Accessibility info for UK Uncut’s ‘Refuge From The Cuts’ action

Accessibility info for UK Uncut’s ‘Refuge From The Cuts’ action at Starbucks across the UK, Saturday 8th December!

Greetings Uncutters!

We’re asking everybody who’s organising an action on Saturday 8th to make it as inclusive as possible, and publicise information about accessibility.

For example, you could post on your Facebook action page whether the Starbucks has step-free access, and if public transport to the location is accessible.

You could also link up with local disability activists who could help advise on making the action more inclusive (and maybe come on the action too!).

If you’re planning to attend an action and would like information about accessibility, you can get in touch with the organisers – there’s a contact email address at the bottom of each action page – see here for the list. 

Accessibility for the central London actions

In central London there are two actions happening close together. Both are just off Regent St – click here for info. 

The nearest step-free tube station is Green Park, which is a 10 minute push/wheel away.

Action 1 (‘Cuts Creche’) Starbucks has step-free access (map). This action starts at 11.30am and is due to end at 2pm. Bring your children! There’s a specified end time to reassure people who might be new to taking action.

Action 2 (‘Refuge From The Cuts’). Like a lot of the Starbucks in Central London, this store unfortunately does not have step-free access (map). But there’ll be plenty of action and entertainments happening outside – including hopefully a Samba band!!


Islington actions and Disabled People Against Cuts

Islington Disabled People Against Cuts (IDPAC) are delighted to be supporting the actions in Islington. Cuts to women’s services and housing issues affect many of us as women and tenants. There is no justification for any cuts. Multinational giants like Starbucks should pay their fair share of taxes, properly resourced public services should be available for all.

We are encouraging all disabled people locally to turn out and show your rejection of all cuts.

IDPAC members will be at:

Starbucks, 7 Islington High Street @ 12 noon

Action details are here

Turn Starbucks into a rape crisis centre. Share any information, resources or knowledge about support you have with others.

Starbucks, 30 Upper St @ 2pm

Action details are here.

Make this coffee-house a home, resist cuts to housing benefits, the bedroom tax, rack-rents and call for more accessible housing.

Both Starbucks are step free.

Nearest step free station to both actions:

Kings Cross station. Circle; Hammersmith & City; Metropolitan; Northern; Piccadilly; Victoria lines.

Then take the eastbound 205 bus from outside the station to Angel (less than 10 mins).

Buses 19, 30, 43, 56, 153, 274 also serve this area.

Accessible toilets are within 5 mins of both actions.



The content previously published here has been withdrawn. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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