Research shows 'climate of fear' whipped up by media stories on benefit fraud delay or stop people in need from getting help
    If you have already attended the DWP/AtoS Work Capability Assessment and have been found ‘fit for work’ or […]
  Hansard: Commons Debate on Autism 5.18 pm Tuesday 20th November 2012  John McDonnell (Hayes and Harlington) (Lab): I thank the […]
Three quarters of sickness benefit claimants who are judged “fit for work” are still unemployed up to 18 months later. […]

For Iain Duncan Smith, poverty is caused by failure and dysfunction. The reality is different, and Labour must say so
  Llongyfarchiadau i’n cymrodorion yng Nghymru am sefydlu DPAC Cymru! Mae Black Triangle yn edrych ymlaen at uno mewn undod […]
    Letters Monday 12 November 2012 Tony Simpson objects to the cartoon which depicts victims of Tory welfare cuts being […]
    Member wins appeal against unfair dismissal 19 November 2012 A PCS member working for the Department for Work […]
  19 November 2012 The public’s right to question and challenge the Tory-led government’s unfair and damaging spending cuts has […]
Britain Welfare state ‘in critical condition’  Sunday 18 November 2012 by Malcolm Burns   Labour MP John McDonnell warned a […]
        At least 32 MPs have been found to be claiming rent for second homes on their […]
  Posted on November 15, 2012 by syzygysue in THINK LEFT  What Is The Rolling Jubilee? Published on Nov 7, 2012 by StrikeDebt We need a jubilee, […]

Sarah Teather was a rising star of the Lib Dems – but then she was sacked as minister for families in September. Now she wants coalition MPs to see the damage that the new welfare rules will cause to her inner-city seat – and to the country as a whole
The long-term sick will be forced to look for work or see their benefits cut, under government reforms.   By Tim […]
  By Mark Aitken  18 Nov 2012 00:01   PEOPLE with incurable conditions are being forced to undergo multiple checks in order […]
                      First Posted on October 27, 2012 by syzygysue in THINK LEFT Report by […]
Important Update 22nd May 2013  Legal correction and clarification There are two sets of ESA regulations. 1. Exceptional circumstances 25 […]
Jessica McCarnun (This is my personal story)     Prime Minister   Today Britain is a society that is supposed to […]
The Guardian, Thursday 15 November 2012 21.00 GMT Martin Kettle confuses at least two issues (Austerity is here to stay, and […]

Patients used to be given only pills. They respond far better when asked about their lives – that's the bit that costs, though
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e-petition - Stop Unfair Re-assessments For Disabled People

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Stop the unfair and cruel re-assessments via ATOS for disabled people currently on Incapacity Benefit. ESA is a flawed benefit, and puts terrible pressure and stress on vulnerable people, putting people who cannot work on lesser benefits and applying sanctions. Let disabled people decide for themselves if they can work, they and their carers know best.

Click HERE to Sign

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