthood in these circumstances is demoralising and odd, to say the least, although it perhaps points to how such a system is often not properly scrutinised. There will be a lot of alienated UK citizens shaking their heads in dismay over this.

  6. cameron and his PARACITES have to be brought to justice this CANNOT be allowed to continue they are responsible for on average 71 people taking there own lives PER WEEK murdering nazis in 2012/2013 will not be tollerated

  7. Let’s make 2013 when “hidden” disabilities such as Asperger Syndrome (me) and Autism are finally shown to be TRUE disabilities! I am NOT a “scrounger” (I’ve paid my taxes from my first ever job), a “shirker” (I would love to be in a job…it’s just too hard finding one that fits my abilities) or “lazy” (I’m at college studying so that I can find a job later). Atos see me as a physically fit person and deny me my benefits when I am NOT physically disabled – you just can’t see into my mind and the problems that arise there.

  8. I got the letter this morning. That means I’m one of the next to die. I’m damned if I’m going to just let them humiliate me. Watch this space, I suppose, I’m not going quietly.

  9. My Sympathy goes with the Suffering

    We Need Large Scale Civil Rights Marches and Protests on a Regular Basis to
    Draw Public Attention to the Plight of the Poor and Vulnerable and to get Public

    Things Cannot be Left to just Drift like it has May 11th 2010

  10. Thanks for that acknowledgment guys, but you lot work your socks off too.Happy New Year to all of you and lets kick their asses in 2013,and continue this fight working as one collective to beat these scroungers

  11. Thanks for the acknowledgement John and all at BT, It was your excellent site that I saw one day that started me off in campaigning and the NHS Rally on the 7th March was my first march that lead me to the one at Hyde park on the 20th October.

    2013 I have no intentions of throwing in the towel and will build on what I have already done until fair justice is given to all and not just the few.

  12. I my name is dave mower,and I have been disabled for 30 years,few years ago the dhss put me on incapacity benefit,I have multiple conditions wrong with me,back injury,i have metal discs in my neck,i have diabeties and have been recently been told im a high risk of hear attack,and I have to have insulin now 4 times daily,i have sleep apnea,and have prostrate problems,my GP,as told the dhss im unfit in physical and mental terms,but after appeal have been told I would still be in the work related group,i think they will be sending me a letter to my grave,i hope the government can live with themselves,they are the scroungers not us the needy,he can afford banquets on the people backs and he is always on freeby holidays and free sport venues,one day he could be in diar straits,i wont and my wife and all people under attack should let the government of the day what we feel about them,if your organisation would like my signature of support you have it,

    my name is dave mower

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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