Lib Dem MP Sarah Teather in her Brent Central constituency in Willesden, north-west London. Photograph: Andy Hall For The Observer

A LibDem who has refused to sell her own soul ~ All power to your elbow, Sarah! Thank you for refusing to abandon the poor, sick and/or disabled ~ you speak the truth and have shamed the Devil. Too bad you felt it necessary to praise Nick Clegg, though! He’s yesterday’s man and he knows it!

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4 Responses

  1. Dear Sarah
    Thank You for standing up for us,we need help to fight these welfare reforms.
    I thought you reform something to make it a better thing, these reforms have now created a new underclass. A class of people that are now demonised by this condem government and most forms of media.
    At some point we will all be asked to vote again and we will see how this underclass votes if they do. there may be a few new independent MP’s standing for office,and they will not be part of a known party 🙂
    Tell you fellow MP’s that our votes can’t be relied on anymore.

  2. It is has become gov policy to penalise the most vulnerable as a means to reduce public spending rather than taking it from those causing the financial mess, in this case the landlords who have been allowed to charge extortionate rent for homes; exploiting tenants and council budgets.
    Heaven forbid politicians would penalise landlords for substandard and/or disproportionate rents and cap them instead of those desperate for accommodation. No, there are too many of them profiteering to be proactive in attacking those responsible for the mess.
    But Cameron made a mistake in sacking Sarah Teather from her original post, she now is in a better position to help, so thank you cameron, we now have another supporter of the vulnerable.

  3. Well the Answer has to be Enough is More than Enough Stop the Political Sleepwalk
    UK and Demand a Better Government

    One that Cares For the Poor the Sick and the Vulnerable

    Scrap MPS Expenses Let the Rich Pay For the Economic Crisis

    Save Public Services We Deserve Better than the Con Dems

    Condemn the Con Dems Not Public Services

  4. Horrible Things have Happened and are Happening

    Bureaucracy Paperwork ” Work Capability Assessments ” Impoverishment
    This All Cries Out for Political Revolution to Sweep the Regime of Rubbish From
    Office Put an End to their Tyranny and Provide Adequate Welfare Support for
    Human Beings in Need

    Stuff the Media Demonisation of the Poor it is Buying their Propaganda Rags which
    is a Waste of Money

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