‘Anne Maguire demands end to ATOS tests that teenager says killed his father’

LABOUR’S (Shadow Minister for Disabled People) Anne McGuire told the Commons about brave 13-year-old Kieran McArdle, whose dad Brian suffered a heart attack after losing his benefits

THE Atos fitness for work tests that a teenager blames for the death of his disabled dad should be ditched, an MP demanded yesterday.

The plea came as Labour’s Anne McGuire told the Commons about Kieran McArdle, whose dad Brian collapsed of a heart attack because of the stress of losing his benefits.

The 13-year-old, from Larkhall, Lanarkshire, wrote a letter to the Daily Record about the work capability assessments administered by French firm Atos, who he blames for Brian’s death.

The Record delivered his plea for reform to the department for Work and Pensions last week, and Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith promised to reply.

McGuire raised the Record’s coverage of the case in the Commons yesterday and used it to demand the tests be abandoned.

The Stirling MP said: “Brian was paralysed down his left hand side, blind in one eye and unable to speak properly. Yet he was declared fit for work.

“Atos said in response our trained doctors, nurses and physiotherapists strictly follow the guidelines given to them by the government.

“Given the crescendo of complaints about the workings of the work capability assessments should the minister not accept his responsibilty and undertake a fast and fundamental review.”

Mark Hoban, the Work and Pensions Minister, said his condolences are with Mr McArdle’s family.

But he said the system only needed refinements to make it work.

He added: “We and Atos go to great lengths to make the process as fair as possible.”

The Scottish Daily Record

Teen’s letter about cruel effects of Atos hand-delivered by Record to Iain Duncan Smith’s Whitehall office

Atos benefits bullies killed my sick dad, says devastated Kieran, 13


10 Responses

  1. Tory bastard misuses the language again – one dead – so what

    Civil war is the only answer to rid us of these fascists who claim to be ‘helping’ us on the road to stardom when in fact it is the Last Stop Hotel

    Hate the fucking lot of them

    • well said jed, we here in scotland are going to march to westminster and overthrow these sick fucks. we shall ride our fucking bikes , where we fucking like ,!! brave heart…. scotland.

  2. So…..why is nothing actually being done about this and all the other DWP sponsored frauds?
    Are they all immune from prosecution? Abusing the poor is the new social model for The ConDemNation? Is this it? We are all going to idly sit back and chat about it until they have taken everything from everybody? Why are none f them in jail? This has all been going on for some time now. Everybody knows, yet nobody actually DOES anything.
    We must be the dumbest cunts in creation. No wonder they are ripping us to pieces at will.

  3. So…..why is nothing actually being done about this and all the other DWP sponsored frauds?
    Are they all immune from prosecution? Abusing the poor is the new social model for The ConDemNation? Is this it? We are all going to idly sit back and chat about it until they have taken everything from everybody? Why are none f them in jail? This has all been going on for some time now. Everybody knows, yet nobody actually DOES anything.
    We must be the dumbest c***s in creation. No wonder they are ripping us to pieces at will.

  4. I am Pretty Sick of the UK Situation Mess

    The Tories are Beneath Contempt Arrogant Stuck Up Toffs

    The Boneheads who Believe all the Tabloid Propaganda I am Disgusted with as Well

    I Wish Britain and Stop this Shameless State of Affairs

  5. You can ask Atos to film yr assesment, you then have some proof of what was said in case they lie.These assesments are not accurate; I was told that thier assesors make a judgement about people but they arent qualidfied for it often; some conditions take years to diagnose by multiple specialists..how can one atos pysio for example be accurate..its madness.

  6. Thank You for Information

    This State of Affairs Needs to Radically Improve

    Under the Dictatorship of the Con Dems Things are Diabolical

    The Opposition has a Duty to be a Opposition Not just Stand About like Statics

  7. In Hull at 19 Lambwath Rd the dwp are using electronic movement detection
    equipment targeted at a disabled mans home. It transmits RF and Microwave streams into all rooms. If he moves, it records it and is even in the bedroom and
    bathroom. The dwp just lie and deny it, a useless mp and the local copper, Jefferson
    who confirmed it all including how the equipment works but now refuses to do
    anything, apart from threatening the disable man with arres if he exposes the house
    or the Dwp.!
    After 4 years of cars up and down outside the house, listening devices in the garden
    threats of death and criminal damage by two dwp workers ( rec on camera) the
    Dwp are furious that the most intrusive surveillance ever targeted at a disabled
    man has failed. They are also furious that it has been exposed and individual dwp
    staff now frequently identified incl home addresses.
    The RF stuff is being monitored by specialised equipment in the disabled persons house. A TV company and national paper are wanting to expose the dwp and
    the Police.
    The disabled man has now got a form of Cancer in his leg that is associated with
    exposure to RF and Radiation. (Sarcoma)
    Please feel free to contact me or ideally send a note etc to the dwp spy team
    At 19 Lambwath Road Hull. Perhaps you just want respire your concern and
    Your feelings about this mans situation, it’s an unused 3 bed council house
    and thousands across the uk are in the hands of the dwp spy’s !

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

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