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Black Triangle demands to know why Atos did not approach the site owner or hosts of the site that posted the original article, (which belongs to a long time supporter of BT), with his report on this travesty of justice being  on  and reproduced below.


Thanks to cunning use of’s excellent analytics widget (who loves ya wordpress) we can reveal the post which led to poverty pimps Atos issuing legal threats against the Carer Watch forums.

It turns out that it was a repost of a piece which first appeared here (ooops!).  Carer Watch have rightly questioned why their site was targetted, when the repost clearly linked to this site and so far we’ve had no such legal threats.  A more pertinent question is precisely what in the piece Atos consider to be libellous.  Here it is:

Atos Macht Frei – Atos Origin Team Up With Gas Chamber Firm!

Atos Origin, the poverty pimps currently pocketing hundreds of millions harassing people who are claiming sickness or disability benefits have teamed up with manufacturers of the holocaust’s gas chambers Siemens.

Siemens will contribute its Siemens IT Solutions & Services for €850-million to Atos Origin and become a shareholder of Atos Origin with a 15% stake.

Siemens are most famous for their use of slave labour during the holocaust.  Prisoners were utilised by Siemens to build the gas chambers in which they would eventually be murdered.  Siemens ran factories at Ravensbrück and in the Auschwitz subcamp of Bobrek, whilst the company supplied electrical parts to other concentration camps.

Atos Origin should fit right in with these former eugenicists as they carry out there state funded program to strip both benefits and dignity from those in society deemed to be unproductive.

Some have criticised the use of nazi imagery by some disability and claimants activists recently.  However the parallels between the current Government’s attitude to disability and the early days of the Nazi regime in 1930s Germany are increasingly hard to ignore.  The above poster is directly based on Nazi propaganda at the time which attempted to use fears about the economy to stigmatise disabled people (the original poster can be viewed here along with many other examples).

The present day smear campaign against those with disabilities or illness is relentless.  The right wing press spew out daily lies about benefit fraud and scroungers whilst Disability Minister Maria Miller has claimed the cost of disability benefits (and therefore presumably disabled people) is ‘unsustainable’.

As early as 1933 the Nazis passed a law passed ordering enforced sterilisation of the disabled and long term sick, something that today might be seen as many Daily Mail columnist’s greatest fantasy. Later came the infamous Aktion T4 euthanasia programme when hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities were murdered.  The medical profession notoriously facilitated many of these deaths.

Atos Origin are currently recruiting healthcare workers and doctors across the UK.  Plans to retest everyone on sickness benefits and apply similar tests to those currently claiming Disability Living Allowance will require a lot of doctors.   GPs, consultants or other experts with an in depth knowledge of their patient’s condition will be ignored however.  These health professionals are not trusted to make a decision on their patients ability to work (yet strangely are going to be trusted to control the NHS budget).   Only Atos doctors,  nurses and other unspecified ‘healthcare’ workers are involved in the decision, which is based on a short test and interview.  With huge numbers of those denied benefits having them re-instated on appeal it appears that in a ‘target driven environment’ Atos doctors simply work to rule, regardless of the long cherished medical idiom of ‘first do no harm’.

Disability message boards and blogs have been inundated with people threatening suicide due to these plans.  It is impossible to know how many suicides have happened already as a result of Atos Origin’s medical tests.  Enforced euthanasia may not be the intention of this government’s policies, but in many cases it is likely to be the result.

In Nazi Germany the disabled and sick were seen as surplus to the task of building a mighty Reich.  In Cameron’s Britain the disabled and sick are seen as surplus to the task of ‘bringing down the deficit’.  What counted in Hitler’s day was whether you were a good soldier, industrialist, scientist or labourer.  Under Fascism people were judged purely on their ability to contribute to the goal of German imperialism and genocidal savagery.  Under capitalistism we are judged purely on our ability to create wealth for those at the top.  If you ain’t making the rich money, then they couldn’t care whether you live or die.  Nazism it ain’t, we’re a long way from that.  But if it takes being a little bit nazi to continue to line the pockets of the filthy rich, well then it takes being a little bit of nazi.  Now fuck off and get back to work.

The original post can be found here.

The Carer Watch forums are now fully restored with the offending post removed.

Atos Macht Frei – That Censored Carer Watch Post Revealed!


28 Responses

  1. Wow, you wouldn’t believe how many people from Plano in Texas were reading this post within minutes of it going online, I wonder who they are ??? 😉

  2. They don’t like it up ’em Captain. Strangely enough I’ve been telling everyone that will listen about Atos defrauding the taxpayer by performing multiple assessments of those with degenerative and terminal illnesses and they’ve not said a word. Maybe it’s because I asked my MP to request HM Treasury look into it, you never know. Atos not only kills it doesn’t care as long as there’s a profit.

    More power to your elbow. Faith and patience.

  3. Given Atos are proud sponsors of the London Paralympic Games 2012 and are contracted to supply all its communication technology needs – then how apt it should recently acquire Siemens, whose company history shows a proud involvement with the Nazis in providing them too with state-of-the-art communication technology for the the Nazi Berlin Olympic Games of 1936.

    The 1936 Olympic Games in Germany
    by Arvo Vercamer and Jason Pipes

    “Tune into the game, read all about it
    Foreign press correspondents and technical support staffers were given access to over 300 microphones, 200 amplifiers and over 20 wireless transmitter vans. The latest German wireless transmission and television technology from such giants as Siemens and Telefunken, was put on display. Over 150.000 Germans followed the Olympic games via television at 21 television centers in Germany. German radio reporters were made available to the news and press organizations of nations, which did not have the resources to send their people to Berlin.”

    Atos drops ‘Origin’, approves Siemens IT acquisition
    01 July 2011

  4. More proud company history of Siemens.

    Nazi olympic memorabilia manufactured by Siemens celebrating the Olympic ideal –
    “Bakelite Model of the Reichsporfeld with Olympic Stadium
    Dark gray bakelite, 29.7 x 21.8 cm, designed by Oskar Reich, made by Siemens-Schuckertwerke, both Berlin. Three dimensional view of Olympic 1936 games site, legend at top. In Original case, explanatory map on inside top.”

    Rare surviving copy of a guide to Nazi Olympic Berlin –

    Rare Original 1936 Third Reich Illustrated Tourist Guide
    Das Neue Berlin – Stadt Der Olympischen Spiele
    (The New Berlin – City of the Olympic Games
    A Very Interesting Book on the Capital of Nazi Germany

    “The heavily illustrated book contains a lot of helpful information for the tourist visiting Berlin for the Games, including sights, a full schedule of the Olympic Games, the addresses of the main important Nazi government offices plus reports of the daily life and work in Berlin, such as the manufacturing of the “People’s Radio” at the Siemens factory!”


  5. I’m struggling with this guys. You are playing into their hands! You equate Atos medicals to the Nazis and claim you don’t know why Atos objected?????? Grow Up !!
    This extreme language is no doubt how many feel, BUT when will you stop and realise what you are doing to the most vulnerable in our society?? Some of our people are very, very frail You are claiming that Atos assessments can result in suicides and I’m here to tell you that such extreme claims about Nazis will lead to suicide as you take away any possibility of hope from the most frail. I am a health professional and I’m telling you that this is dangerous in the extreme and will cause harm to those you claim to want to help.

    • When l feed the people am seen as a saint. When l ask way they are hungary am call a communist a good quote l think. Mo may has good intentions just like the charity’s who only listened to there trusties then tried to say they speak for US. Mo is a health care professional, so where and how do you base your evidence on?? .

    • Mo, I am genetically diseased. As a result I grew-up while some parts of my brain didn’t. I am a client of the Learning Disability Partnership. My particular disease is scheduled to be eradicated from the gene pool in the same way as Down’s Syndrome is. In two or three generations, people like me won’t be born at all – save for in G-d-forsaken backwaters in the Third World.

      In response to the 25% cut in the County Council budget, the LDP cut my care budget (for my fully ‘critical’ support needs) by 60%.

      I live alone and have no family nor real-life friends. I get bullied, threatened and assaulted regularly. I have to have two people to go out with me when I leave the house, which, now after the cuts, I can do only ONCE A WEEK!

      People like me are being systematically denigrated by the government to make their reductions in benefits and care support palatable to the wider public.

      I am one of the most vulnerable and how you dare come here and tell me that you are looking out for me! I CAN SPEAK FOR MYSELF!

      We are looking-out for ourselves and if and when I kill myself, it will not be as a result of BT, JJ or PL it will because of ATOS, the DWP and the Government cuts.

      I doubt very much Mo, if you have ever read an significant amount of original material from the Nazi’s propaganda war – I have, and until you have, you have no right to pontificate on the subject.

    • Sorry! your struggling Mo Stewart. I myself have mental health issues had been left with no monies for 15 months other than my Mid Rate of DLA. It’s been sites like this that has kept myself going and had been taked out of making another suicide attempt of which I had taken an overdose last November and had been placed in hospital as a result. You maybe or maybe not reading to much into the material. On another occation I recieved help from another online person of which doesn’t follow myself on any site but material that I had published she took on board herself to obtain my e-mail from some one that does follow myself. We spoke by e-mail and because of her acting and showing there are human being on this planet that kept myself going.

      I have bocotted Atos assessments from day one, yes! I am one of the 37% that hasn’t renewed the claim for benefits due to that assessment. And as a health care proffesional yourself you do realise it is very difficult for someone like myself that does suffer mental health issues to ask for help esspecially during the early stages of a diagnosise.

      The Nazis issue did come about due to Cameron insulting all our grandparents that fought and many that fell by his statement that Britain followed America into the war, which the opposite had been true. He insulted a whole nation that many are to flipping blind to see.

      Out of all the sites that I do follow in relation to disability on 2 occations this past year I have been a witness to two persons being brought through their serverest points of suicide in the similar fashion towards the aid I had received purely through sites like this.

      If your still not convinced I am willing and happy to give you my diary of events since Atos came about by means of my Guardian comments. They highlight in date order that medication had been stopped in favour of saving up the meds and the resulting overdose in the November of last year. They also highlight throughout the cronic pains in my stomach and constant chest pains through worry.

  6. Socrates
    Mo, I am genetically diseased. As a result I grew-up while some parts of my brain didn’t. I am a client of the Learning Disability Partnership. My particular disease is scheduled to be eradicated from the gene pool in the same way as Down’s Syndrome is. In two or three generations, people like me won’t be born at all – save for in G-d-forsaken backwaters in the Third World.
    In response to the 25% cut in the County Council budget, the LDP cut my care budget (for my fully ‘critical’ support needs) by 60%.
    I live alone and have no family nor real-life friends. I get bullied, threatened and assaulted regularly. I have to have two people to go out with me when I leave the house, which, now after the cuts, I can do only ONCE A WEEK!
    People like me are being systematically denigrated by the government to make their reductions in benefits and care support palatable to the wider public.
    I am one of the most vulnerable and how you dare come here and tell me that you are looking out for me! I CAN SPEAK FOR MYSELF!
    We are looking-out for ourselves and if and when I kill myself, it will not be as a result of BT, JJ or PL it will because of ATOS, the DWP and the Government cuts.
    I doubt very much Mo, if you have ever read an significant amount of original material from the Nazi’s propaganda war – I have, and until you have, you have no right to pontificate on the subject.

    l agree as a ill/ Disabled person l found what you have said an insult how dare you, you don’t walk in my shoes and you make presumption do us all a favor come out of your ivory tower and live in the really would

  7. I would say it is a bit extreme claiming that opposition to Atos medicals are driving people to suicide, rather than the medicals themselves.

    This sort of implies that if there were no Atos medicals then there would be a plague of suicides. We’ve a lot to thank Atos for, in that case. The way they mistreat the sick and disabled is actually good for them and we should all thank them for such abuse.

    It’s ok for Atos to abuse the sick and disabled, but it’s not ok for the sick and disabled to abuse Atos. I mean, poor Atos. I feel so sorry for them now, the way these sick and disabled keep picking on them and calling them bad names.

  8. Apart from the fact Mo Stewart’s comment doesn’t make sense sometimes, I’d just like to comment thus.

    “You equate Atos medicals to the Nazis and claim you don’t know why Atos objected?????? Grow Up !!”
    – Comparing how one regime treated it’s sick and disabled with other regimes in history is a perfectly valid intellectual exercise. The fact a private company might object to its corporate tyranny being compared unfavourably with political tyrannies of the past shouldn’t come as any surprise.

    The fact is, this government has used language chillingly reminiscent of the language used by the Third Reich, and has engaged the British state apparatus in a campaign of human rights abuses, and a propaganda campaign of denigrating and demonising the sick and disabled of Britian in order to justify and legitimise its human rights abuses against the defenceless minority it is targeting. If the Nazis didn’t do exactly that to their victims too, then somebody please put me right?

    Major elements of the British corporate news media have slavishly followed the British Government’s lead, without the need for the threat of concentrations camps and a police state waiting to dole out punishment to any journalist who does not toe the party propaganda line. British journalists have willingly, and voluntarily, engaged in a campaign of abusing the weakest and most vulnerable in our society. At least that is different from Nazi Germany, where fear and terror had to be used to get people to follow their orders if they didn’t do it of their own free will.

    “You are claiming that Atos assessments can result in suicides…”
    – The claims that Atos medical are driving sick and disabled people to suicide have been proven, as anyone who has read about such stories in the British press can vouch for.
    Not only that, but some who have undergone assessment and/or are awaiting appeals have died after Atos has assessed them fit for work.
    These assessments kill people, wether by their own hand or by the detrimental effects of the stress induced by the WCA and the appeals process, which force sick and disabled people forced to waith months in limbo unsure of their future.

  9. Well call me Kitty and don’t hold me back. I’m speaking as a founder member of BT and I’m most definitely a woman and not fueled by testosterone. Our activists and supporters come from a wide range of backgrounds and hold political opinions from ‘one nation’ Conservatives, to Liberal Democrat, to Old Labour, to New Labour to SNP and the SWP. Many of us are not traditionally ‘political’ at all. What we all have in common is a shared sense of injustice at the way in which disabled people are being attacked by the government and it’s agents, including Atos. Is it extremist to speak out about the way in which we are being portrayed as thieves and fraudsters? Is it extremist to take peaceful direct action? Is it extremist to provide a supportive forum where disabled people can articulate their feelings about the current situation? To my mind the answer to all three questions is a resounding ‘no’. There is room in the Disabled Peoples Movement for all shades of opinion and campaigning styles. There will always be mavericks who fly their own kites and there should be room for them too. But I have to point out the danger of ‘divide and rule’. We have Atos on the defensive and this is a time for solidarity and mutual support.

  10. Just to add to the above part of my ongoing bocot towards those assessments is that by attending them I am asked to put judgement upon my GP’s and all the other proffessions that declared myself UNFIT for work in the first place. And beleif you me I tried my damdest to stick employment out as well as gain employment but whilst in hospital and during discussion with those properly trained doctors towards my illness issues had advised otherwise. 4 different specialist declared myself unfit for work. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE ATOS ASSESSMENT???? But mearly to call another doctor a liar. I cannot take part in calling those that have treated myself liarers due to the full appreitation of there efforts to aid myself.

  11. To those objecting to ‘equating’ WCA examinations from ATOS with Nazi behaviour… firstly, it’s not equating, it’s comparing. Secondly, it’s not just ATOS and the WCA, it’s the attitudes of the government and media and the attacks they make on us.

  12. Out of interest, has anyone seen any definite evidence that this Stewart person is actually a “health care professional”? Or is it just the fact she said she was? “I’m a health-care professional, I know how BT is affecting ill people.” Well I’m an ill people, and I know how hard I’m getting fucked by Atos and their ilk.

  13. Seems this Mo is on the wrong side! I am sure she has gained favour in some future shape or form.I don’t think much of someone who relays a reply to another forum of which she is a member with what can only be construed an insult by some more worthy than herself.

  14. Speaking as both very experienced and dedicated health care professional and person who has experienced severe illness and unbelievable treatment. (I almost handed my self into a police station because I was so scared for my own and others safety). I am still coming to terms with the brutality of this state and the level of detachment of the people who work in the services both health and DWP.
    When I almost f****n topped my self I felt alone and had no idea that there was a support network of people coming together. This has given me a whole new lease of life again MO I know that you are on the side of the good fight but when I seemed to be the only one who seemed to notice that it was waddling like a duck and quacking like a duck and I was scared to call it a duck, that was driving me mental……. But now we all have the strength to say that it is a f******g duck..
    Now there are more fingers pointing and shouting when they notice the waddle and quack. As the article pointed out the goose step is a different matter altogether..

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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