PODCAST :  Seumas Milne, Polly Toynbee and Martin Kettle join Tom Clark to preview this year’s political party conference season beginning this weekend with the Liberal Democrats and Ukip hosting their annual get-togethers. 

Tom Clark

Presented by Tom Clark and produced by Phil Maynard

Phil Maynard

Attendances may be down and genuine debates a thing of the past, but party conference season is still a major focal point on the political calendar. This weekend the Liberal Democrats gather in Brighton while Ukip host their get-together in Birmingham (the parties are polling neck-and-neck in a recent YouGov poll).

They’ll be followed by Labour’s conference in Manchester the following week as Ed Miliband attempts to bridge the gap between his party’s soaring popularity and his own more modest personal ratings.

Then David Cameron will round off the season with his closing speech to the Conservatives in little under four weeks’ time. But will his conference have already been overshadowed by trouble-making Boris Johnson?

In the studio to decipher it all: Guardian columnists 

Martin Kettle




Seumas Milne



and Polly Toynbee.



Politics Weekly Podcasts ~ The Guardian



4 Responses

  1. something needs to be done urgently to help the elderly and disable all three parties forgot that they have a vote too.it’s disgusting the way the elderly and disabled are being punished for a crisis that they didnt create,it’s about time the mp’s started to relise that they work for us not the other way around!!i havent seen 1 mp stand up to atos a company that are killing people and our mp’s are standing by letting them.i think ukip will get alot of voters this time because all the current mp’s are only interested in lining the own pockets and letting the poor suffer

  2. mps should hang their heads in shame at whot they allow to happen but no they still got their snouts in the trough while we miss meals loose houses and they call themselvesa christians shamefull jeff3

  3. They Should be Made to Realize that No Decent Person will Vote for Them particularly
    the Rich Peoples Tories and Liberal Dictatorcrats whilst the Demonic Persecution of
    the Poor and Vulnerable Continues

    We Need Mountains of Political Action to Reverse the Mountain of Madness of
    the Past Diabolical 2 Years of the Tory Tyrants in Office and the Public in General
    like Gormless Sheep Fiddling About whilst Rome Burns or should be Troy as so
    many Gormless People let the Trojan Horse of the Tories into office with the Liberal
    Democrats as Sheep Lobby Fodder as the Tories do Not have a Parliamentary Majority
    by Themselves

    We would Ultimately be Better Off with Common Sense Justice and Humanity towards
    the Poor and Disabled as State Policy as Opposed to the Divide and Rule Consensus of
    No Choice of Political Parties and the Resultant Misery and Oppression

    Kindness and Charity Not Cruelty and Capitalism

  4. Three Things to Protect the Poor and Vulnerable from Total Deprivation/Hunger Starvation/Homelessness

    1) Constitutional Protection for the Welfare Benefits of the Poor and Vulnerable
    in the United Kingdom which to Undermine will be Viewed as a Crime against

    2) Constitutional Bar upon Assessment Harassment

    3) Constitutional Right to a Place of Residence

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