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New Tory employment minister Mark Hoban

Mark Hoban, Tory MP for Fareham, has replaced Chris Grayling as (un)employment minister in Cameron’s desperate reshuffle.

Promotions for Grayling and Maria ‘Factory Killer’ Miller show the contempt that this Tory led government has for the poorest in society as they reward their loyal attack dogs for savaging disabled and unemployed workers.

We are glad to see the back of the disgusting freeloader Grayling who engorged himself on public funds, infamous for his sneering yet clumsy defence of slave labour workfare schemes and killer Work Capability Assessments carried out by Atos.

However we can only expect more of the same brutality from his replacement.

No doubt Hoban will continue to scapegoat those thrown on the Tories unemployment scrapheap as ‘lazy scroungers’, a term that would be more accurately applied to the new minister.

Like his predecessor Hoban enjoys getting his mortgage  paid out of public money with second home expenses claims totalling £82,662 between 2004 and 2008. He also claimed £12,000 of our money to kit it out with furniture and gadgets, including £35 on a toilet roll holder, £100 for a chrome shower rack and £79 for four silk cushion covers.

Hoban also appears to share Grayling’s homophobia having voted heavily against LGBT rights legislation in Parliament. The former employment minister was famously caught on tape advocating that hotel owners should be allowed to turn away gay couples based on their sexuality.

Right to Work Campaign


7 Responses

  1. We expect nothing less from this incompetent party of trollops who call themselves the ‘government’, when in fact they have little idea as to how we live, how we struggle to survive and to live on a pittance. The party of bumbling millionaires continue to use our money to pay for their luxuries whilst cutting our benefits and destroying the Welfare state and the NHS, giving them to their friends the private companies. The involvement of Atos and Unum beggars belief, they do many of us a great disservice and continue to get away with their total incompetence. The Tories, backed by the turncoats of the Libdems , really are the nasty party and to see Hoban taking over from Grayling to serves to show how they are lining to to tighten the screw a bit further, each must make their mark!
    We will remember their follies when the next election comes around, and they get dumped on the great scrapheap. I just can’t wait!

  2. yes they got their hands in the public till but do they think about us while eating and drinking their discounted food and drink nah they laugh at us and the only thought would be how to screw us further jeff3

  3. Another F***ing tosser to contend with. If only we had some kind of antidote against money grabbing psychopathic assholes, or maybe some kind of anti twat ballistic missile. All joking aside what can we do about this unelected bunch of neo Nazi psychos, in any other country there would have been an up rising by now, the french would not put up with it.

  4. A Nice World would be One without Tories and Millionaires to Wreck It

    We Need Decent People in Government Ie People who Care Genuinely about
    the Poor and Vulnerable

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