Due to the extensive research of Mo Stewart, a disabled female veteran of the WRAF, Unum’s influence and involvement with the government in the UK, namely the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) and Atos Healthcare (AH) are finally being exposed for what it is.

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Unum Life Insurance, UnumProvident and now Unum Group has long been involved with the UK’s Incapacity and Welfare programs exerting its influence to implement claims review practices similar to those used in the United States. A major goal of the government in the UK was to engage Unum’s assistance to drastically decrease the welfare budget. As a result, disabled individuals in the UK have also experienced unfair prejudicial claims decisions depriving citizens of much-needed financial support funded by the government.

It has long been known here in the US  Unum physicians participated in research projects funded by the UK to discredit Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia as credible causes of permanent disability. Many UK participants have literally been “thrown off” benefits due to Unum’s bias toward CFS and FMS. In the past, the UK has awarded grants in excess of 300,000 pounds to Unum’s research center in Cardiff.

According to Ms. Stewart government propaganda in the UK “has the able-bodied general public convinced that the majority of people in receipt of Incapacity Benefit or Disability Living Allowance (DLA) are mainly “scroungers.” Sound familiar? The concept of secondary gain is often viewed in the UK as a concept imported from America through Unum’s management and so-called researchers.

To make matters worse the government employs the services of Atos Healthcare (AH) to evaluate disability. Apparently, Atos uses computer software (LiMA) to render qualified assessments for disability. LiMA sounds very similar to MDA software used by Unum Group in establishing “recovery dates” for various medical impairments.

Another similarity with America is that the BBC and other media resources in the UK also refuse to report Unum’s influence in attempting to “privatize” through welfare reform in order to take advantage of the overwhelming profit loophole in the welfare system.

According to Ms. Stewart “it is no coincidence that Unum Insurance is about to launch a massive UK media campaign to promote their Income Protection Insurance as, clearly, it has been planned since 1994 as the UK takes another step forward towards the American style health service, funded by insurance.”

Clearly, Unum Group is a “global problem” of significant importance allowed “get out of jail free” cards  by governments on both continents. This makes me wonder what Unum’s role may be in controlling American and UK healthcare systems as governments move toward a “new world order perspective.”

In the US insureds and claimants may finally understand why Unum Group is untouchable to the media and federal and state regulators  who also take a blind eye toward Unum’s unfair and often illegal claims practices. ERISA, having been eroded by years of court decisions unfavorable to claimants, has provided little protection from abuse.

Many thanks to Mo Stewart who provided her research used for this post. If anyone has any interest in exploring Unum’s influence in the UK, please let me know and I will send additional information you  may find extremely interesting.

Lindanee’s Blog


33 Responses

  1. I’m interested in all and any information about this story you can send to me. Thanks!

    Its a crime what is going on with the disability, and the fear of God has been put onto a lot of people on DLA and IB. When will this madness stop!

    • Everyone in this country are terrified at the moment by all the reforms we are due. The doing away of DLA and having the indignity of being reassessed. Even those given a lifetime award. And we are already hearing horror stories about ATOS.
      There is a campaign going on on FACEBOOK, about the ‘bedroom tax’, being introduced in March 2013. There are many stories on there. You might want to take a look. And we need as many people as possible to join us. Whether you are directly affected or not. as for not recognising Fibromyalgia, (Which I have) and CFS. We’ve already had to face predudise for years along with years to get diagnosed.
      We can’t get much interest from the British media.

  2. This “new” information regarding UNUM in the UK is not new. When Tony Wright MP had the large ME group of MP’s it is on record that UNUM was a large offender. Look up Alison Whitby, one of Dr. Betty Dowsett;s patients. Alison spoke to the parlimentary group in 1999 and addressed the issue of UNUM in the UK and how it affected her. She won her benefits as an ME patient. At the same time a woman with LUPUS was being harrassed by UNUM. She won after her talk in Parliament.
    UNUM was for a year or two “kicked out ” of UK…however they are a strong UNUM insurance co. out of Maine USA…they are international. They changed their name to UNUM Provident and also other names. They have been leading the way to discriminating against ME and CFS patients since the early 1990’s If anyone wants a copy of the UNUM 1995 in house paper that is on public record in USA…I have it. Meghan

  3. Google Hansard, then search publications with ‘Unum’ as a starting point… Unum are behind the WCA and universal credit – and to be honest the cheek of them is unbelievable. Anyhow read it for yourselves and draw your own conclusions.

  4. btw, i should have added that just like other models , monetarism comes to mind, I’m sure many govt officials don’t all believe in it, but can see it can utilised to cut benefits, save money for the treasury, weaken labour, etc.

  5. why cant our politicians learn by america,s mistake with this lot they threw them out with a big fine as of all the trouble they caused them 55 million dollers they not here for their own health they here to make as much money they can make out of us and the backhanders must be flying around whos gettint them please mps wake up get rid bfor its to late as we wont have a nhs or benefits system left with tory puppet lib dems so wake up or hang your heads in shame shame shame on you jeff3

  6. Try looking for Dutch influences as well, also combined Dutch-American. I wrote to Black triangle a while ago about this, but the core is worth repeating. ATOS acquired the Dutch Division of KPMG Nederland (NL) and KPMG UK not too long ago. KPMG initiated the sort of full healthcare privatisation that NL now has. In 2009 or 2010, Mark Britnell, then an NHS civil servant, became “Global Head of Health” for KPMG, I guess UK. http://www.kpmg.com/uk/en/issuesandinsights/articlespublications/pages/profiledrmarkbritnell,globalheadofhealth.aspx . So today ATOS+KPMG UK+ NL is one firm. The last I heard Britnell was an advisor to Cameron. There is some evidence that this expanded ATOS is in some sort of relation with the present Dutch disability department UWV, but that evidence is circumstantial: merely a few names of persons who work or have worked for both ATOS and UWV. Mr Britnell had this to say, in an unguarded moment: http://politicalscrapbook.net/2011/05/mark-brittnell-nhs-shown-no-mercy/ .

  7. Getting this Regime Out of Office is Essential there should be No Placing of
    People unable to Work on ” Work Activity Groups ” or any such Like

    People have been Far too Laid Back about the Wrecking of the Welfare State

    Constitutional Protection for the Welfare Benefits of the Poor and Vulnerable
    and Increases in Benefits as Well

  8. Following a lot of research you may be shocked to hear another unum company supplies computers for most govenrment departments worryingly also ministry of defence under the name cap gemini.

  9. In the headline there is a typo. This is the first thing people see!!

    It is the word “Wreck” (it should be spelled Wreak”, as in wreak havoc.

    I think the headline should do justice to this brilliant and intensive work by Mo and the dedicated work of Black Triangle; so don’t anybody take offence!! that’s an order!!


  10. Wow what an eyeopener no wonder I failed my ATOS medical but what a joke this is if you are an acholholic or drug user you get it without question but why should genuine people suffer for things that are not self-inflicted. My money has been cut down so low that I can’t afford to eat, is that what they want us to starve to death. Well this hasn’t help my depression it has made me worse. Everyone keep on protesting this has got to stop. Get rid of these idiots they certainly aren’t human

      • These people choose to drink or take drugs so why should people who are genuinely ill through no fault of their own have to fight so hard to get their benefits when these people get it without a fight. IT’S WRONG. People who choose to poisons their own bodies shouldn’t get their benefits that easy. They are getting paid more money to do this and are a drain on the NHS and on other resourses that genuine people can’t get.Stop their benefits why give them the money to carry on doing this they need help this I understand but they should be made to get the help and by cutting their benefits they should seek the help to make them part of society that could be a help to make them be eligable to find work and then the resourses could be used for people who genuinely need it and shouldn’t have to fight to get what they are due to

  11. Addicts do not choose too be addicts they are for the most part deeply damaged individuals who deserve our compassion. Our government will not fund the years of therapy these poor souls require. All the unhappiness in the world is due to the abuse of children, if only we loved our children enough the world would be a far happier place.

    • 100% AGREE with the above post, My whole life is a circle of councelling…listening…lending a hand in friendship….company for other HUMAN beings who are unfortunate in life to have no others. The human that may drink to much/The human that thought just one time try of whatever poison of choice would ease their pain/guilt/greif/sorrow?????????….Alas it is a world wide black hole of NOTHING…sure as god is my witness THESE HUMANS did not want the path of wreakless.. path of shame.. path of no self respect..path of NO identity to just who/where/they BELONG. Children are born (thats life) how there life is paved for how they will become as a adult human…………………..REALLY IS NOT IN THERE HANDS……………………One should not EVER judge a book by the STORE it was bought from ..

  12. Munchkin52
    Wow what an eyeopener no wonder I failed my ATOS medical but what a joke this is if you are an acholholic or drug user you get it without question but why should genuine people suffer for things that are not self-inflicted. My money has been cut down so low that I can’t afford to eat, is that what they want us to starve to death. Well this hasn’t help my depression it has made me worse. Everyone keep on protesting this has got to stop. Get rid of these idiots they certainly aren’t human

    More than a thousand sickness benefit claimants died last year after being told to get a job, we can reveal. We’ve highlighted worries about the controversial medical tests for people claiming Employment Support Allowance which are being used to slash the country’s welfare bill.
    WCA Outcome at most recent assessment and number of claimants with a recorded date of death
    Assessment not complete 1,600
    Work Related Activity Group 1,100
    Support Group 5,300 Total 8,000
    All figures have been rounded to the nearest 100. Data on the number of ESA claimants that have died following a fit for work decision is not available, as the Department does not hold information on a death if the person has already left benefit.
    Therefore, the work capability test is akin to a ‘cull”, of the weak and the most vulnerable members of our society. If there are many more deaths in the years to come it will be more like genocide of disabled and unhealthy people. Isn’t that what Hitler did to the Jews?
    It might be old news, but this holocaust is still happening !!! But the government are doing it legally…apparently!

  13. The WCA is psychological abuse designed to break down the already vulnerable disabled and unwell people of the UK.

    Aren’t ATOS are the governments mercenaries of psychological warfare?

  14. Mrs Ann Butlin
    These people choose to drink or take drugs so why should people who are genuinely ill through no fault of their own have to fight so hard to get their benefits when these people get it without a fight. IT’S WRONG. People who choose to poisons their own bodies shouldn’t get their benefits that easy. They are getting paid more money to do this and are a drain on the NHS and on other resourses that genuine people can’t get.Stop their benefits why give them the money to carry on doing this they need help this I understand but they should be made to get the help and by cutting their benefits they should seek the help to make them part of society that could be a help to make them be eligable to find work and then the resourses could be used for people who genuinely need it and shouldn’t have to fight to get what they are due to

  15. They say Fibromylagia isn’t degenerative and doesn’t cause any long term damage to bones and muscles.

    So what the hell is it actually it seems like a thing nobody can actually test for or diagnose.

    I don’t know I’m a logical sort and I can be convinced if you present some rational to me but this Fibromylagia seems like a lot of shit to me.

  16. I suffer from advanced Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is an insidious chronic disease. It’s a nasty form of arthritis that attacks the spine and targets other joints & organs in the body, it leaves me in pain majority of the time, i walk with a stoop and use a walking stick to help keep my balance, but when walking i’m in pain also when sitting or laying down i’m in some sort of pain. when in pain it’s hard to concentrate on doing anything. so if this government have the “cure” for AS let me know. Oh yes they do have a cure for AS it’s called ATOS. at the stroke of a pen your cured and fit for work…They should let the “POPE” know of this so it can be investegated by them????

  17. Atos do have a say in decisions on benefits, i had a fitness test “failed” loads of lies in report, a friend of mine her father had one yesterday, they bought a wheel chair, said he was incontinent , the doctor apologized to him for bringing him in, and that he would be in the support group, there is nought wrong with this man, runs up and down mountains etc, I told the truth and got refused, shows how unqualified these so called doctors and nursers are , and how the frauds get through easy, im so angry not just for me. but for others who are worse than me getting refused, as for atos not having any thing to do with the decision is a load of crap, the nurse i had told me she had nothing to do with the decision , i never asked her ,i was in too much pain after her extermination to even think of benefits. The government and atos are nothing but liars, how this man passed and also passed DLA beggars belief , and the Atos doctor told him he is in the support group , the guy left jumped out of his ebay wheelchair ,jumped in his car and put the wheel chair in basement for the next one, genuine sick people who are honest about their illness will be refused , I am shocked to say the least.

    • Clair I know what you mean concerning lies in the reports as I couldn’t even complete the medical but according to the report I did everything that was asked of me to complete the exam. What a load of bull. As for the guy who faked it all lets hope he gets caught then he can fake it behind bars, not that that will happen but we can hope. The problem is that genuine people are being turned down who really need the help and fakers like the guy you mentioned get all the help. The first time I applied for DLA I was in a wheelchair but they still turned me down and the same applied when I went up against ATOS but still had to appeal. Now it turns out that if you appeal it is taking over a year to get it heard again this causes more hardship for the people who need it and I mean people in GENUINE need not slackers & fakers

  18. Interesting reading, I have a work assessment pending. I am thinking of getting myself arrested then all the shit concerning work assessments, atos, unum can be brought out in open court. Is there a legal organization who could represent me.

    Thanking you in advance.

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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

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