Nicolas Soames made no declaration or pleas He will be remanded in custody at the House of Lords Bar

Nicolas Soames made no declaration or pleas He will be remanded in custody at the House of Lords Bar


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When questioned, Pickles maintained that he used to be "partial to the odd Cornish Pastie" until the Pastie Tax was introduced. Therefore, he maintained, he was innocent as charged

When questioned, Pickles maintained that he used to be “partial to the odd Cornish Pastie” until the Pastie Tax was introduced. Therefore, he maintained, he was innocent of all charges





8 Responses

  1. Trouble with mps? They don’t lik folk thinking about their freeloading ways. Pickles, £42,000 on BISCUITS last year. Well, his dept. But looking at his numerous chins…..ooops….one very VERY large chin (since they’ve all melted into one humorous fatty mass), not to mention his ever expanding girth……I doubt that many of those biccies escaped his podgy, sausage-like fingers.
    Then there’s IDS himself…..over £200.00 on ONE breakfast, subsidised by US……
    Christ almighty, if the effects of these morons weren’t so deadly (73 people die, on average, per week), they’d be firmly in their place…ON STAGE AS A FARCICAL PLAY. They are incompetent, at best and, at worst…..suffice to say Hitler would be proud of them.

  2. It’s difficult listening to IDS in session this pm talking about the millionaires club taking the axe to poor people again – he is making all his figures up as he goes along – he is passing judgement on anyone who questions him – he is the most banal and devious little shit – never get tired of punching him

  3. * On average people think that 41 per cent of the entire welfare budget goes on benefits to unemployed people, while the true figure is 3 per cent.
    * On average people think that 27 per cent of the welfare budget is claimed fraudulently, while the government’s own figure is 0.7 per cent.
    * On average people think that almost half the people (48 per cent) who claim Jobseeker’s Allowance go on to claim it for more than a year, while the true figure is just under 30 per cent (27.8 per cent).
    * On average people think that an unemployed couple with two school-age children would get £147 in Jobseeker’s Allowance – more than 30 per cent higher than the £111.45 they would actually receive – a £35 over-calculation.
    * Only 21 per cent of people think that this family with two school-age children would be better off if one of the unemployed parents got a 30 hour a week minimum wage job, even though they would actually end up £138 a week better off. Even those who thought they would be better off only thought on average they would gain by £59.

    He can’t regulate them because you can only oppress your poor neighbour and make fools and morons of the rest of your countrymen and women with the help of thugs and lawless environments to lure them in.

    The decision to so cheat the public and so transgress every law of the Bible must continue to cause unimaginable suffering in the heart and mind of our committed Christian of a Prime Minister who lives out and breathes the morals and values and language of the Bible – those morals and values which permeate every aspect of British culture, heritage and contemporary politics. The deep Britain which is so much his home, where equality, human dignity and the importance of each one of us is infinite, like in the dream of Martin Luther King where the powerless and oppressed are raised up, a land ever increasing in freedom and democracy from the abolition of slavery and the emancipation of women to the welfare state, the feeding of the hungry, the care of the sick, the shelter of the poor, the love of our neighbour and the shared values of responsibility, hard work, charity, compassion, humility, self-sacrifice, love…

    …pride in working for the common good and honouring the social obligations we have to one another, to our families and our communities…

    this Christian land of moral, lawful, accountable, peaceful, righteous people who speak the truth to lawless bankers, politicians, rioters, extremists and segregationists and must not lose sight of the vital values of tolerance, equality and human rights, those values drawn from the Bible, the agenda we have in common which goes to the heart of what it means to belong in this country.

  4. this is the hypocrisy of the queen and crown and parliment,who have run down the c of e so much that they have to keep closing churchs.most parishioners are older and young people think religeon is a joke when our so called betters,lords n ladies n mp ‘s are obviously busy scoffing at the trough,not extolling religeous virtues.
    even the c of e seems to stand by these souless monsters and everyday abusers of disabled people.

    coul nt watch the atos disabled olympics…….the very idea….how sick…watching disabled people singin n dancin like good ole minstrels……….embarrassing for disabled people

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