It is not us who are the scroungers


According to the DWP - the true figure for claimant fraud for 2011/2012 is actually 0.8%. Who is lying?
According to the DWP – the true figure for claimant fraud for 2011/2012 is actually 0.8%. Who is lying to you, all you out there who have been deceived into believing that everyone is ‘swinging the lead’? How does it feel, to be treated like a mug? Don’t stand for it! Turn on your real enemy! Ask yourselves, why am I being lied to? Is the government defrauding me?
Are YOU a ‘mug’?
Osborne: Philpott case shines light on welfare state – video ~ The chancellor says the Philpott fire case raises questions about the country’s benefit’s system
RT Elliot Folan @LeftieHamster In the last few days, commentators and politicians on the political right have used dead children as political capital. Remember that. 


‘Justice is turned back,
And righteousness stands far away;
For truth has stumbled in the street,
And uprightness cannot enter.’

‘Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.’


It is not benefit claimants who are the frauds but the media and the ConDem régime: H.M.G. Department of Work and Pensions DWP estimates of total underpayments due to fraud and error across all benefits is £1.3bn; this is just 0.8% of the total benefit expenditure in 2011/12.


DWP Estimates of Fraud and Error by type of error in 2011/12

0.7%, or £1.2bn, of total benefit expenditure is overpaid due to fraud;

0.9%, or £1.4bn, of total benefit expenditure is overpaid due to claimant error;

0.5%, or £0.8bn, of total benefit expenditure is overpaid due to official error.

0.6%, or £0.9bn, of total benefit expenditure is underpaid due to claimant error;

0.3%, or £0.4bn, of total benefit expenditure is underpaid due to official error.

Estimates of Fraud and Error by individual benefits in 2011/12

Key estimates for the individual benefits that are measured on a continuous basis are that:

4.4%, or £310m, of Income Support expenditure (£7.2bn) was overpaid;

4.6%, or £230m, of Jobseeker’s Allowance expenditure (£5.0bn) was overpaid;

5.7%, or £460m, of Pension Credit expenditure (£8.2bn) was overpaid;

4.9%, or £1,130m, of Housing Benefit expenditure (£22.8bn) was overpaid.

1.0%, or £70m, of Income Support expenditure (£7.2bn) was underpaid;

0.3%, or £20m, of Jobseeker’s Allowance expenditure (£5.0bn) was underpaid;

1.8%, or £150m, of Pension Credit expenditure (£8.2bn) was underpaid;

1.4%, or £310m, of Housing Benefit expenditure (£22.8bn) was underpaid.

By comparison to benefit fraud, lost revenues from tax avoidance and tax evasion:

£70 billion of tax evasion
£25 billion tax avoidance
£25 billion of unpaid tax


18 Responses

  1. we need to fight this government ovwer there reforms on disabled sick and poor against these tory/lib scum once and for all they have lied and lied and lied also using dead children as a coverup over the benefits system time to stand and fight .

  2. DWP are frauds. I have Doncaster DWP breaking so many laws on my deaf verbatim recorded system i.e. text relay formally typetalk that prints out actual telephone calls. Am also on autism spectrum, dyspraxia, adhd, clinical depression, asthma, speech defects stammer & stutter, crazy times for us all. Such unlawful unfairness & callous cruelty.

    My 76yo Mum Beryl and myself at corrupted Doncaster Magistrate today at 10am.

    Extreme vulnerable adult abuse by the establishment being covered up, extreme violations of Equality Act 2010, EC Human & Disability Rights, Public Sector Equality Duty & so much more! Just like the excellent FRANCIS report & Winterbourne Vulnerable Adult Abuse scandal !!!BJP0TU!AZEQ8K

    We have no solicitor as keep getting blocked! Duty Solicitor already said they only help with bail, that’s it. We really need actions against the police, human rights, civil liberties, public law, community care etc but blocked by forty eight solicitor firms due to me daring to sue the corrupted ignorants at the Solicitors Regulation Authority and have all the major regulators and charities on my deaf recorded system acting unlawfully!

  3. We need to get these Aholes out of office as soon as we can.
    In the work place we could all hold a vot of NO Confidants and kick them out.

  4. I’m not a government minister, but I am a member of the Conservative party. Would it be possible to clear up a point in that you have not referred to ALL conservative members as Neo Nazis?

  5. When the Tory politicians can and are blatantly ignoring the laws and manipulating them to annihilate all those they can no longer fleece or gain from, it seems laws are just meaningless. Not all actions of either sides of this war will be just, but the causes will be!

  6. 50% of MPs cheat the outrageously generous welfare system afforded them to look after us, indeed we know criminality is endemic across the political “class”.

    0.7% of citizens cheat the barely subsistence benefits system afforded them to survive while ill or unemployed and being defamed by Britain’s privileged and oblivious criminal class who see conspiracies and project out scumbags wherever they look despite the facts and create ever greater messes for decent citizens to clean up in CMHTs, hospitals, suicide helplines, food banks, breakfast clubs, homeless units and so on and so forth.

    Anyone looking for the truth should consider those statistics.

    The Rev’d Paul Nicolson of Taxpayers Against Poverty describes this as a time of crass misjudgments. I call it and these people evil.

  7. You may choose to us Scripture to suit your argument – Isaiah 59 – but what about “No liar will ever enter the Kingdom of God.”

    My parents are christians they say, but they lie, to anyone, including DWP.

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Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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