A MULTINATIONAL firm contracted by the Government to assess benefit claimants has been accused of using heavy-handed legal tactics to silence its critics, after a series of online discussion forums were threatened with legal action.

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French company Atos Healthcare, which has a £100 million contract to carry out work capability assessments on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions, claimed it had acted to protect staff from malicious allegations and libel.

The loss of one site, CarerWatch, this week provoked a storm of criticism of the company. The discussion forum, which provides mutual support for the families and carers of disabled people, was taken offline by its internet service provider, without any chance to respond to Atos’s complaints.

Another website, AfterAtos, received a legal letter in May while another, Atos – Register of Shame, was forced to close last week after receiving a legal threat from Atos’s solicitor.

The former site included strongly worded complaints about the way Atos staff carry out assessments and the impact it has on people’s lives. The latter purported to name and shame company staff members.

CarerWatch did not know about any concerns with its content until it was taken offline at the weekend. CarerWatch’s administrator, Frances Kelly, told The Herald the forum was the only point of contact for many isolated carers who had been upset by the sudden disappearance of the site.

Meanwhile, the chief executive of Citizens Advice Scotland, Lucy McTernan, said people who wanted a forum to report experiences and complaints about Atos and the Government’s Employment Support Allowance could come to them.

Ms McTernan said the Government should look into Atos’s approach to its critics. “Those who are criticising Atos are not cranks or troublemakers,” she added. “Scottish CABs have heard from thousands of sick and disabled people who have been unhappy with the treatment they received from Atos.

“Their assessment system has been shown to be deeply flawed right from the start and the evidence for this is overwhelming. It is no surprise, therefore, that the internet is full of complaints against them.

“Rather than trying to silence their critics and shut down public debate, it would be better if they addressed the very legitimate concerns that are being raised. We will be writing to the Government to ask whether it feels Atos’s attempts to close down public discussion of its performance is appropriate.”

Aberdeen South MP Anne Begg chairs the Westminster Work and Pensions Select Committee, which issued a report last month critical of the work carried out by Atos.

She said: “I can appreciate Atos might feel uncomfortable with some of the things on some of these sites, which are not very polite. But if they had contacted CarerWatch they might have been able to avoid taking the whole site down. People in the disabled community are very frightened of some of the things Atos are responsible for under the Government contract. Unfortunately for Atos, what this has done is reinforce people’s fears.”

Last night it appeared the CarerWatch site may be restored. In a statement, an Atos spokeswoman said: “It was never our intention to close down the CarerWatch forum. Our request was that the libellous content relating to Atos Healthcare and our employees be taken down in order to protect the reputation of our employees and company.

“We fully support the right of people to express their opinions within the boundaries of the law.”

The Herald Scotland


One response

  1. This was a smoke screen and a distraction to permit insurance giant UNUM Insurance to begin to launch their income protection (disability) insurance mass marketing as we take another step closer to American style funded healthcare. UNUM Insurance – formerly known as Unum Provident Insurance are one of the most discredited companies in the USA, identified as the 2nd worst insurance company in the US by the American Association for Justice in 2009. UNUM have been advisers to the UK government since 1994, and this government funded medical abuse of the chronically sick and disabled poulation, used by Atos Healthcare, is a replica of those used by Unum. The medical assessments exclude medical reports by GPs and Consultants, and the DWP Decision Makers who decide who loses benefit, are basic grade civil servants instead of medical administrators, so by their own admission are incapable of comprehending medical evidence offered by the patient/client. Therefore, they must accept anything advised by Atos Healthcare verbatim as they are incapable of challenging their opinions. This is government funded medical tyranny against those least able to protest and is in place to reduce welfare costs in advance of more radical changes planned for the future. We are rapidly becoming another American state.
    As a medically retired health professional, and a disabled female veteran, I have researched the activities of the relationship between the DWP, Atos and Unum for over 18 months, now all available online.

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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