Friday 31 August 2012

Actor Ricky Tomlinson is never known to mince his words unnecessarily, so his reaction to Atos sponsorship of the Paralympics might well have been: “Friends of disabled people, my arse!”

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It beggars belief that the organising committee could have thought that a company taxed with declaring people with disabilities fit for work in order to skimp on state benefits would be an appropriate sponsor.

Aside from putting King Herod in charge of children’s nursery facilities, it is difficult to imagine a more bizarre choice.

In what is a bitter irony, whilst reaping the PR benefits of association with the 2012 Paralympics, the Dow Chemical Corporation is directly responsible for wave after wave of disability in faraway lands

Accepting Atos must have seemed a logical consequence to the scandal of the London Olympics being sponsored by Dow Chemicals, which continues to dodge its responsibility to compensate the survivors and dependants of the 1984 explosion at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal in India’s Madhya Pradesh state.

If there was an awards ceremony for unacceptable sponsors for sporting events, Dow would probably be a shoo-in for gold, having distinguished itself previously by supplying napalm and Agent Orange, containing dioxin, for the US air force to drop on huge areas of Vietnam as part of Washington’s unsuccessful dirty war to subjugate the Vietnamese people.

But whereas 1960s and ’70s history cannot be rewritten, so that Dow can only be told to assist Vietnam to finance the clean-up of its countryside and compensate the survivors, Atos is involved at this very moment in doing disabled people down.

Public sustained pressure can be applied to the company to persuade it that its image will not survive the negative publicity associated with its £100 million-a-year contract with the Department for Work and Pensions.

Olympians kept quiet over Dow, leaving it to members of the public to organise protests, but Paralympians are not so timid.

They understand that, were they not in the spotlight at the Paralympics being simpered over for epitomising British grit and determination by David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Boris Johnson and other assorted silver-spoon-in-the-gob characters, they could be at the mercy of an Atos investigator’s tick box.

Some have spoken out clearly and many others showed their colours by covering up their Atos-marked lanyards in protest.


"No amount of cajolery and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep, burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin." ~ Nye Bevan

As former soldier Jonathan Williams said before taking part in Thursday’s mass die-in and blocking of a major road in Cardiff, “I’ll do this to show that veterans – those people David Cameron calls heroes in Parliament – are being Atossed off as a thank you for their service and injuries.”

The hypocrisy of the rich people running government to swan around in the limelight applauding disabled athletes while putting the boot into claimants with disabilities is about as low as you can go.

But it sums up the priorities of the conservative coalition government as it presses on with its aim of making those with no responsibility for the economic crisis pay for it.

Found a dodgy but legal way of avoiding tens of millions in tax? Well done. Come and be a government adviser on state spending efficiency.

On the other hand, if you are being paid a pittance in incapacity benefits because you’re unable to work, think again. Thanks to Atos tick boxes, you can be adjudged fit to work and have your benefits stopped.

The death toll of claimants forced into work-related activity for benefit and the incidence of suicide attempts should shame any civilised country.

It should even embarrass the Con-Dem coalition government.

The Morning Star

For more on Dow Chemical’s sponsorship see: 

Dow Chemical’s Paralympic Sponsorship Insults All Disabled People



4 Responses

  1. Hey JJ, what all you guys and gals did yesterday, I assume, you must be well chuffed at some of the coverage in the media (BBC excepted of course..which was friggin abysmal ..they were even covering a benefit fraud trial while the demo was taking place..wankers!..but they do have to protect their license arrangements I no surprise they beccome puppets!)
    But anyway throughout the week..there has also been an enormous amount of comment in various disabled forums on FB..indeed on Tuesday night when I got back after the Manchester Demo at ATOS HQ..I started reading my messages around 4.00pm and apart from a quick bite and walk the dog around 6.00pm..I was STILL reading/answering mail at 5.00am the next morning!!!! And its been like that ever since, every day!!!
    Now, after yesterdays demos, you may NOT know..I hope i’m the first to tell you..but the protests were even a strapline across the bottom of the screen like on BBC programmes..but your demos were beng talked about as far away on Russia Today TV this morning!!!!
    So WELL DONE to one and ALL of you….I only wish I could have been there too….all the demonstrators deserve a HUGE THANKS from the whole Disabled community..and I hope you’ll circulate my best wishes around the group…What you achieved was amazing…We maybe struggling to win the am sure we are gonna win the Battle eventually..especially when the vast majority of cuts come into force next April..and Mr Everyday Joe Bloggs starts feeling the REAL pinch..They really don’t have a clue whats coming down the line at they?……! Best Wishes..Stevie

  2. The coalition scum will pay at the ballot box for their crimes. Both the tories and liberal whatever they are called butt lickers will cease to exist as major political forces. They are unelected, we do not want them. Cameron there is the door, get out of office now !

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

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