After yesterday find of Debbie Carr calling the sick & disabled that she deals with while working for ATOS as a HCP “Down & Outs” on her Facebook page yet another ATOS employee, this time a Medical Examination Centre Administrator called Anthony Treasure is found calling the sick & disabled he deals with at work “Parasitic Wankers” on his Facebook page with this being 2 that have turned up in less than 24 hours, Black Triangle wonders how many more there are and if this is institutional within ATOS ?
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So the Sick & Disabled are "Parasitic Wankers" now according to ATOS staff - Click on image to see his comment full size
For people who wish to complain to ATOS about Anthony Treasure and Debbie Carr the e-mail address to use is
19 Responses
ATOS’ clients are certainly ‘down’ but not ‘out’ just yet…that is unless ATOS kicks them when they’re down! This is probably the mentality of most Atos staff & comes from the top down. She should be made an example of in defence of all the sick & disabled who’ve been given the Atos treatment…!
this is disgraceful. no one should be allowed to make public comments on people they are supposed to be assessing. i know that it would be argued that it’s freedom of speech but there is still a thing called tact. we can’t stop people having an opinion but that is no excuse to be obnoxious.
Anthony Treasure
There was a banker, a Daily Mail reader and a benefit claimant, and they had 12 biscuits. The banker took 11, and said to the Daily Mail reader “Watch out, he’s after your biscuit!”
March 20 at 9:17pm
i looked at the page in question and it says he works for atos yes but i have my doubts he is being truthful
Anthony Treasure.
memorised “The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe” at work today – then noticed the people in the waiting room could see my lips moving! I hate working reception – roll on next week when I can go back in my cupboard and be left alone 🙂
Anthony Treasure Boring office thing – I work in a medical examination centre where people on sickness benefits get prodded by the doctors. Also making a little bit of extra cash painting miniatures for people – don’t make much, but it keeps me in beer 🙂
looks like atos nazi control, with people trained to beleive
What sort of idiot would want to lie and say they worked at ATOS when they didn’t? Unless he us unemployed and thinks it is better than putting unemployed on his facebook page.
I think there has been a mistake.
Anthony Treasure was OBVIOUSLY looking in the mirror when the words ‘Parasitic Wanker’ came into his tiny little mind.
So whose turn is it to notify DWP/Atos of this latest breach of their regulations :@)
My, he IS a treasure isn’t he?
get it all sent man
i just messaged him saying that i think people who work for private companies funded by taxpayer’s money are the true parasites of the world
I received a reply from ATOS thanking me for sending them the image of his wall (including where he admits to using a company computer to access facebook at work), saying that they are taking this seriously.
take it he’s had his knuckles wrapped. Page looks very different now.
P – If he and the others who have been leaving comments like this on their Facebook pages don’t get sacked Emmar Black Triangle will be demanding to know why.
I wrote to my MP
Dear Richard Harrington,
I think you should reconsider Atos’s contract with the government to
handle the assessments of the sick and disabled.
The above seems to confirm their attitude, or is that what you intend?
After all, government departments release data in ways intended to
demonize the sick and disabled and Atos seems to have a remit to deny
as many as possible the benefits they should get.
In addition the penalties in their contract for poor performance, which
70% wrong decisions must surely be, are not invoked and so in times of
economic crisis when many are suffering you fail to recoup what the
country is entitled to. This seems to be morally, if not legally,
Yours sincerely,
The reply
Thank you for your email.
I was very shocked to see the derogatory way that staff at Atos have talked about their clients. I am not in a position to comment on this individual case, however I am sure that Atos are taking the correct disciplinary measures as any other company would.
The company, and the Department for Work and Pensions, are not working to deny benefits to those who truly need them. Over the last decade, too little attention was given to helping people claiming Incapacity Benefit. Many of these people would like to return to work and I strongly believe that we cannot waste the talent of these people. Too many people with disabilities, including mental health issues, are being held back from fulfilling their potential, and are not getting the right help and support they need to move into work.
The Government maintains that people who cannot work because of a disability or illness should never be forced to work and should receive support through the benefit system. However, we now know that many new claimants of sickness benefits are in fact able to return to work. That is why the Government is also turning its attention to existing claimants who were simply abandoned on Incapacity Benefit by the last Government.
I know that the Government wants to ensure that the WCA is as fair and accurate as possible. It has accepted all of Professor Harrington’s recommendations from the first year of his independent review and have already put in place his recommendations to create a network of “mental health, intellectual and cognitive champions” in each Medical Examination Centre to spread best practice and build understanding of these conditions. In consultation with charities such as Mind, Professor Harrington is now looking at the way mental health is assessed in the Work Capability Assessment.
Kind regards,
Richard Harrington MP
Citizens E-Petition site down at the moment, however please may I ask you to find a few seconds to sign my petition and lets all join the fight and stop the vilifying of the disabled.
In view of the rioters 4 year sentance for inciting violence and hatred on facebook,
I think inciting hatred against the disabled is worth at least 1 year!
[…] to clients as "parastic w*nkers" on his Facebook wall….he was shown the door. Another ATOS employee who derides the sick and disabled on his Facebook profile | Black Triangle Cam… Atos doctors could be struck off | Politics | The Observer Nurse makes heartfelt apology after […]