By HAMISH RUTHERFORD Last updated 05:00 11/01/2013 Work tests concern disability organisation  Disability services group CCS says it has “grave concerns” about plans to introduce work ability assessments, influenced by controversial tests conducted in Britain. From July, the invalid’s benefit, paid to about 85,000 New Zealanders, will be replaced by the supported living payment, as […]
What were the rehabilitation and return-to-work highlights from the Personal Injury Education Foundation Conference ‘PIEF2012’? PIEF was established in 2006 by a consortium of Australian and New Zealand accident compensation regularators, insurers and claims management organisations who shared the vision of creating leading educational programs, initiatives and events focused on the needs of those working in […]
By Angela Kennedy, Social Sciences Lecturer and Researcher and Author  I was somewhat surprised to see Mansel Aylward’s changing view on the ‘biopsychosocial’ model, claimed by him as he was confronted by those representing disabled people victimised by this model for many years. But I am not confident Aylward has actually understood what the problems […]
‘Pioneering health expert Mansel Aylward overjoyed at knighthood’   Apr 14 2010 by Madeleine Brindley, South Wales Echo A PIONEERING South Wales health expert has been knighted by the Queen in recognition of a lifetime of service. Mansel Aylward received the honour at Windsor Castle after being named in the New Year’s Honours. Sir Mansel, chairman of […]
  A video of this exchange will be available as soon as some technical issues have been resolved Recorded Wednesday 12th September 2012 15.40 – 15.53 hrs B.S.T.  Conference delegates are filing out of a heavily-guarded (four security personnel on the one and only door!) Great Hall in The Sherfield Building, Imperial College London, after […]
    By John Pring Disability News Service September 14, 2012  A former Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) medical director has pledged to speak out about the government’s “fitness for work” test if he finds it is “not proper”, after he was ambushed by campaigners at a conference. Professor Sir Mansel Aylward had been […]
Tuesday 11th Septemeber 20.00 hrs Today at 3.30 p.m. Merry Cross of Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) and John McArdle of Black Triangle Campaign held a short protest with a small group of friends and family at the exit of a lecture theatre at Imperial College, London, where Professor Mansel Aylward had just given a […]
 downwithallthat     Well, well. This one has it all really. Aylward, Unum’s influence on the DWP.   Mansel Aylward. ‘In 2005 he was elected to the new Health Honors Committee, designed to make the system more transparent. Given the much publicised emphasis on the need for “transparency” within all Government departments, “One again has to ask […]
NB. This is not the follow up to which Gill Thorburn referred in her previous response to Professor Aylward, on which she is still working. She says that there is still much more to be said about the way Aylward applies certain ideas according to the objectives he seeks and her follow-up article will be […]
This paper has been formatted for ease of readability. You may prefer reading the document in the original, plain format.   Professor Sir Mansel Aylward (Middle) ~ Knighted for ‘Services to Disability Assessment’ Paper By Gill Thorburn 18th September 2012.   “Few people have been involved in as many return to work or rehabilitation initiatives as […]
‘More concerns about the current UK Welfare Reform’ Invest in ME 22nd January 2012 Attention is drawn to a letter recently sent to two high-profile members of The House of Lords by Douglas Fraser, a former professional violinist but now severely affected by ME/CFS –  (click here). In it, Fraser sets out his concerns about a […]
‘Top doctor in job for wife row’ by MARK ROWE in The Independent on Sunday 29th MARCH 1998 THE chief medical adviser to the Department of Social Security, Dr Mansel Aylward, was behind the setting up of a company that enables civil servant doctors to process health insurance claims. The company, Mediprobe, which puts doctors in contact […]
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has admitted that it failed to appoint a chief medical adviser for more than five years, at a time when its policy decisions were causing countless deaths of disabled benefit claimants. The department failed even to appoint a medical professional to fill the post in an interim capacity […]
By John Pring Disability News Service December 21st 2017 The occupational health expert chosen by the government to review its much-criticised “fitness for work” test appears to have suggested that the assessment should be scrapped and replaced with a radically different process. Dr Paul Litchfield, who led the fourth and fifth reviews of the work […]
  September 17th  By George Berger for  DPAC Debbie Jolly, Jonathan Rutherford, and Mo Stewart have discussed the influence of UNUM on the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) [1]. Here I study relations of UNUM to DWP and ATOS that implicate Professor Sir Mansel Aylward and a UNUM employee in apparent irregularities [2].   I […]
15th September 2016 John Pring A string of activists, academics, politicians and journalists have welcomed the publication of a new book by a disabled researcher which exposes how successive governments have planned the “demolition of the welfare state”. Mo Stewart has spent eight years researching the influence of the US insurance giant Unum over successive […]
11th September 2016 a feature article by – Mo Stewart As a concept, it’s extraordinary.  As a political policy, it’s a killer.   In the United Kingdom (UK) there are three words that identify the greatest ongoing human suffering since World War II, and they are: Work Capability Assessment.   Until 2008, Incapacity Benefit was the income […]
  August 28th 2016 By Mo Stewart “Stewart names names.  She shows where and how the policies originated.  She destroys all claims that they were based on solid research. And she vividly paints a clear picture of how disabled people are the group chosen to pay for bankers’ greed and stupidity in 2008, as government […]
  Mo Stewart Disability researcherDisabled veteran (WRAF)Former healthcare professional Dr Olivia Carlton President The Faculty of Occupational Medicine ofThe Royal College of Physicians3rd Floor, New Derwent House69-73 Theobald’s RoadLondon WC1X 8TA  Re: SENSITIVE RESEARCH EVIDENCE – Unacceptable influence Please excuse this unsolicited contact. However, as I bring to a close this independent research, I believe […]
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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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