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Founding Member & Senior Editor

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Dr Stephen Carty

Chief Medical Advisor

lewis carty

Chief Web Developer & Editor

Gail Ward

Founding Member, Social Security Policy Advisor

Christopher Carty

Junior Editor

Abhishek Saharan

Junior Web Developer

The black triangle campaign was established to shed light upon, and galvanise opposition against, the current, vicious attacks on the fundamental human rights of disabled people – by the British Government – through its use of “Work Capability Assessments” to re-classify sick and disabled individuals as “fit for work”.

This site is dedicated to the memory of Paul Reekie (Born January 23, 1962; Died June 2010) : Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him; May He Rest in Peace.

Black Triangle’s Mission: To Defend, Protect and Fight for Humanity with Disability.

our Motto: “Disabled People Fighting for Our Future : Custodians of Our Past”

All users and visitors contact details are kept private on a secure, offshore, encrypted database and will not be released to anybody, regardless of pressure. feel free to express your opinions in our forum – without fear of persecution. However, Discriminatory or abusive postings are discouraged and may lead to the termination of your account, or access to the site, if deemed necessary.