'The injustice of people in poverty suffering for a financial crisis that they did not cause becomes visceral when contrasted to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan’s recent announcement of profits that defied all expectations. For some, this will result in a record bonus season, yet perversely it is people living in poverty who are portrayed as scroungers taking advantage of the system' ~ Dan SilverPhoto: 'Master of The Universe' Goldaman Sachs Chairman Lloyd Blankfein
‘The injustice of people in poverty suffering for a financial crisis that they did not cause becomes visceral when contrasted to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan’s recent announcement of profits that defied all expectations. For some, this will result in a record bonus season, yet perversely it is people living in poverty who are portrayed as scroungers taking advantage of the system’ ~ Dan Silver
Photo: ‘Master of The Universe’ Goldman Sachs Chairman Lloyd Blankfein

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4 thoughts on “

  1. Kate says:

    I hate to tell you this but anyone can see what’s going on there – it actually makes for fascinating viewing! Just go here: http://www.weforum.org/ Although I’m certain you’re absolutely right that we don’t get to find out about the decisions being made that affect every one of us!

  2. jeffery davies says:

    its unbeleavible that they do but whot about us the 99percent when will we rise and show them its not on jeff3

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