"This is the day, our day, Scotland's day. The day that we can cradle in our arms Scotland's future and hear the infant cries of a new country,"
The link between the struggling economy and the devaluing of disabled people's lives
"Let prosperous people sustain a great welfare state. Let that state end the fear that comes with insecurity. Let us gift ourselves that Scotland."
My name is Cindie Reiter, I’m one of those “New Scots” you hear people talking about from time to time, and I’m going to vote Yes in 2014.
The coaltion's use of private companies to manage the most vulnerable amongst us is inspired by half a millennium of Poor Laws
'LIVES WORTH LIVING' : The origins, evolution and struggles of the Disability Rights Movement in the United States. May their memory give us strength ...
Blame for IDS's cover-up of WELFARE 'REFORM' DEATHS should not only be restricted purely to the Government, the DWP and its partner Atos, but must be extended to include the complicit and supine corporate media ...
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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

Called in for an ESA by Atos? You are not alone, join DWPExaminations Forum

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