DWP 'Minister for Work' (Mark Hoban and Chris Grayling's successor in post) Esther McVey

DWP ‘Minister for Work’ (Mark Hoban and Chris Grayling’s successor in post) Esther McVey 



Westminster DWP Questions, 14th October 2013

Former Banker Rachel Reeves, spoke in her new role for the first time since being moved from the shadow Treasury team to shadow DWP. 

Off-message: If Rachel Reeves had promised to get as tough on tax avoidance in her previous job as she is promising to be on benefits now, Labour might have had more credibility.

Off-message: If Rachel Reeves had promised to get as tough on tax avoidance in her previous job as she is promising to be on benefits now, Labour might have had more credibility.


The question session saw several frontbenchers speak for the first time since the recent reshuffle.

Mike Penning

Expenses: Tory MP and New Shadow DWP Minister Mike Penning Claimed for Dog Bowl 

Esther McVey

Esther McVey


Lord David Fraud

Lord David Fraud

Chris Bryant, now a shadow work and pensions minister, appeared to suffer a moment of confusion amid the various personnel changes.


He referred to the work and pensions minister in the upper House, Lord Freud, as “Lloyd Fraud“, before describing it as “a Freudian slip”.





Lord Fraud on Risk

Lord Fraud on Risk 






11 Responses

      • thanks mary Jackson you made me smile I had the same thoughts on her , would the said minister be first inline for the tradional justices courts were they held to account but sadly I think not this world but the next jeff3

        • With you all the way there Jeff, If you believe as I do, they will answer for their crimes against the disabled in the next world, Sadly not in this world

  1. They have been Taking the Biscuit For too Long

    I am Sick of Gormless Out of Touch People having Ministerial
    Positions Relating to Welfare they are Clueless and Must Not hold
    the Positions

    No More Rich Peoples Governments of Out of Touch Politicians
    Now and Forever

  2. opologies if i post this here… i am not sure where i should….
    i have just won my appeal after over a year of misery…
    the tribunal didnt tell me what group i would be placed in…should i be worried about this? what can i do?
    also… do atos lose money if we win an appeal?
    now i’m going to complain to atos about the inacuracies of the test… and demand to know the info they hold on me… anything that costs them money is good!

  3. “Such proposals are aimed at creating a pool of cheap labour for big business. The “jobs” referred to would be heavily subsidised by the government to encourage companies to employ workers who would be paid well below the minimum wage. The consequences of this policy can already be seen with existing work placements paying as little as £2.65 an hour and stories of unemployed workers being compelled to work for free. Labour’s intention is to make such conditions the norm.”


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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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