Posted: October 03, 2012 Written by Rob Taylor

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Man In Jobcentre Threatens To Set Himself Alight

A man in Wrexham walked into Wrexham Jobcentre this afternoon with petrol and threatened to set himself on fire. Our live updates from the scene are below, starting with the earliest to latest down the page:

Live: We have had reports that a man in Wrexham Job Centre has threatened to set himself on fire.

The man entered the building with petrol.

An eyewitness told on the scene:

“Sadly that is what’s happened, we hope he’s ok”

wpid IMAG0914 Man In Jobcentre Threatens To Set Himself Alight



4 Responses

  1. thus caused by this evil tory party who put bankers on peditals and us with out money funny old world where the criminal run the country and thats why bankers dont get jailed only the sick disabled unemployed who get to be beating into the dust by this evil lot i just hope the young man is treated properly but dont hold much hope for this as he get the ok off some quack from atos who will say hes fit to work whot a life jeff3

  2. Very sadly, I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of this sort of thing, as cuts get deeper and people get even more desperate. I hope this poor man gets the help he deserves.

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