The British Virgin Islands, the world's leading offshore haven used by an array of government officials and rich families to hide their wealth. Photograph: Duncan Mcnicol/Getty Images
The British Virgin Islands, the world’s leading offshore haven used by an array of government officials and rich families to hide their wealth. Photograph: Duncan Mcnicol/Getty Images



No alternative to cutting disabled and ill people’s benefits. Really? Posted on December 8, 2011

Super-rich scum stash $21 tn in offshore havens while debts and deadly cuts are shouldered by disabled, ordinary people Posted on July 22, 2012

£5,200,000,000 will be Robbed from you today as Army of Accountants fiddle tax returns for the wealthy Posted on February 1, 2013

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2 thoughts on “

  1. miss carole frost says:

    IDS has big shares in big companies ie pharmaceutical industries etc maybe he too has offshore interests in stashing monies in countries like BVI and other countries to avoid tax as well as cameron and co plus the rich elite ..he also has interests in other companies too ..he and this government should be investigated..whilst people like me who are disabled or the poor and sick and those people who are on minimum wages have to suffer from there so called austerity measures..this includes big company bosses who make big profits out of us including banks.

  2. Boadacia! says:

    If the public ever read and actually understood how they’re being laughed at by the few at the top, we might start to see some changes.

    But the media are making sure they don’t. Do we wonder who and why?

    This week’s sycophantism over Thatcher is a classic example of how disgusting human-nature can be.

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