‘The demands of the ultra-rich have been dressed up as sophisticated economic theory and applied regardless of the outcome.' Illustration: Daniel Pudles
‘The demands of the ultra-rich have been dressed up as sophisticated economic theory and applied regardless of the outcome.’ Illustration: Daniel Pudles

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8 thoughts on “

    1. Christopher says:

      The problem is Boadacia that the masses have become so apathetic I’m afraid they’ll only do something when it gets up close and personal.. By then it may be too late..

  1. jeffery davies says:

    but we dont owe anything to anyone its the banks that do but they our goverment tax us to put back whot they lost for the rich ops jeff3

  2. K Peake says:

    73 of us dying each week of Atos (DWP)


    No record of the 43% of us found fit for work who aren’t working or receiving benefits the following year which will mean nothing to the gangster squad but be of terrible concern to anyone with a beating heart


    494 of us dying each week of cold


    1 in 500 of us currently being kept alive by responsible taxpayers at foodbanks leaping impressively to 1 in 250 of us by April


    The blame for these deaths lies squarely with the terrorists who launched this vicious and cowardly attack.

    Sign this petition to show the gangster squad what happens when they defame, illegitimise and abandon disabled people:


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